Quick play Bans ruining the game

Since they have implemented the Bans for leaving/ kicked from the game I now find that the game my wife and I have played for 5 years+ together with my close friends and my brother,has been ruined by the bans. We have a baby, we get maybe 1-2 hours of downtime in the evening and we like to play overwatch together. We now cannot play together or with our friends because when our baby cries and needs resettling, we get Banned. We don’t play competitive together for this reason. But now we can’t even play quick play. Yea there is arcade but we just like to play normal role queue. It is ridiculous that you are alienating your customers.


I agree with the fact people are “timed out” for leaving quick play games.

I’d say 2 in a row, you should get a minute ban. Any more, 10 minute.

But that’s as far as it should go for quick play. It shouldn’t result in 48 hour bans down the road.

I say this as someone who never leaves games, by the way.

Quick Play is “Unranked Match” as you can read on the game mode card. It’s not meant to be a drop-in, drop-out game mode. There’s hundreds if game modes in Arcade that is more suitable for the playstyle you describe. This is a non-issue, you are just playing the wrong game mode. There’s “Quick Play” in arcade too, where you are not punished for leaving early.

It’s ridiculous how they ban for leaving QP. I honestly do not get why people hate it so much. It’s QUICKPLAY, who cares.

The words are in the name… Quick… Play. Which is basically drop in and out as some people can only play for a certain period, or expecting an important phone call / house call. It wouldn’t be Quick play if people stayed the whole game, as it’ll just be like Competitive. Pointless.

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if you cant commit to a full match then dont queue into a full match

there are modes where this restriction is not in effect, play them


That is not what quickplay is for. Thats what arcade is for…no leaver penalty, and you can rejoin if no one took your space. If you can’t play a full match, dont play quick play, play arcade. Arcade is way more fun anyway…

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Im saying from my point of view so other might disagree. Qp is the only other mode apart from ranked where you can upgrade ALL your player badges. One of the main ones being winning (1 win gives you 1200xp). If someone leaves - intentionally or not - your chances go very down hill. Time played also gives you 5600xp when playing for 20 mins, if a person leaves, match time is expected to go down as you have one less person to fight with you. Again, this might just be a pet peeve but it is still relevant and might answer the queastion as to why qp is being protected by leaver bans…

Incorrect. The game description is literally “Unranked Match”. What you describe can be found under the game mode “Arcade”.

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The ban penalties were conceived in a way to take real life emergencies in consideration.
If u leave 2/3 games over 20 games u only get 4 mins of ban, if u leave 4/5 games over 20 games u get 20m bans. Leaving plus than 6 games over 20 games u get 4h ban.

If u leave less than 6 games, the ban penalties should not affect u, i suppose u need at least 15m to take care of your baby.
Honestly leaving more than 6 games in 20 games, is too much leaving, u are breaking the experience of 50 other people.

I care, sometimes we will lose a game because we lost an important fight because we were in disvantage of 4vs5 because of some leaver… This will impact my stats, xp earned, and make the match less fun for other 5 people. Also I don’t like to join games in progress, I prefer join a new game instead backfilling.

literally find any other multiplayer shooter game you may find and you will find exactly that same system that overwatch 2 had.

and when you press to join such a match it is called quickplay…

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Blizzard just added leaver penalities in Quick Play, I would say is you who is not correctly understanding the rules of QP.

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Who said anything about not understanding the rules? :joy: Quick play shouldn’t even have those rules. Because yano, it’s Quickplay. Do you not understand the thread at all?

Let me elaborate:

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Quick Play is part of “Unranked” game mode. I don’t think you understand what that means, it’s the same thing than Comp except it will not affect our rank. It should be played seriously since a defeat will affect our earned XP, global stats, challenges and make the game less fun the other 5 players in the game.

Yes it should, and they are not enough.

Those rules are there to punish those who constantly leave QP matche not the ones with real life emergencies. If you need to quit a game to take care of a baby, a 4/20 mins ban will not affect you.

If you leave more than 6 games in 20 games you’ll get a 4H suspension. But 6 games is a lot, you are affecting the experience of 30 other players. Better to think that before playing if you know that you have the risk to leave in the middle of the match.

Quick Play would be awful if we had 2/3 leavers in each game, is that with Blizzard is trying to avoid. This is a team based game where each player as a big impact over the game.


I don’t think you understand at all… It’s NOT the same thing at all. Competitive is totally different to Quickplay, and so it should be.

If people want to cry about their stats on Quickplay mode then that’s really on them. A lot of us personally do not care about stats. We play it to have fun and try new heroes. We play it when we don’t have much time to play.

I’m sorry that a small majority of people care so much about leavers in a non-ranked match…

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Is not only the stats, Leavers affect the fun for the remaining 4 players in the game and the player that will backfill. No one likes to lose 4vs5 fights because someone leaves or join a game in progress.

Also mostly of the leavers leave because they are losing and they weak mentality make them prefer to leave instead to try. It’s quite sad seeing that some people cannot compromise to something for 10 mins.

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So to that logic, you only have fun when you’re “winning”?

Not really. You have no idea about their circumstances, and assume they rage quit. What’s sad is people taking Quickplay seriously and getting mad about it.

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And people leaving mid match ruins that fun for some.
I prefer playing quickplay to comp, because it’s better for me, but despite it being more relaxed than comp the same gamerules apply.

The rules for the modes are the same, and i’m sure several people expect their team to play according to match rules.
and a person who tells their team to “go to h***” right before leaving is definitely rage quitting and probably in need of a 20 (or more) minute break from playing.

Some people take qp too seriously and try to micro manage their teams, but they are also sometimes the ones that leave.

In general people expect you to play the mode you choose to play.

And the fact is that the overwatch team are enforcing and tightening the qp penalties, hints that the mode is not meant to be hyper casual where people can freely lobby shop.
The quickplay modes are under the “unranked” tab.
The hyper casual modes are in the arcade.
Qp is basically a lighter version of comp with no requirement to tryhard in your games.
But when queueing to a game, you’re committing to it and aggreeing to play by the rules.


Why’s it better for you?

You take your time to answer that. I’m off to sleep.

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To play quickplay?
I get less angry at my teammates for playing badly, and i really dislike the feeling of angry frustration since situations like that have caused me anxiety attacks in the past.

If i get teamed up with a bad player in qp, good for them i hope they learn something.

If i get bad player in comp (feeds, doesn’t group up, generally hinders more than helps) i get frustrated. Especially if they make mistakes that even i in my questionable skill can see obviously.
And that frustration turns into that horrible seething anger that tries to bubble over.
And because i don’t let it out, 'cause i don’t want to yell at anyone (and i know i would if i started to talk with people while angry). The feeling gets worse, and that has launched anxiety attacks for me.

The easy solution to my problem is to just not play comp.
so i prefer if people in quickplay actually play by the game rules.

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Losing because we lost an important fight since someone quited, that is not fun at all.

Again, mostly of the times leaver penalities do not affect persons that often have real life emergencies (u will barely notice a 5/20m bans if u need to get out of the pc/console to do something).
But if someone plays knowing that they risk to leave more than 6 games in each 20 games in a team based/fast paced game, thats selfish.

This is the same thing as playing football in a park with friends. We do quicker games, we take that seriously and try to follow same game rules, we can tolerate bad players, but not players who decide to leave when things are going wrong.

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