Moira rework/nerf needed

Why has she not been reworked or nerfed? DPS players abuse her constantly in comp instead of waiting 10 minutes for a game. I’ve literally been told:

  • ‘idc bout your hp’
  • ‘not my job to heal’
  • ‘I’ll flank and you guys push in after’
  • ‘I’ll focus more on healing maybe’
  • ‘doesn’t matter if zen has gold healing I’ve got 6k, that’s a alot!’ - zen has 15k

My suggestion is to nerf her damage in half, increase cooldown on fade and nerf the dps orb so it can do a max 80 damage and cannot bounce.


She literally got nerfed into the ground a week ago. We get it, you’re salty because you died to a support. Go play Moira for a few matches if you think she’s too powerful, she’s actually trash in her current state.


Did you copy and paste that saying from 4 years ago? it’s always some xyz main with a ‘aww bwess dwid woo gwet kwilled?’. No, if you read my post I said they’re not healing enough. I never mentioned the enemy Moira.
I wouldn’t play Moira if you paid me.
If she’s been nerfed into the ground why did yesterday I have a guy on my team brag about DPSing more than the actual DPS and saying 6k silver healing is fine compared to Zenyatta’s 15k?


The last nerf that went through was a nerf to her healing, so it’s your own fault that you aren’t getting heals. Do you not understand that demanding endless nerfs to everything is the reason you’re having bad games?


DPSra’s are a meme. Lucio and Bap are better psudo DPS anyway (heck Bap is just a better soldier)

Why even care?

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I agree there’s an issue with Baptiste but that might have been partially resolved in the new patch today. But I just haven’t seen him abused nearly as often as Moira.

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No. Healing and damage should be swapped for Moira ASAP.
Unlimited healing, limited leech, powered form healing.
Moira is a 100% pick, and if you have a Roadhog, you will not win the game no matter if you do 50 kills and 20k dps.
Facts are facts and you should face them.
Moira’s entire class mechanics are counterproductive to the way the game is played.
Or move her to the dps roaster and be done with it.
Competitive is turning into a memefest.


Healing and damage should be swapped for Moira ASAP.

Well her healing is 65 (down from 80) and her damage is 50… are you unironically suggesting that her healing should be lowered more?

Unlimited healing, limited leech

That makes no sense. You can’t have a hero that loses the ability to attack.

Facts are facts and you should face them.

You should play Moira for 5 seconds before making a fool of yourself any further.

Moira’s entire class mechanics are counterproductive to the way the game is played.

How? She is a healer that can deal weak, consistent damage to help confirm kills. What specifically is wrong with that?


May I ask you what your rating is? Because I cannot recognise what you are whining about tbh, you must be ranked fairly low… Moiras DPS is not great… Pick any DPS and they can fullfill the role better. Also moira has been nerfed to the ground recently. Last time they even nerfed her healing. I used to play a lot of moira but actually stoped playing her after the last nerf which was to her healing. I would always prioritise healing over DPS simply because moira is a trash pure DPS.

Oh and baptise is a far better DPS than moira. Not that it is an issue but I am just putting it out there.

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Are you intentionally not only blind but dumb too?

Her healing (as has been pointed out previously) is 65, her DPS 50, it does not go higher unless she uses an orb (also 50 damage, spread out amongst players if more than one) or her ult (70 dps)

She does not have unlimited healing, she has to damage to get her healing back. If she just healed, she’d run out.

Moira is nowhere near 100% pickrate, and she cannot 1v1 a Roadhog unless the Hog lets her.

Facts are indeed facts, and you have none of them.

The only memefest here is why you’re posting.


Never said she shouldn’t have damage, I said it should be nerfed because it’s being badly abused by DPS players who openly say they only took her, not because they intend to support, but because they WANT to damage and refuse to wait.
I also never mentioned Roadhog, that’s another player.

I specifically addressed the issue with quotes from games where Moira players are causing issues with loss of healing because they aren’t doing it at all. The issue isn’t with her mechanics.

If they nerfed the damage but the regen remained the same it’d be no problem because she isn’t outputting enough damage to flank a team or hold right click and damage orb all game while her team are dying around her. They nerfed Baptiste for this reason.

Dude I don’t mean to be an elitist or anything but these complaints usually happen in bronze or silver. Moiras usually don’t get most kills or damage, they’re usually busy healing because they’re just gonna get killed if they don’t. I one tricked moira and bap and got to diamond only with heals and maybe throwing a damage orb when the team doesn’t need any heals. She doesn’t need a nerf.

I replied to the other player?

if dps players are picking moira and not healing, report, it’s abuse.

They nerfed baptiste since IF was having a bit too much impact (and bap is my favourite after zen/ana) and sadly too many dps baps (granted, he was meant to be a dps-styled support) existed.

i still think they could re-do his ult to something better (far too situational currently, set and forget in some cases), but i definitely think the duration and cooldown change together was a bit much.

on topic, report moira for dps’ing. She has the lowest damage, no point in lowering it (although they could easily remove damage ball and give her two heal balls), and lower her ult damage to 50 (so she’s hard capped to this) and increase ult healing to 150

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I’ve disliked Moira’s design from the first moment I saw it.
She has the kind of kit that is either way too strong or weak/mediocre with no potential for greatness.

I’d vote for a rework but those tend to hurt the ones that enjoy the current design of the hero.

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I agree completely, but other heroes have been reworked (Symmetra, Torbjorn, Mercy) and they’re still used regardless.
I’ve been playing Moira a bit these past few days, not happy with her play style at all. I think a rework would be good, the whole give and take promotes the DPS aspect. A good Moira will manage the healing and keep the team at optimal levels as often as possible, but the hero is abused the majority of the time.

Like someone above said, if they removed the damage orb and gave her two healing orbs it might help with the hero balance, or had a drain chart for the DPS as well as her healing to try and create a balance between the two. Right click is infinite (DPS) whereas healing is capped and in high damage situations it can drain quickly.

Also, I am not bronze or silver. There always has to be some elitist in the comments that says they’re not rank shaming and automatically assume people that make a complaint are below a certain rank.

moira often get accused of not healing but frankly when i play her i tend to heal to much and run dry on murderous mad science wizzbang juice to power the healing dohicky…

better to have a murdery moira then one that is flat out of murdery mad science wisbang juice when it’s desperatly needed i say…

So just cause you met some stupide DPS players who played Moira dps, all the support main have to pay the price by getting another support nerfed to the ground ?

I genuinely hope you will realize how stupid this logic is.

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Moira is fine imo

i tried moira, no skill required. slurping enemies to death is the easiest way to win.
if i am about to die i just run away. so yes moira needs to be nerfed and people are asking for that for a really long time. so maybe Blizzard should listen. but since they only care about money. i don’t see that happen. i loved overwatch but i am not gonna buy overwatch 2 because overwatch one is so freaking out of balance i do not have hopes for ow2. Blizzard destroyed Overwatch so no need for Overwatch 2. why would i buy another game they in time will destroy

i tried moira, no skill required.

Not in Bronze, no.

slurping enemies to death is the easiest way to win.

Actually I think one-shotting them from across the map is a lot easier than having a 5 second duel against a hero with a higher damage output.

if i am about to die i just run away.

Literally everyone can do this.

Blizzard destroyed Overwatch

By listening to people like you…

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