My final thoughts on Overwatch

What names have I called people.

Plenty off diffrent ones. You can just see for yourself by revisiting any topic that you commented to me on as you always resort to namecalling when evidence is used against you

Lol. Thank you for confirming that I infact haven’t.

Please. Just tone the anger down a little.

Yes you have as i have already answered that exact question several times already when you pretend you havent dont anything. So once again you prove that everything i said about you is a fact and not an insult you on the other hand once again show that you make insults by accusing me of being angry even though you know full well i dont get angry by these thing as to explaine to you before

OK. That is nice to know. Have a lovely day!

Yeah that exactly what is is so now when you know that maybe you can stop acting immature by starting argument with your ridiculous responds on yet another topic in attempts of derailing it

Oh. I was just wishing you a lovely day and you just come back angry :frowning:

Again im not angry so again you show you are making the insults. And still you make pointless comment that have nothing to do with the topic

Have a lovely day mate. I hope it is filled with things that make you feel joy.

and another pointless comment…

I know, you keep doing it. But make sure you have a great day out there, wherever you may be!

Its you who keeps doing at as you just keeps making comments to be toxic and derail the topic

Actually the OP derailed the topic a long time ago.

But you have yourself a lovely day.

and another pointless comment.No OP didnt derail it you did

(post deleted by author)


Did you mean BattleCattle. Which was this accounts name before I changed it. You make it sound like some secretive move lol. I just got bored of it and changed it. Just click view profile and it’ll still show BattleCattle because profiles are bugged for some reason. (You are aware you can change the name of your account daily if you wanted to)

As for Nightwing. That is someone else entirely, but it is funny how this forum proves an old psychology study to be true. If you say a lie enough, people will eventually believe it to be true and will find ways to post rationalise their “truth”.

At some point you’ll laugh at the irony of what you say. If you have any sense of self reflection lol.

In dont really care mutch for what i was but something like that…sure changed name suuuure…And Nightwing was also you

Yep. You get one free. Ask Wolfex, he did it too.

As for Nightwing. Different person, so can’t talk for them.

But, you will make up what you want to justify your behaviour. So I will leave you with this…

Have a beautiful day my friend. Hope you achieve all your goals today.

No Nightwing is the same person as you. Dont need to ask Wolfex. Unlike you i have nothing to justify as i know how to behave like a normal peron wich you keep proving over and over that you cant so you if anyone shouldnt talk about justifying behavior its you the way you act.

That would imply I have something to justify lol.

Not me making things about being someone else.

But good for you. Proud of you.