My final thoughts on Overwatch

You have alot of justify for as you cant behave like a normal person on the forums. Its you who try to make it about someone else as you keep making pointless comments and insults just to annoy people

Yeah, all those insults. Let me just get a list.

Yeah you have made alot if insults and you can just go back to earlier topics if you want a list as you are fully aware of it being repeated several times to you what you said is insulting

I did, my list was above. All the insults I have dropped.

No you didnt. As you havent listen any but is writing insults to people everyday then no your insults are not above so once again you prove that what i said about you is not an insult but just stating a fact

Wait… there was nothing on my list?

Well, that is a surprise.

Never said anything about what you’ve said, people can read that for themselves if they are bored (clue for everyone, he accuses people of having mental health conditions, repeatedly).

No its no suprise as you like always lie about the things you dont when proven wrong as you are the only one who made insults here. Again i haven accused you of having a mental hwaltj condition its a fact that you are mentally challenged

I didnt like about you calling me things. As you’ve done again. Lol.

Adorable that you care so much about my wellbeing you’ve been telling me about this for 3 weeks now.

Again i havent called you anything i stated a fact learn the diffrence. And i definetly dont care about your wellbeing

Lol. I love that you think, even if it was a fact, that that makes it acceptable to say.

You really are a sweet heart.

I dont think i know and its far more acceptable that the insults you make

What insults would they be?

Several like i already told you and you know full well what insults you said and can revisit any other topic and read what i already answered several times. So once again you prove it wasnt an insult but just stating a fact

The response I was expecting. Can remember a single one.

Good try chap, good try.

If wanted to insult you, it would be very easy. You’ve given me all I need. I’d just have to think of something that is.

  • Character based
  • Universally usable
  • Nuisanced
  • Truthful

But, I just don’t care enough to bother.

So again you prove that you are mentally challenged. Yes you have given me insults that i pointed out several time so aswell as being mentally challenged apperantly you also have the memory of a goldfish. And no unlike you i have not given any reason to get insulted as you are the one acting in a disrespectfull way toward me

A little rant isn’t really confirming what insults I’ve used. But ok. I enjoy our little interactions. Your complete lack of awareness amuses me.

Have a great day out there!

Its not a rant so once again you prove it was an accurate statement and not an insult and i already have proved you what insult you used you are just to mentally challenged to read what people tell you but that nothing new

So caring. Thank you. Have a good day.

again i dont care for the likes of you who cant behave

Lol. Enjoy playing games!