New Player here!

Thank you !! I’m enjoying the game so far , very much !


Keep it up!! Good to see people having fun.

(Note previous comments about negative people you should just ignore, like below…)

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Here’s a tip, leave whilst you still can. The community is toxic, it’ll only draw you in.

Just because you are toxic. Doesn’t mean other are.

This is why the OP is enjoying playing, and you’ve been slapped with a 30 day suspension.

Maybe just enjoy playing rather than behaving weirdly in game.


Yo my man, i came here to play and not to pay attention to toxic players , they are everywhere so what gives.


Learning basics i.e. how to play both mechanically and strategically is more important than fussing about which hero is better for you. Over time, you will learn to play at least 2 tanks, DPS, and healers on decent level anyway. Honing your knowledge and teamwork is to a degree more important than personal skill because you are playing a 6v6 game not 1v1 game, so the outcome of the game thus your rank is what your team can achieve.

My personal top 3 best heroes to start:

  • DPS: Soldier
    Easy to handle, most forgiving due to versatile run ability and his own healing ability. Ultimate is aimbot, nuff said.

  • Tank: Orisa
    Counters all enemy tanks easily, works well on any side of the conflict, has good independent shield, her own armor mode which nullifies a lot of direct damage, can CC enemy with her “ball” or even stop someone from running away, and can power up the team. Seriously, you can write an essay about her usefulness.

  • Healer: Baptiste
    He’s kinda healer Soldier, but power jumps instead of sprinting. Easy to handle due to his simple shoot/heal mechanics, AoE heal, and zone in which you can’t die unless drone is destroyed.

My personal top 3 worst heroes to start:

  • DPS: Widowmaker
    Requires above average aim skills, and good knowledge of maps to be useful. As Widow you not only don’t learn any teamwork, but you are also not learning much about anything else other than siting behind and looking through scope.

  • Tank: D’va
    Descent on Attack, useless on Defense. Requires above average skill to stay alive and be useful. The amount of time noobs pick her on defense and throw the game is truly cirminal.

  • Healer: Bigitte
    I adore her play style, and she has great CC potential, but they nerfed her so much that her healing is pretty meh. Still good for some QP game, and to a degree can work in low tier ranked games.


i wholly disagree on these heroes to start off with.

soldier have no easy way of killing anything as a dps compared to a character like mccree who can just flashbang fan the hammer, soldier have to aim pretty well and have good positioning before he starts paying off, 2 things you don’t have right off the bat in terms of experience.

Orisa is just way too slow and too hard to control, in a sense too clunky, requires more positioning than soldier due to slowness, harder to aim with than soldier because projectile machinegun fire and halt is borderline useless as an ability and if you don’t know the flow of the combat then you won’t know how to use orisas fortify or shield and you will be constantly caught out and killed especially as orisa is not good in the middle of a brawl.
honestly orisa is harder for a beginner than sigma and sigma isn’t easy.

as for she’s harder than both winston and wreckingball in that she has to keep a track of enemies and use defense matrix well or be really good at getting up close to enemies and aim really well at enemies or they simply will kill you and i’d say position wise she’s the hardest position character in the game because you need to be everywhere at once.

baptiste one of the hardest support in the game, i don’t think i need to explain that one.
no beginner is gonna jump on baptiste and do well, not even if they came straight out of CS:GO Global Elite rank.

the dps i’d say is gonna be a bit forgiving especially against other characters atleast in the beginning is mei and torb. big ults which is pretty easy to use, even if torb misses his shots his turret is still doing something, and meis freeze is incredibly powerful and has a very good kit, allthough meis right clicks can be a bit hard to hit with, being able to freeze enemies which makes them stand absolutly still makes that so much easier, but not only that, both have “oh snap” buttons that are really good.
arguably junkrat is on this list too but he’s not a day 1 character, day 2 however that’s ok i’d say.

as for tanks
Reinhardt has a very simple gameplan, it’s probably the simplest out of all the tanks, walk forward until you are able to hit the enemy in the face, but that’s easier said than done which is why i’d probably recommend roadhog or winston.

roadhog has loads of damage and health and thats gonna be really nice early on and you get a feel for how tanks operate when they take space and how to navigate the battlefield with a bigger health pool, and it feels good landing hooks and killing stuff which is not that hard, roadhog has the easiest time killing all enemies out of all the tanks, he just doesn’t have much tank stuff in his kit though which is fine because most beginners don’t know what to do with that stuff anyways to make it more useful than roadhog just lumbering around killing stuff.

why i’d say winston would be nice for a beginner is because you don’t have to really aim that well and you have mobility when you want to run away, but the problem is that you don’t have that much damage but if you just stay alive you’ll be more than enough of a distraction to the enemy and do enough damage to not be easily ignored and it’s pretty easy to use winstons leap.

however if you want the basic training for tank then pick zarya, you can watch every other tank player where they are messing up and bail them out with bubbles and learn from their mistakes and you get a nice indicator if you are doing well by measuring how much energy you’ve managed to get, she’s a little bit more difficult than winston and roadhog i think but you have much more helpful direction with the energy gauge and teaches a lot about basic tanking strategy through that.

as for support
mercy is for afk supports, it’s not that hard putting a beam on a player who’s hurt, but mercy has more to her kit which makes her a lot better but it becomes more complicated.

the supports i’d say that’s good for beginners is lucio
as long as you’re with your team as lucio with healing on, you’re doing good, not only that but you actually get to use a gun without needing to think about healing because that’s happening by itself.
and you get to play with mobility that’s not too disorientating or too hard to use and if somebody gets to close you have an aoe boop that’s hard to miss with.
but really no support is that extraordinarily hard to play comparitively to the other 2 roles.

but lucio is allthough one of the easiest i think to start with, he’s also one of the hardest because of the potential lucio has compared to other supports.
but other than lucio to begin with, both brig and mercy are pretty easy then moira ana and zen i’d say are pretty normal difficult and baptiste is just a bit difficult all around, not extremely difficult but each component baptiste has is a bit clunky, good but clunky.

and that’s wraps up my “thoughts” on easy characters off the bat for players who’ve never played the game or maybe no fps games at all.

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Hysterical coming from you, really.

I laughed the D.Va being bad on defence part.

I assume you prefer passive bunkers on defence?

addendum to my little spiel about Easy characters to play for beginners.
this should go without saying about any character game, you play what character you find fun or interesting, not what will be necessarily easy or hard or even all that useful to play.

if you want to play widowmaker and miss 99% of all shots you make, you should still play widowmaker because that’s what’s fun to you, and sure obviously nobody likes being bad at their character so i’m sure eventually if anybody sticks with a character long enough that you will eventually be considered decent by others on it someday as long as you stick to it.

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For a new player, killing an enemy is not necessary a goal. Often dealing consistent damage to suppress enemy, and letting your teammates finish the target with their bit of damage is far more valuable and effective. In fact, especially new players have a tendency to overextend and get killed, which is far worse than a player who maybe didn’t kill many people but was alive far longer and dealt far more sustained damage.

When it comes to aim, Soldier is more forgiving because his attack is fully automatic with range burst from rockets, and McGee requires skill shooting which is more aim heavy to be effective. On top of that Soldier doesn’t require getting close to the target like Mccree does.

So if anything, it’s the McCree who requires what new players don’t have, and can cause more situation where people overextend and die.

First of all, Orisa is a range tank, so when played correctly she has enough room and speed for positioning.
Secondly, arguing that Orisa is bad, by comparing her to different spec like Soldier is idiotic. You may as well argue that playing Ana as healer is bad, because her dps is worse than Hanzos lol… Just stop.

Yes, she’s hard to play, that’s why she is in my top 3 heroes to NOT PICK as a new player.

Actually you do need to explain because Blizzards difficulty for Baptiste is BS. They put him on the same (hardest) level as Ana which is stupendously far more aim/knowledge intense, where Baptiste needs average aim and basic knowledge to be effective. He’s healing abilities are so easy to use that they beat Moira’s throw ball EZ mode when it comes to healing.
On another hand, Blizzard rates Brigitte as 1 star ez mode, where the reality is that she requires a lot of practice to be more useful than siting back and throwing an HP from time to time.

I play Healers (Ana) on a daily basis and switching to Baptiste feels like getting a bicycle with side wheels while having autopilot on. It’s just stupid that Blizzard rated Baptiste 3 stars while Ana is also 3 stars. The difference in difficulty between those heroes is massive.

Mei is aim heavy, and requires being good enough to get close and not die, ergo not new player friendly at all. Torb also requires decent aim, and requires good knowledge of the map to make turrets useful, so also not new player friendly.

Judging whether hero is good for new people based on whether his Ultimate is foolproof or not is just stupid.

Yes, he’s simple, but also hard to play properly. Any noob can stand and hold a shield, but you need decent skill and knowledge to stand close to the enemy and not get overwhelmed. Most people sadly don’t know what to do when enemy charges, so they just stand with that shell up and die cluelessly.

Yes you don’t really need to aim, but then he’s shield is weak, and he’s big, so he’s an EZ target even for people who don’t have good aim. To play Winston well you need big brain, and good understanding of the map, because once you land, and don’t have any plan other than holding trigger ur dead.

Horrible idea. She is one of the hardest tanks to play due to relatively weak defensive capabilities, and heavy emphasis on playing strategically because she is not a true tank, but more of a brawler-support type.
Learning to utilize properly her health shield with her bubble takes time, and then you need to learn how to combine it with map obstacles to not get damaged when your abilities are down. Learning starts and timings alone takes time, and then you have the whole issue of different aim skills for her main and alt attacks.
Overall, Zarya is way too hard for new players.

Do you even play Mercy? Juggling targets while thinking about positioning and who to rez, follow, etc. is not for new players at all. On top of that you need to be good enough at basic gunplay and aim to fend off any DPS which wants to target you since Mercy is prime target for any DPS. Other healers have way easier time to survive and heal at the same time.

Any healer can stand and dps, so if this is your condition to call a hero “easy” then all heroes are easy.

To play Lucio for what he is, a player would need to learn to ride the walls, and that skill alone requires a lot of training and understanding of the mechanics. To then combine it with his other skills is another level of complexity.

Dva has minor defensive potential and due to her size can be easily focused and dpsed down. Any semi coherent group of attacked will remove her from the moment she shows up. There is a reason why she is considerate, an offensive tank, but I guess they didn’t teach you that in the Bronze Academy.

Explain why Ball D.Va Brig Zen is a strong comp then…

A semi coherent team will wipe out a D.Va playing badly. But that works for any hero.

Right now, is one of the stronger tanks. Comp dependant probably only behind Orissa and Sigma right now.

Dva is an excellent choice in low ranks with a Rein (for some reasontheree is always a Rein) as she offers strong dmg mitigation, good peel and good map control.

The best off tanks right now will be playing Sigma or (and maybe Zarya on the odd occasion Winston is in by the MT).

my conditions for each class is as follows.

Tank = must be able to either tank or kill very easily, winston tanks the most easily because he’s the only tank that can easily run away when he’s getting into bad spots which will happen a lot in the beginning as any tank, roadhog just kills best out of any tank.
reinhardt is the tankiest because of his barrier just flat out and reinhardt deals a lot of damage and getting close is not that much of a problem in a beginner game.

zarya is just middle of the pack for tanks because she doesn’t really tank herself but bubbles teaches actual tank mechanics while not being too hard to play fundamentally, she walks forward and shoots otherwise, zarya was my first tank and it was really easy to understand without guides or anything, very easy to learn because she has teaching mechanics into her kit, does your energy gauge go up? yes/no?

Dps = must be able to kill with relative ease or it’s a wasted slot, for example sombra is the worst character you could pick as a beginner because she has garbage damage and nobody is gonna follow up on your hacks, that’s why you see a lot of junkrats, reapers, torbs and bastions in lower ranks.

Support = must be able to heal and survive easily, lucio does both the easiest out of all of them because it requires literally nothing for him to do but move around the map, the fact that he can shoot a little bit and have some fun trying to hit stuff is just a bonus, as for wallrides, a total beginner doesn’t need to know how to wallride perfectly, just know that it exists, but doesn’t have to use it at all, lucio is fast and nimble even without jumping on walls comparitively to other characters.
ana, zen, baps do not survive easily, difference with bap is that baps requires more skill to survive.

you could argue that zen and ana survives really well because they can stand in the back and fire for free, but that’s not what happens in beginner games, it’s a big giant endless brawl/skirmish and that’s what i am basing my opinions on.

i mean sure orisa is really versatile in a way but she can’t fight in a brawl/skirmish, she’s a poke tank, if she gets flanked by 1 enemy she wasn’t ready for she’ll just crumble, and in beginner games that’s happening constantly.

soldier can put on pressure but he dies to every other dps much easier than they die to him and especially in a brawl or skirmish getting hit by random spam will kill you much faster, like realizing too late a reinhardt is swinging on you as soldier? you’re just dead, compared to torb? press a button and try and fight back.

baps have good tools but when you panic and play in a brawly situation all that stuff flies out the window, should i shoot or should i heal?, should i stand my ground with this lamp and try to kill who’s trying to kill me or should i try and jump away? where do i jump away to? like there’s too many things that baps have to be aware of or know compared to atleast zen and ana, for zen it’s just kill or be killed and stand somewhere in the back, but he doesn’t really heal which is what other beginner players need out of you as a baseline as a support, ana does heal but she also have the issue of “do i heal or do i shoot” and sure she has also less options than baps in how to defend herself but 1 is skill shot and the other is a long cooldown that might not allways be there.

as for brig, just whack a thing in a brawl and you automatically starts healing, doesn’t even matter if they remember she has repair packs, mercy just healing beam all of the time and hide, moira however i’m not sure where to put her, i’d say a little bit harder than brig, but otherwise kinda similar.

but to be honest we’re picturing two totally different match scenarios, yours is assuming that people know what they are doing and isn’t running into walls and fire their weapons blindly into the general direction of where the enemy is, not even trying to aim.

my scenario is baby levels of scenario, like they don’t even know what buttons to press to walk forward and assuming they are facing the same type of enemies.

Hello and welcome, Pajuris!

Glad to hear you’re having fun so far - it sounds like you’re already off to a flying start with some of the advice from this thread.

The world could indeed always use more heroes, and we see potential in you!


I actually tryed to play with Baptiste , pheww , way more fun than with Brigitte :smiley:

Welkomen mein friend

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more gadgets and stuff, but yeah takes more map knowledge and match up knowledge and so on, but yeah more difficult heroes does also get more rewarded if played well.

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When you get frustrated from playing tank, don’t forget to come to the forums to have a Blizzard shill telling you it’s all your own fault because you must be “tilting” and the game is flawless btw. That’s always the best experience.

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No. That’s just you lol.

This guy is like the rest of us, just enjoying the game for what it is. Rather than crying because it isn’t what you wanted.


Exactly ! I came to play and enjoy .

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