Overwatch 2 is F2P

Who could of possibly seen that coming…

Isn’t it wonderful Nick?

I certainly saw it coming! In fact I was one of the very first to advocate for it. But I didn’t expect it to release this early.

This means no more having to pay for PS Plus, Xbox Live Gold, switch online.

Small grammatical correction here: could have/could’ve

Same. Thought it should have gone F2P when it it first launched.

Hilk, no need to worry about grammar here. Just keep an eye on your server peeps.

Hmm why would I do that Nick? The point of the server is to have an unmoderated space.

“unmoderated” lol. Good one.

Change mine and Abdullahs names back to what we decided. Instead of moderating them.

Not sure what you might be referring to here but you appear to be confused Nick.

Cool. Hilk. You know, but then you are a perma troll.

Personal attacks are against the forum code of conduct in case you weren’t aware, Nick.

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Nice. Now, if it is “unmoderated”, don’t disabled peoples ability to set their own name. Maybe.

Sounds like you are moderating people.

I have done no such thing Nick. You do appear to be confused.

Of course not. That is why I can’t change it back from what you decided I should be called on there.

A weird power play, or just you moderating people. You decide.

Oh that’s not moderation.

Moderation would mean if you were from sending inflammatory messages, or kicked from the group etc.

It appears we’ve gone off topic Nick. I suggest making a new thread to discuss this topic as it’s clearly something you are very upset about.

I will see you soon.

I don’t see how that would be possible Nick, unless we were acquainted in real life.

3 questions.

  1. why are you posting on a banned account?
  2. why is it called Hilk?
  3. are you saying my name repeatedly for a reason, or is it just a memory thing?

Check out the smug troll… :roll_eyes:

No smug. It was just an incredibly obvious move they were going to make / had to make.

Anyone who didn’t see it come or thought it wouldn’t happen was living in a dream world.

I’m a bit concerned about this. Will all PvP modes still be covered if we have OW1 or will they consider having us pay for certain modes such as comp?

Nope. PvP is all free. Their monetisation will come from battlepasses, so you’ll be buying skins, charms, sprays, icons, taunts, emotes and so on. I imagine it will be very similar to Warzone, where you buy credits, then use those credits to buy packs and passes.

You’ll just get it as an update on October 4th if you already own the game.

In the future you will probably have to buy the PvE side of the game, if you want that. But that won’t be for awhile I guess.

Okay. That’s reassuring to hear. I’m aware of PVE and OW2 skins costing money, but the F2P announcement threw me off.