New Player here!

You see what I mean about the grumpy players.

Doesn’t matter what you say, they’ll twist it and turn it to fit their narrative.

I always wonder why they play, or even talk about it if they aren’t having fun anymore.


Ofcourse there been times like 4 looses in a row , but i just turn off game for a few hours , then i’m back and there’s like 6 wins in a row :smiley: like i know you can’t always win, there is always better players in the game.


i try atleast not to bring that negativity in-game or on this forum, just flats comment section when he reads new anti-tank patch notes, like the new experimental where junkrat gets 150 damage per direct hit on nades, being able to kill zarya with 2 shots and 1 mine.

the only upside to it is that it also screws over tracer and doomfist a bit.

I don’t think those junk change will impact anyone below diamond really.

Low ranked Junks just spam areas from distance… which will do nothing.

Time will tell if the static bronze Junkrat will actually learn to play the game and use his new strength lol.

no that’s where you are completely wrong, low rank junkrats suicide into tanks, and thanks to this, for all low rank tanks it’s gonna suck to tank more, because it’s not easy to tank against junkrat if your dps doesn’t help you deal with him.
and since nades are hard to aim with the easiest targets to shoot is tanks.
150 dmg per shot and it’s not exactly slow rate of fire either.

this might affect tracer and doomfist in mid to high ranks but not really low ranks, it’s just tanks that will feel the rage of the rat that have no will to live.

don’t believe me? try playing winston into junkrat, it’s scary right now,
with this experimental it’s gonna be even scarier.
can’t even imagine how scary this is for zarya and sigma players.

i mean really you should go into practice mode with junkrat and count 2 nades and throw a mine, that’s a dead tank.

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For a new player, killing an enemy is not necessary a goal. Often dealing consistent damage to suppress enemy, and letting your teammates finish the target with their bit of damage is far more valuable and effective. In fact, especially new players have a tendency to overextend and get killed, which is far worse than a player who maybe didn’t kill many people but was alive far longer and dealt far more sustained damage.

When it comes to aim, Soldier is more forgiving because his attack is fully automatic with range burst from rockets, and McGee requires skill shooting which is more aim heavy to be effective. On top of that Soldier doesn’t require getting close to the target like Mccree does.

So if anything, it’s the McCree who requires what new players don’t have, and can cause more situation where people overextend and die.

First of all, Orisa is a range tank, so when played correctly she has enough room and speed for positioning.
Secondly, arguing that Orisa is bad, by comparing her to different spec like Soldier is idiotic. You may as well argue that playing Ana as healer is bad, because her dps is worse than Hanzos lol… Just stop.

Yes, she’s hard to play, that’s why she is in my top 3 heroes to NOT PICK as a new player.

Actually you do need to explain because Blizzards difficulty for Baptiste is BS. They put him on the same (hardest) level as Ana which is stupendously far more aim/knowledge intense, where Baptiste needs average aim and basic knowledge to be effective. He’s healing abilities are so easy to use that they beat Moira’s throw ball EZ mode when it comes to healing.
On another hand, Blizzard rates Brigitte as 1 star ez mode, where the reality is that she requires a lot of practice to be more useful than siting back and throwing an HP from time to time.

I play Healers (Ana) on a daily basis and switching to Baptiste feels like getting a bicycle with side wheels while having autopilot on. It’s just stupid that Blizzard rated Baptiste 3 stars while Ana is also 3 stars. The difference in difficulty between those heroes is massive.

Mei is aim heavy, and requires being good enough to get close and not die, ergo not new player friendly at all. Torb also requires decent aim, and requires good knowledge of the map to make turrets useful, so also not new player friendly.

Judging whether hero is good for new people based on whether his Ultimate is foolproof or not is just stupid.

Yes, he’s simple, but also hard to play properly. Any noob can stand and hold a shield, but you need decent skill and knowledge to stand close to the enemy and not get overwhelmed. Most people sadly don’t know what to do when enemy charges, so they just stand with that shell up and die cluelessly.

Yes you don’t really need to aim, but then he’s shield is weak, and he’s big, so he’s an EZ target even for people who don’t have good aim. To play Winston well you need big brain, and good understanding of the map, because once you land, and don’t have any plan other than holding trigger ur dead.

Horrible idea. She is one of the hardest tanks to play due to relatively weak defensive capabilities, and heavy emphasis on playing strategically because she is not a true tank, but more of a brawler-support type.
Learning to utilize properly her health shield with her bubble takes time, and then you need to learn how to combine it with map obstacles to not get damaged when your abilities are down. Learning starts and timings alone takes time, and then you have the whole issue of different aim skills for her main and alt attacks.
Overall, Zarya is way too hard for new players.

Do you even play Mercy? Juggling targets while thinking about positioning and who to rez, follow, etc. is not for new players at all. On top of that you need to be good enough at basic gunplay and aim to fend off any DPS which wants to target you since Mercy is prime target for any DPS. Other healers have way easier time to survive and heal at the same time.

Any healer can stand and dps, so if this is your condition to call a hero “easy” then all heroes are easy.

To play Lucio for what he is, a player would need to learn to ride the walls, and that skill alone requires a lot of training and understanding of the mechanics. To then combine it with his other skills is another level of complexity.

Dva has minor defensive potential and due to her size can be easily focused and dpsed down. Any semi coherent group of attacked will remove her from the moment she shows up. There is a reason why she is considerate, an offensive tank, but I guess they didn’t teach you that in the Bronze Academy.

you’re basing your picks on your skill level which isn’t beginner entry level of play, that’s why your picks doesn’t make sense.

yes in average play baptiste is gonna be easier to play than ana because ana will get dived by tracer and winston and doomfist but that’s not happening in beginner games, tracers are blinking into walls and just running around not really focusing supports and doomfists aren’t using any roof sliding tech and really don’t focus ana either, they are just standing around rocket punching round corners into the frontline and suicide from there at best.

idk what you’re thinking because it doesn’t matter where torb puts his turret at a beginner level game, enemies aren’t shooting his turrets so the turret just gets free damage and is usually the strongest player in the game because it actually hits enemies, torb being tanky and can run up on tanks and just spam them is just another reason he’s good because you don’t need to know how to play correctly.

mei for me is debatable but she’s tanky, have a really easy way to set up kills for herself and can deal with tanks really easily by just constantly freezing them and has an invulnerability/self heal button, wall is inconsequential because not even at average play does mei players put down good walls.

like the reason why i say these heroes are easy is because they work better in beginner games and you get far more value out of them than most other heroes.

and booooooooooy are you so wrong about mercy it’s like you don’t play mercy.
gunplay with mercy? with mercy you don’t ever have to use her gun to be effective, mercys strength is that she has strong constant heals and have extreme mobility that makes it extremely tough to kill her and she doesn’t have to stand in LoS of the enemy to heal either, and rezzing at beginner level? almost nobody is gonna punish a mercy for rezzing anybody.

the only time mercy actually gets tough to play is when you can get sniped when you fly from one end to the other, but in a beginner game where nobody is gonna be able to hit you when you just run around on the ground? or even hit enemies consistently? mercys heal is gonna be more than enough to sustain anyone you put the beam on and nobody is gonna be able to hit you if you just fly around.
and lol, juggling targets with mercys beam? what? barely masters use damage boosting inbetween swings and abilities on a reinhardt, what makes you think that’s even a thing for beginner play or even average play?

i mean i’d say i play on an average level and i’m no aim god, but i’m decent and i can fight off people with mercys gun but that’s because how i play, i’m a battlemercy, if i don’t kill the widow when i got valk it’s not fun to play mercy for me, but you can definitly just use valk to heal/damage boost your entire team instead and probably get more value out of that then what i do.

wallriding with lucio isn’t that hard, it’s like saying hanzos wall climb is hard.
lucios wallride becomes better if you can chain several walls together and it’s a bit of practice, and then the hard part of lucio actually becomes when you can wall-ride and shoot at the same time and jump in to assassinate supports, but nobody is doing that even at an average level of play, so just jumping from wall to wall with lucio is all you need to know at best.

but yeah you don’t even have to know how to play the game if you play lucio because most lucio players don’t even know how to play lucio, that’s why lucio is easy because nobody expects anything out of a lucio, and if a lucio boops an enemy off the map, best lucio ever bro.

There is no such thing as an “offensive tank”

It is off tank. As in, not main tank. Lol

Just as you have main support and off support, more commonly called flex support these days.

Really made yourself look a little silly there.

Ball is pretty strong on all maps, attack or defence.

I like how you try to rank shame, yet your profile is hidden and you’re not exactly known for your top tier information.

What characters are clicking with you so far?

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This guy RodimusPrime I just learned recently is apparently the #1 shill btw. Someone warned in another thread about him and seems 100% right.

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Or could it be just some chumps crying because I don’t agree with them and they don’t have much else to come back with.

Shame they can’t just enjoy playing the game like others do really.

We do enjoy playing the game, but it’s a fact you’re a shill.

allthough technically i think they have to get paid in order to be a shill.
and i can’t imagine blizzard paying anyone to shill for them on a dead forum.

i have some theories as to why they behave in the way they do, but it’s merely speculations and i’m not gonna say it publicly because i don’t want to feed those with ill intentions with more ammunition.

Lol I guarantee your theory is wrong.

I simply give my view when I disagree.

These chumps just seem confused that I don’t openly criticise the game anscthink I’m swimming in Blizz$$$. Well, I have my gripes with it but they are just that, my gripes. And mostly irrelevant to others.

But if I’m being paid… why don’t they not be knobs about the game and get the easy dollar too lol

If you publicly post a hot take. You have to accept that it will be taken apart.

Hey hey fellas, c’mon :smiley: i know when it’s fun to play and not. I don’t care who’s a shill (first time i heard of this word) , or who’s toxic. i came to play . how to close this thread?


Play on dude, play on!!

i can’t be completely wrong because there is definitly a thing, otherwise you wouldn’t get so many people disliking you.

you don’t get haters just for critiquing them or disagreeing with them.

i don’t think you can close threads, you just have to let it die out on it’s own unfortunately.
but i can make a promise to you that i won’t post more here on this tread if you want it to die out :slight_smile:
have a good day.

As I’ve said, they can hate all they like. And they clearly have a lot of hate to peddle given what they have to say.

This isn’t a popularity contest. So it doesn’t concern me what they think of me.

And the OW forum… the moment you express a slightly different veiw people just get mad and attempt to insult you (i know you’re not stupid, so you’ll have seen their attitudes). This is why certain members of that gaggle are hanging on by a thread, close to getting their accounts perma banned because they take that attitude onto games.

Pajuris I hope you are enjoying the game so far :slight_smile:

Just a friendly reminder to report all “ez” spammers after a game, even if they are on your team.