📊 Poll: Is 2-2-2 Role Queue good or bad?

I was skeptical at first, thinking it might limit comp innovation. But to my surprise, more varied compositions are being played more evenly now. Now I don’t have to worry about trying to convince 5 strangers why I should be the role I want to play, or why we need two healers. You’d think that in ranked people would see this logic, but if they really want to play DPS because they’ve “had to fill for the last 10 games”. I’ve felt the same many times, too. The harsh truth is that there is a severe imbalance weighing towards DPS players in ranked, and I’d rather wait 10 minutes waiting for a good match, than to rarely ever have good team synergy.

So yeah, role queue is very good in my opinion. It saved a huge part of ranked play.


Yes, you have - I even quoted it for you more than once.

I can certainly judge you, as can every single other person with a brain who understands the difference between evidence and opinion.

You’ve claimed (and outright stated as fact) two people are the same, with just opinion.

Grow up, get over yourself, stop raging kid. Two different people.

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Perfect world or not, it would still have been the logical thing to do, rather than force us all in to a waiting role q system where many many players are unhappy.

I would take the option route in a heartbeat, even today, right now.

You’re welcome to play QPC where you can do as you please.

Logical would have been to have 222 RQ from the start. Furthermore, the actual majority are happy with it, as proven by evidence via polls and the devs themselves.

Ahhh, my daily dose of QPC recommendation.

Where would I be without you Marmite :smile:

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No idea, but that’s your option

nobody gives a flying **** about QPC, get over it. Comp is going to get fixed at some point and thats it.

Nobody cares what a troll like you thinks, get over it.

Comp is already fixed, grow up, get over it. You’re done here

Experimental Triple DPS is coming, LETS GO!

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Enjoy even worse queue times since tanks and healers will stick to what actually works.


then you’ll have nothing to worry about, right?

Except for the fact there’s 0 need to even add the mode other than to appease entitled DPS babies.

222 works.

for 60% of people on this forum, it obviously doesn’t.

60% of the people who did the poll, which is questionable at best.

Not 60% of the forum.

Learn how math works.

why is it questionable? Because it doesn’t fit into your narrative?
Check like/dislike ratio on the experimental card video. It wouldn’t be like that if people were truly happy about 2-2-2.

Dude, you’ll need a new forum smurf once 2-2-2 is gone.

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so you wont play QPC because “you don’t get SR and comp points”… but you will play Experimental RQ QPC… because?.. you get 1.3.2?.. yeah… that makes sense…

but go for it… so long as it doesn’t impact the real game, and I might actually get to play DPS in the proper game modes once in a while

Questionable because it’s the single existing poll out of every single poll, to be pro-RQ and it just happens to be on the forums with the most amount of trolls on it.

You’ll need a new account once you get banned for the sheer level of salt because 222 is staying.

Watch out. Marmite’s gonna get you a “job” :rofl:

ah yeah all he can are impotent threats and in the end he’s the one who gets bann… ehh gets a “job”.

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Ah cute, another kid who doesn’t have a job trying to chime in.

Hush now