Queue priority for Tanker/Healer who want to play DPS

I play QP as tank/healer 99% of the time because I’m game for all three classes, and so the matchmaker loves me. But I want to also play DPS sometimes too without having to wait >10 minutes.

I think people who opt to play tank/healer for some games should be given priority when they finally decide to play DPS.

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For what reason?

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Why would tanks and healers again be advantaged in a queue just because they decide to play DPS for a bit?

Join the club. Imagine DPS mains have to go through this all the time.


I want to casually play all classes and I’m a credit to the matchmaker because of it. If I decide to strictly limit myself to DPS just so I can actually play DPS (which I’m having to do now), then the longer I’m forced to wait, the more games I won’t be able to be tank/healer in.

This exact change will only increase queue times overall for DPS.

Not to mention if more people start playing tank/support for this exact reason then the priority queue system will become obsolete thus not having a real effect on queue times afterwards.

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No thanks… I play tank and healer a lot, but i dont see this as a good idea. I mean : everyone is equal and tanks and healers are not better than dps… And it is just stupid to feel prior above dps :joy: because they dont

you have to put up with the same system as everyone else buddy, you play tank or healer. well done. doesn’t give you a special pass to pay dps. if you want to play it that badly id recommend qp classic. I used to play dps, but after getting constant qs longer than my actual game I switched to tank. right now it takes some serious hardcore mentality to want to q dps .

I think you misunderstand. It is not because tanks/healers are better. But simply we lack them, hence the long DPS queues. Doing this will give an incentive to play other roles every once in a while. However, you should only be given a priority ticket if you win in a tank/healer role. Or else I see how some DPS may just pick the tank role and loose quickly to get a priority ticket for DPS.

If one day the DPS queue is less than 2 min and the tank role is >10min then the system should work the opposite way around. Giving DPS a priority ticket for tanking.

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Arguably you are a credit to matchmaker if you play tank/support, therefore encouraging you to play dps would be counter productive for the matchmaker.

That is very subjective, I play all classes as well (I still believe that’s the way to play ow) and when I play dps for that day, I’m playing dps that day, queue times won’t affect my tank/support hours.

Or it will backfire like golden guns did, you underestimate the community.

I think it’s an interesting idea that could be considered, or at least realistically discussed and envisioned.

Lets assume that for this to work, we have two requirements: number of tank/heal games required to be played in order to get priority DPS queue should be dynamically set, and that dps mains will be incentivized by this system significantly more so than tank/heal mains.

Example scenarios and outcomes that I can think of… Lets start with a base case that for every 3 games played as tank/heal, you get 1 priority queue as dps.

  • If alot more dps mains are incentivised than tanks/heal mains, then I think DPS queues will overall drop (since many dps mains will alter their tank/heal to dps queuing in a 3:1 ratio)
  • If much much more dps mains are incentivised than tank/heal mains to the point where the bottleneck becomes the tank/heal queues, then a quick fix would be to lower the requirement to 2 tank/heal games for 1 priority dps queue.
  • If the number of dps mains and tank/heal mains using the system kind of cancel each other out, then possibly raising the requirement to 4 or 5 tank/heal games for 1 priority DPS queue may fix it and still lead to lower dps queues.
  • The only scenario I see that this fully backfires is if no (or low number) of dps mains use the system as compared to tank/heal mains (since they queue as tank/heal anyways). This will indeed lead to an increase in dps queues instead of a decrease. At this point the requirement gets eliminated, and tank/heal games do not lead to a priority dps queue.

That’s why I think having a dynamic system where the number of tank/heal games required for receiving one priority DPS queue is set on the fly can seem beneficial since the system will alter that number based on what’s going on, ensuring that the DPS queue time benefits, while simultaneously rewarding those that play more in-demand roles.

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But I think your underestimating how toxic the overwatch community is. if you are a hard dps player and only play dps. you wouldn’t care about other roles, right?. so what’s to stop them from just throwing those 2-4 tank/healer games so they can get a quick dps game in? literally nothing. I played dps at the start of role q and as soon as the q times tarted hitting 20mins+ each time for me I switched to tank. I still play dps. but not as much as I would before. the only way they can naturally incentives people to switch role and PLAY THE GAME SERIOUSLY in an off role is for more tank and support heroes. I understand in the basis of a tank there’s a limit to what you can do as to not break the game. but if you introduce more FUN tanks that can fit different play styles then i think more people would like to play that role. there are limits thou, we don’t want another brig/moira mess.

i made the same proposal here

Is better way if make tanks and supports more fun to play and don’t forced us to play briggite/Moira or prisa and Sigma?