Ow2 suspension 14 days

I have much to say!
Im feeling so hurt by you guys! My loyalty means nothing!
Got freaking auto suspension without even a warning or at least mute for an hour! a day! or a week! but u block me from playing the game for what?
I did an investigation and found out that bans/suspensions/mutes are automated and no one checks credibility of those reports!
Even if i did wrong (which i dont even remmeber it was worth of a report)
you should first give a warning or mute !
not instant game suspension!
i have spent money on battlepass and i cant logininto the game !
i have been playing blizzard games for 20+ years and this is what i get
automated suspension, not even being reviewed!


Spending money or playing for a long time is irrelevant.

Depending on what the ban was for you either got what you deserve or that’s unlucky… Delete as applicable.

Well, you are right about money and years but im hurt!
I didnt cheat in game or did something to breaks someones game for sure!
Im not doing such things
And if i said something it shouldnt be instant game ban, especially i never had a ban/mute/suspension ever on the account, give a warning or even a mute for a day first! a week! (them, bots, whoever)


See that’s not really correct. Depending on country, he may be by law entitled to full refund of all money spent on the game, if the ban him. That is how it works in my country. The “EULA” of Overwatch is not valid in my country.


I get it, it sucks.

What did the email actually say was the reason.

This isn’t even remotely true.

EULA isn’t border relevant. It’s a terms of use, agreement between the game and the player.

It says literaly nothing.
Generic message , automatic, about agreement player-game wise
so its nothing ! i asked 5 x what did i do thats worth of not leting me play the game , im still getting automatic messages !

BattleTag: shadowdancer#1882
Game: OverwatchÂŽ

Action Taken: We have temporarily suspended access to this OverwatchÂŽ account.

Suspension expires on: 2024-05-10 09:00

You will not have access to your Overwatch® account during this time. This behavior detracts from the game environment and violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct.

As the owner of this account, you are responsible for all actions associated with it. We will only overturn penalties if there is evidence of a compromised account or similar extenuating circumstances.


Customer Support
Blizzard Entertainment

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Seems like a 2 week slammer for gameplay sabotage

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Never did such thing! Im the guy who always plays till last breath never surrending!


Yes it is.
And again, yes it literally is.

There will have been something. Probably a while a go, something you’ve totally forgotten about.

Sadly OW2 does not provides information about why we were punished :s
But it doesn’t seem a communication report, maybe someone reported by things like gameplay sabotage, afk, cheating…


Only thing i can remmeber is that a guy was annoying
and i just got my mythic so i wanted to play
thats the only thing that crosses my mind why would someone report me
otherwise, i never go afk, never grief, never sabotage game, i play only when i have time,so i dont ruin game for myself.

If you play comp to often, people can be very toxic there. If they ask u to swap and you refuse or ignore, you risk a report for that, even u play bad (like not healing enough…).

For me this is one of the mains problems with OW2, it’s too easy abuse the report system

i rarely play competetive, i only play quick play, and last few days i played new miror event

yo man i also got suspended for no reason recently. did you by any chance also receive the failed to connect to server bug into short ban combo?

i did recieve failed to connect but i didnt get any short bans or any other penalties.
i was not even home when it happened, and email got to my phone about suspension

but i assume u were in qp right? so maybe bans didn’t apply since it was your first offence.

Wdym bans didnt apply, i got 14 days suspension of not even being able to get into the game
As a first offender or what so ever u should first get 15 mins, ,30mins, 1 hour, even a 24hrs or a week MUTE!!! or what EVER , just not perma ban for 14 days, its just stupid

edit: no, i was playing this mirror event for 2-3 days

everything is automated by blizzard because it costs them less money as a company.

so everything you are expecting to happen falls on deaf ears.

even injustice is justified as a popular opinion.

as is everything about the real world with social media.

I have played this game since 2016. 2200 hours of play time. Never got reported suspended or banned till this year. The system is broken right now. In my opinion, because it is a free game, most of the players are kids and teenagers. They report even for no reason. I got banned for 2 weeks. I wrote a ticket to support a couple of times and in the end, I got an answer. Because I said in chat ‘waste of time’ and ‘I am not healing you’ (which I still did btw) I got reported and banned. I remember someone in comp telling me that he is going to report me. He was playing hanzo and was annoyed that I damage boost the tank but not him. I see a lot of abusive players who swear and abuse others through chat in ow2. They are not scared to lose their account because the game is free. All this makes me upset because I behaive nice and gentle to everyone, never swear or abuse others and I am at the point of losing my account which I paid hundreds of euros on skins. I am scared to log to the game because more you play more you have the chance to get reported. Someone may be having a bad day and they may take it on you and blizzard does not care. So I guess the game being free right now causes all the problem. They have lost so many players cause of this and they will lose more.

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