đź“Š Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

What’s your opinion?


It’s been good for the game as proven by the devs statement and every single poll so far.


it’s good… initialy i wasn’t to big a fan… but now… ranked is still broken…

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I think good and bad choices should be left to players, not enforced systems. Even in society you’re free to choose your profession, or not. Knowing why you make a choice is a valuable lesson rather than have it indoctrinated.

By seeking order you may find authoritarianism build on good intentions which ends up stumbling our creative expression this includes poor judgment. Intelligent behavior cannot go without entropy. Sometimes, self destruction is justified.

In this case, we should enjoy the madness that is men and rejoice in our wickedness, that is the splendor of greatness is it not? Some rise to adapt and become exceptional, while others fall in feed on others? Is this not the meritocratic law of both nature and civil society? Why would this be different for game philosophy?

O well…


It’s… much stricter than I like, and you can no longer do stuff like have the dps take over healing who switches to dps, because they have more experience with the switched to hero’s than each other. Or temporarily switch to a non-222 comp to deal with specific circumstances etc.

But at the same time… at least we don’t get 4dps instalocks anymore.

Ayye i thought we were done discussing 222 and doing polls, like last year?

It’s just salt in the wounds of the ones that hate 222 that finally calmed down and maybe tried to adapt and now you dig this up again making them think this poll actually will help thus making them stop adapting and start crying again.

I think is is very fun and makes for some interesting features in the future. but the queue times can be very annoying.

the result looks all but decisive, apparently roughly half of the people dislike the concept.

You should take it with a grain of salt tho, since polls on gaming forums target very tiny but engaged group of people who are more likely to accept a concept like this. The average hanzo, who doesn’t even know what reddit or a forum is, who already long left the game as it started putting him into 10 minutes queues, is probably being unaccounted for in all of those.


Incorrect, the majority like 222 meaning not roughly half.

You also refuse to provide any evidence for your claim, so therefore claim is irrelevant and ignored.

46% is roughly half in my book.

obviously its not ignored as you bothered to answer.


You have absolutely ZERO base for that claim buddy. We all saw your “evidences”, which are a vaguely comment about the feedback received on the PTR during the beta of the RQ.

You have nothing. Nada, nill. 0 so, since

Congratulations on destroying your own comment in 1 sentence :rofl:
Keep trolling dude, its the only thing you are remotely “decent” at.


And you’re grabbing 46% from where? Seeing as you don’t provide evidence.

your opinions do indeed deserve to be ignored, but somebody has to point it out.

Except kid, unless you and kete, I have provided evidence and even the devs have stated an overall positive response - meaning majority, meaning you’re wrong and get over it.

It’s cute you’re desperately trying to come to the defence of somebody who refuses to post evidence, much like yourself.

I’ve posted evidence - you never have, Kete never has, nobody here who has claimed the crap you do, has ever posted evidence.

Thus, you’re irrelevant. Hush now.

Bla bla bla “kid”, bla bla bla “random trolling/insult that has no relevance or no base again”, “bla bla statements that clearly show you are in denial”

Dude you are a broken record, change the template or something for your responses, at this point its getting sad and embarrassing. Your comments seem written by a poor trolling AI for forums, cmon, try to keep up. :rofl:

Didnt you read “kid” ? Again, in bold, because maybe you learn what words mean this time:
A vague comment about the feedback received on the PTR during the beta of the RQ is not “evidence” or a survey of Overwatch players.

You posted nothing.
You have nothing.
You only repeat the same formatted responses.

You are stuck in a loop throwing random claims without evidence and dismissing any other claims applying a standard that you dont apply to yourself.

Now go back to the cave and dont come back unless you have something tangible.

PS: You will, because we all know you have nothing besides this :man_shrugging:


Aww cute, the kids getting angry now.

Except it wasn’t just about the beta of RQ - it was about RQ itself. I don’t care how mad you get over that fact kid, it is what it is.

I posted several things
YOU posted nothing

You have nothing, because you are nothing. Trying to scream out that evidence is not evidence because you can’t handle it, doesn’t work.

Now why don’t you go back to playing with barbie dolls, it’s much more suited to your intelligence level kid

from the poll which is subject of this thread.

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1 single poll is not conclusive, especially not with 35 votes.

I posted several polls - giving far better indication. You are that desperate you’re trying to apply 35 vs the entirety.

Colour me surprised people are this dense.


It is fine.

They introduced it as it was a ready feature for OW2. So they 10000000% have no intention of removing it.

The issues isn’t the role que, but the users. It is frustrating when you can’t fill a role when someone leaves, but that isn’t a role que issue. That’s a player issue and the leaver should be dealt with accordingly.

If it’s 47% is that not large enough to warrant their own queue without limitations?

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you mean just like 5 dps wasn’t a fault of the system but of its users, yet we got a broken fix for it.