MMR reset please

Mmr is a joke. There is no such a thing. Or maybe you have evidence?

If the actual role que season don’t get a reset, it’s really bad for the fun.

In beta season, many of my friends got 200pts higher ranks with characters they had never played before, and lower with those they had played like +500h. Etc. I also felt bad that with one account I didn’t need to work my way to higher ranks with a class that I had never played that much before. I still got about same rank with every class.
That’s lame and boring, and makes the teams unbalanced.
For example if there’s a support player who has climbed to diamond with mercy only, and when you play the 5 placements with a dps, you still get almost to diamond also as dps even tho you lose most of the placements.

Reset is needed!

Im inclined to agree with them the teams are always stacked one way.

You can have silver portrate ppl filling one team against a full team of bronze 1-2 star players. So tbe players on one team have much less time played.

Not only that but add on that tbe team with silver portrates will also be all gold against a team of silver and bronze with maybe one gold. That isnt fair matchmaking by along shot.

Totally agree. I’ve also found that by buying a second account I could clear lower ranks no problem, but my main has been languishing in high gold/plat for over a year.

I think making 1 season dedicated to your mmr is SERIOUSLY needed. Even if they removed all recordings from that season since a lot of the game at first will be bs unfair matchups that’s fine. Once it has a good and UPDATED idea on your MMR, next season will be much better and all seasons after that

Hey you just were lucky for the whole month…