Player profile TRANSPARENCY IS A MUST in comp games

I did. And you took it out of context to try and “win”. You problem.

Did I?

So, why would you want the following only?

Because that information would be handy for the people on your team.

As I said. Snap shot for your team, hidden for the enemy.

They are adding a version of average SR that’ll show up when the lobby loads. Don’t need anything else. You should be building your comps and strats around what your team plays and what you can maximise. Not just straight up playing to counter, that is a pretty negative mindset.

You never said any of this when you said you agreed with my statement.
My statement that you agreed to said:

So, clearly you’re lying. You agreed to my statement, however today you are going against your own statement.

There is no way possible for me to take this out of context :smiley: You’re now making it up as you go along.

Again. You’ve taken it out of context.

My agreement was “For once I agree. Hidden profiles are one of the worst things they ever brought to the game.”

I never gave you anything more other than “you don’t have to give all the stats”. Which is exactly what I am saying now. Snap shot for your team. Nothing more.

You are trying so hard to “win” something. I am not really interested in that.

And also, that was from 4/5 months ago. I could of changed my opinion in that time. You trying to prove something for your vendetta is just silly.

Not trying to win anything, I am just saying that you’re contradicting a statement that you made in the past.

Yep, and your agreement was to what I typed on the forums which is nothing to do with:

In future, if you agree to something but your “Agreement” is completely different to another person(s) text/statement, then you need to clearly write out and explain otherwise it can be "

as you call it. Although it is very difficult to take something out of context when you provide no further context other than

I am not trying to prove anything. You said to me

Which is totally the opposite of what you agreed to months ago. You thinking that I have a vendetta is pretty self-concious/or anxious of you. Not everyone is out to get you, sometimes we’re trying to understand where you’re coming from. There are support groups out there that can help with this sort of stuff should you need it.

Sure opinions can change, but that is a pretty drastic change given you said it makes a boring game. I was just wondering as to why you would agree to something that’s boring, but now you don’t. Nothing has changed in OW1 since its been shut down so I am curious as to how your opinion could of changed :confused:

It’s clearly explained above.

Also, people can change their minds over time. I didn’t, but I could have. Bringing up an old opinion to prove something now is just you trying to point score. It’s a bit “cringe” as some would say

I am allowed to think something was an awful addition, whilst also thinking they could have taken a better path.

They can, but completely contradicting yourself given you said it makes a boring game, really makes me wonder why you would agree to a statement although it makes the game boring.

Providing a source to my knowledge is not cringe, its validation. You thinking that I have a vendetta is just you being self-concious/or anxious. We aren’t out to get you.

Very nice contribution to this thread…

I haven’t contradicted myself, just clarified.

You didn’t “provide a source”, you provided a comment (out of context) from nearly 5 months ago in an attempt to score points over someone. That’s quite cringe.

He isn’t wrong though. That is literally why they were introduced.

You agreed to my statement 5 months ago. It’s there to be seen by you and anyone else watching this thread. You did contradict yourself, you clarified just now by providing the complete opposite of the statement you agreed to.

You thinking that I have a vendetta against you is just you being self-concious/or anxious. We’re not your enemy here, just try and calm down, open a window or something for some fresh air.

Have you a source of reasoning for this by Blizzard, as to why they set all profiles to private?

My understanding is that they did this to stop people from using career profiles as a way to be toxic to others. If you read above, I never said that I wanted to open profiles for this very reason.

I did. And I clearly said

"For once I agree. Hidden profiles are one of the worst things they ever brought to the game.

You don’t have to give all the stats. Just what heroes they play most. That is all we really need."

I agreed it was a terrible thing to add

And I clearly don’t agree with your reasons for wanting it removed, which are equally as terrible.

Maybe, when you drop the vendetta you’ll see the context.

Also, someone can completely change their opinion in 5 months. So I’m not sure why you’re still going on about a perceived change (when there wasn’t one).

Yes really. I like how you get caught out so many times yet still deny it, even though the proof is there lol.

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Caught out?
Literally copy and pasted it myself. Stop trying to jump in and point score. It’s tedious.

You never said any of that when you agreed to my statement, stop lying.

Abit like your lies.

Now speaking of lies, are you able to provide sources?

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Yep, and now you’re digging yourself a bigger hole. Stop while you’re ahead and admit it. I mean it’s not the first time…

The big reason is that Blizzard wants you to play against weird ranks. Streaming smurfs, who most likely spend most money in game, needs to be fed, otherwise they leave.
Matchmaking is simply bad because Blizz wants it bad.

You really are sticking to this theory of yours. Where are your sources or did you come up with this on your own?
Because if you did come up with this on your own you should stop spreading misinformation.

That’s clearly a direct copy paste of what I said.

Stop trying to make something up.

Correct. And that’s the reason you want to use them. Toxic game play.

So your agreement was a complete lie in this case then.

Can you please quote me or provide a source on when I typed this, or is this another lie?

Also, please can you provide sources for this as to when I said I wanted open profiles so I can be toxic, or is this another lie?

Also, you’re contradicting yourself here:

Here you are saying that Blizzard blocked profiles to stop toxicity. Yet

You said that this guy was correct that they banned profiles due to

When I actually stated it was useful for the following purposes:

Another contradiction.