Quiting Overwatch even when i spend over 400€ on my account

I really love Overwatch and i would like to play this game for another X years but i just cant… If blizzard does not start punishing smurfs and throwers really hard like permanent ban from competitive play then iam not going back… today i literaly played with players who dont even know how to counter pharah, player with lvl 600+ who had 5 hours on bastion in all modes picked bastion in competitive and just threw that match, onetrickers are just terrible because thoose people can play only one hero but if they are not that good and we need something else they just being toxic and screaming on supports to pocket them, DPS Moira players, DPS Ana players, “we need to counter widow” and guy pick Junkrat, Wrecking ball one trick who just feeding enemy team, players who being carried from bronze but dont know how to use mic “can you join voice chat?” and he answered “comms are not important, just play” and he said that in competitive match where comms are most important thing, brand new account placed in low plat poping with widow like some GM player and he is in duoQ with support player (mostly Mercy main)… and much more but noone is doing anything against this… everyone just complaining about goats or Brigitte but that is not issue… issue is dps players are complaining about goats because they dont want to play supports or tanks. I like to play any role and from my point of view is everything good except things i mentioned above and devs should stop breaking the game and focus more on issues mentioned above. Now i expect comments like “smurfs are not an issue” or “iam seeing throwers in 1/10 matches” well iam not… i literaly have thrower in every single match and enemy team too but iam mostly queued with duo or trio stacks and they just dont care about competitive, they are probably on winstreak of 5 games so they can loose 1 match, avoid throwers and play again and win some games. I dont want to be carried or buy some boosting services, I want to rank up by myself! this account is placed in gold because this was my first account and when i had no knowledge and game sense i was bronze or silver but when i knew iam good player but still stuck in gold i bought new account and wow results were insane! This account is around 2400 and after i did placements on that brand new account i was placed in 3981 exactly and i won in soloQ 8/10 with Zarya… Gold and Platinum ranks need some kind of purge to move that carried players back to silver and smurfs ban from competitive games or iam never going back and iam not the only one who suffer from this. I dont want to play and be angry after every match every day!


Sounds like a lie to me. A 200-300sr gap between two accounts, sure, 1500sr, no way. My main peaked around 4k too (was stuck in plat for a year) and I can tell you I’d be able to stomp a team of gold players playing pretty much anything, any legit master player would carry in gold. If you were really in master you’d realize that it’s exactly the same in higher ranks, even GM, people troll, smurf and throw.

To address your main point, sorry to see you leave and I understand the feeling of frustration but like you said, smurfs are not an issue, you’d climb even if they are around if you deserve to be in a higher rank.

Had a really bad session like that a few days ago, lost like 20 games and won only a handful, I was soooo mad at my teammates and Blizzard, some games are unwinnable because of a genuine thrower but they are not that often and I realized I just played poorly and didn’t enable my teammates like I should have, I picked dps like they did, muted myself and did my thing, clearly didn’t work.
Since then I almost climbed back with a 70% WR.

Ranked OW is really fantastic when you win but utterly frustrating when you lose.


well to you but for me it was surprise and then i got really angry… its easy being good player stuck in gold but if you have literaly every game 12 yo kid who playing genji, bastion or torb and they cant kill stuff then its sad… iam not good dps player so i cant climb by carrying myself… i know how to play tanks but if i die just because our moira sendind damaging orbs only and mercy pocketing her friend who playing dps then its lost… on this account its usual for me having 3 gold medals with DVa or Zarya even when we have reaper or hanzo…

trust me or not i dont really care… Players want smurfs and throwers out and you cant deny it! idk if you are on EU or on US servers but people on US servers are trying hard most of the games but EU servers are full of trash like i mentioned before… i cant play on US servers because sometimes i get really high ping and i just cant play with 250 ping…

Also 200-300 SR gap was my daily gap on this account, one day i dropped 300 SR and next day i climbed 300 SR over and over again until i got bored…

And from what i see your account is placed at 3686 10 days ago xD so stop saying smurfs and throwers are not issue in lower ranks when you are in Masters…

Oh and i see you admited you are smurf on your post so that is why are you defending smurfs…

I’m not a good dps player either but I could still carry playing support or tank in gold, if you were really in Master with Zarya you should be able to at least with her, I’d say it’s even probably easier with Zarya than some dps characters, get high charge (because people in gold always feed Zarya) and melt the opponents.

Medals are meaningless, like you point out a Moira can damage orb all the time and have all golds, doesn’t mean she did her job.

I want throwers/boosters out of the game.
Smurfs are non issue, most people like me play different characters on alts, I’m in mid diamond / low master as dps, if I was in your game in diamond playing dps, how could you tell the difference between me and someone on their main account? You couldn’t.

I’m on EU and people still tryhard, they use voice less than US but you can still have some decent teamwork. Sometimes you just get that bad game where nothing works, it’s just part of the game.

Yes 200-300sr between two accounts is normal, 1500 isn’t.

10 days ago was the day I lost a bunch of SR and I was mad. I’ve been in lower ranks too, like I said I was stuck in plat (with a few dips in gold) for a year at least then in diamond, I learned to play and I climbed, like any normal player would, smurfs didn’t stop me.

The only static part of the game is you, focus on yourself instead of your teammates.
Now you’re facing a choice, are you gonna continue to put all the blame on the smurfs and quit the game or are you going to look at yourself and realize you could improve?

Like I said, there are smurfs even in master or GM too, you’re not gonna escape them if you start climbing and you’d know that if you were really 3980 on your alt.

Edit: Sorry if I sound harsh, I’m like that with myself too because I want to get better at the game.

I dont want to dissapoint you but smurf will always defend smurfs and say smurfing is not an issue. You are not relevant and from what i saw on your posts was that… You always switch account if you have thrower or toxic people in your team because you are scared as hell from dropping down where i am so you need to switch accounts.

Yes your point with that zarya is good, players mostly in enemy team saying “nice smurfing zarya” or “go to your rank PVC” but i cant get to that rank if you fighting 5v6 or if your premade duo or trio instalock dps and do random stuff around the map…

Also sometimes i need to play Reinhardt and that is fine but healers just dont heal me, dps players are not following me when iam making space for them or when iam using shatter (example: I tell my team “iam going to shatter so group up and lets combo Shatter and Death Blossom” and when i say that they somehow die and blame me, then we regroup again, i shatter but our Reaper is on other side of the map trying to flank and then he randomly press Q and die… or another example: i have grav ready and our hanzo have Dragon strike so i tell him to regroup and combo with me, i tell him “lets go” and use my grav “i got 4 in grav” but he still waits like 2 seconds and then he use his ult but kill noone or he use his ult infront of enemy DVa and then he cryes cuz she ate it.)

When i had no knowledge about game and i was gold i was okay with that but now when iam still gold but i cant rank up because iam playing with bad people like i was when i started playing OW its kinda sad…

So for you mate, stop defending smurfs, smurfing in OW is one of 3 huge problems. (smurfs, throwers and toxic people) Iam not the only one who want that kind of players out from competitive play and you belong to thoose kind of players too so please stop saying its not a problem…

For last few months there are more and more smurfs because DPS players are dropping down because of goats meta so they are buying new accounts, being placed in bronze or silver and then ruining games for others or boosting friends and ruining games for others…

also if you have 8/10 games a thrower in your team but enemy team is actually trying to win then its obvious you loose because you cant fight 5v6 the whole match…


I don’t get it. You smurf, thats cool, Blizzard supports you. But please don’t try to come up with excuses how smurfs are not a problem, thats too much.

It is so relaxing playing something else other than ow. I mean literally anything else. I played lots of apex, now I am playing far cry, so peaceful and relaxing. Man, when I look back now, ow was just frustrating, no idea why I played this much of this sh*tshow.

More smurf QQ, nice.

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It’s all in the mindset. I used to hate the game, took a long long break with no intention of playing again until a friend asked me to go in for a match or two. Decided ah who cares, will just do qp for fun and not be as competitive, entirely different game. Figured comp is ridiculous for me since I’ve never wanted any gaming career, all I want from my games is entertainment, taking it any further takes away the entertaining part from it.

This kid spent 400 on his account??? I mean i’m a casual gamer but wow that’s a lot

What? Where did you read that? I switch accounts to play different characters or have a fresh mindset, I’d have to throw games to drop to gold, which I don’t.

Just read your post, basically the tldr is it’s not your fault it’s always the others that are a problem and you keep lying about being in master and gold on two different accounts.

You’re giving me random specific examples which are irrelevant to the discussion, then you talk about having knowledge about the game and you say dps players dropping down because of goats meta…like what? Goats was meta in GM (a bit in master) and that’s it, no one outside of that played goats and barely anyone does now even in GM. You’re not showing you know are knowledgeable, it’s the opposite.

If you have an account at 3k9 and one at 2k4 then you’re a smurf too no? :thinking:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL1gGecO3nw Here’s some watching to do, maybe it’ll help you.

All smurfs are not throwers / derankers and if they act like that, yes they should be punished but honestly I’m getting tired of uninformed players even more…

To quote Bustar

If other people manage to climb then you should too if you actually deserved it.

I’ve only ever spent $40 on Overwatch, and that was for the game itself. Never bought a loot box. I can say it was probably the best $40 I ever spent on a game :slight_smile: Sadly however, I fell out of love with the game due to bad balancing on the devs part, but that’s besides the point that the game still gave me tremendous amounts of enjoyment for only 40 bucks! How can I complain.

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the more whiners and complainers bail, the better is it for the remaining player base.
good bye, you won’t be missed.


Well, Heroes of the Storm lost most of its players, only the most dedicated remained. Go and ask them what wonders it did to the matchmaking and how exciting and fair their games are.

Kid? wow… base game 60€, some lootboxes, blizzcon ticket, mercy charity skin, all star skins and much more and you calling me kid for spending my money xD so everyone is kid if he is buying stuff in a game? nah so stop insulting…

Also i flagged 2 posts here as inappropriate because they are really offensive… posts like that are mostly from smurfs or trolls (people i hate in game) so from what i see smurfs, throwers and trolls harrassing people in game and now they are doing the same things on forums… Blizzard should really ban this kind of people because they dont belong to gaming community… Because of theire behaviour they are not wanted in real life so they think they can abuse people online and be hidden behind “nickname”…

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You can sell your account for a nice price.

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people get so heated on game forums these days, and i can’t tell whether it’s because it’s 2019 or whether it’s the overwatch community

Indeed smurfs are a huge issue in this game, but blizz won’t do anything about it because that’s how they get their money. Suggestions how to reduce the amount of smurfs have been made so many times, yet they take no action so basically this game will end up with smurfs playing against smurfs anytime soon since people are getting tired of this . Ranked mode these days is just a joke , is not fair , is not balanced and the list goes on.

In the long run it cant be good for them. Smurfs don’t want to play against smurfs, this is the point of smurfing after all, so when they start being too numerous I suspect they’ll tire quickly and leave too.

You guys should watch this video