Overwatch 2 is F2P

They’ve been hinting at it since OW2 was announced in 2019. But I’m surprised they’ve announced it now. Guess they already know OW1 is on arse so need to do something for good PR.

F2P with battlepasses and such (like Warzone) is absolutely perfect model for OW. And if cash is tight, or you don’t want blizzard having your money… You can play for free and not miss anything

I’m aware of the speculations but I try not to bite into them unless it comes explicitly from the horse’s (Blizzard) mouth.

I’m only interested in the PVP portion, so I should be straight as long as my OW1 disc still works.

Are on Xbox or PS???


You should be alright. Most likely, you’ll get the update and no longer require the disc.

But like what happens when a game you already owns goes on game pass. It suddenly updates and requires no disc.

That is what you call smug… :man_facepalming:

I do not have, nor am I showing “excessive pride”.

Merely putting it out there that some people shot my down pretty quickly when I suggested it was coming.

Yes you are, as you normally do. You even broke rules by “Posting in an inactive thread” to prove what you said back then was finally proven. (Not this thread)

This is what you do, it’s sad, stop it.

Oh no. You’ve posted in a thread to create a disturbance. So don’t take the high ground.

At least accept you were wrong. Take the L and move on.

You also disagreed battle passes and a live service was coming… I got that spot on too.

Guilds will be revealed next I guess.

I really hope they will at least have a prime purchase for competitive, cause it will be unplayable due to the cheaters, smurfs and toxic people who will flood the game without any money limitations.
Valve had to introduce prime purchase for competitive for CSGO and it got improved a lot, since it was unplayable when it was f2p.
Blizzard, limit cheaters to quickplay, do not let competitive get destroyed.

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Yeah the whole F2P will cause more problems in OW, more smurfs n such, toxic people easily making new accounts to troll more and more. Definitely not a good change imo. I for one won’t be purchasing any lootboxes.

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I will quit if they do not keep these scums out of competitive at least.
I expect to have at least fair matches in comp. Im not going to compete against widows who headshot behind walls.

Purchasing comp is a really bad idea, the game is free. So comp is free.

Hey Hulk, how’s going? Are you still going around being annoying af? xD

Indeed, there will be more.

But there will be far more legitimate new and returning players and it is going to be lovely seeing all the new people enjoying the game.

With that and it having less players per match… mathematically the chances of you meeting a “smurf” or a cheater are actually reduced. Reducing the chances from the already slim chances you have now is a good thing.

Its a bad idea for cheaters, smurfs and toxic scums. The rest of us want to play a game, not deal with the aforementioned cesspool.

You also sound quite toxic tbf.

While I see you are coming from a good place, it isn’t correct. We already have all the tools in place to “deal” with this problems, then they pop up.

They will never stop these things. But if they make it happen less often than it does now, that is a good move. F2P will help with that.

Plus they will also be incentivised to make new content (as they can actually sell it). Right now they have no reason to give us new content in OW1, as it doesn’t make them any money.

Just look at the rate at which new stuff is added to Warzone, that is what they are trying to pitch towards. If you choose to not give them a penny, that is good too. You can still play the full game with your friends and enjoy it (hopefully).

thats is literally false and disproven by the huge influx of cheaters in COD and CSGO. at least Valve, tried to save its competitive by introducing prime purchase. Blizzard should do the same for comp.

Your mathematics is not very good, at all.

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do you read what I post? I said keep the game f2p in arcade and quickplay and have prime in comp. Only cheaters, smurfs and banned toxic scums have a problem with that. Why do you have a problem with that, provided you are not someone from the aforementioned people?