📊 Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

You seem to forget you’ve taken a few forum vacations, including a permanent one and think you’re free to post what you want.

When you grow up, you’ll realise you can’t spend your life on a forum kid

Yeah… Definitely Skynet wasn’t your alt account…

Based on two people saying similar things?

Yeah…anybody else (with a working brain) would just start thinking maybe they’re onto something, given how much you troll with the others.

No wonder the devs entirely ignore this part of the community

totally not same dude posting… lmao


Soooo two different people posting similar things, and calling you the same thing, magically makes them the same person.

Must be a magical time up in your head, you probably think the worlds flat too.

not “magically”. its called smurf/alt account. I have 6 of them (18 characters) in a different game. I wonder who you’re trying to fool here.

This made me laugh out loud.

So, you’re openly admitting to having several smurf accounts but claiming two different people are the same, because you say so and you have smurfs?

You really are demented

sure, I admit having 6 accounts in eve online. beat me to it.

Just because you smurf, does not mean other people do (to that level). Some people are just similar.

You have nothing but opinion, and will only ever have opinion. Your opinion isn’t evidence, it’s just irrelevant.

yeah ok leave us with our opinion that you’re a smurf. I’m totally fine with that.

Nah, that’d be silly - like I’ve told you countless times before, if nobody ever corrects you, how will you learn?

you won’t change my opinion. you waste your time.

You’ll learn one day, just a matter of time