Quiting Overwatch even when i spend over 400€ on my account

Bet he uses smurfs accounts too. Nobody who uses smurfs will ever admit how bad they are, it is one of those echo chambers where smurfs are so numerous they can and will defend themselves instead of being rightfully ostracized as the scum they are.

Btw those players who think they are a “challenge” are idiots. On the second game today I got a 8-1 smurf. Bet those those 48 players he stomped in those 8 games felt good about that “challenge”.

okay smurfing is not ruining our games? good joke… when enemy team is bad but they have a duo with widow carrying mercy but widow always kill 2-3 people every fight and we are unable to kill her because that dood is masters or above DPS main then dont tell me ist not a problem… it is a huge problem and iam flagging your post as inappropriate.

Also i have a good news guys… when iam playing against smurfs iam reporting them, well iam playing just few games 3-5 per day so that is not much but i always see 2 or more smurfs so iam reporting them and actually they are being banned or susspended or something cuz iam receiving that “thank you for reporting” msg when i log in next day… So if this is it then report every smurf you will see and hopefuly blizzard take care of them for good, also one of my friends bought some “boosting” service on internet, that dood boosted him to diamond and next day his account was banned… SMURFS BE GONE!

Random specific case with no actual fact and claiming to false flag me. Nice.

False flag you? Nah that is not true… First look at your posts, you always defending bad behaviour in game and that is inappropriate… This discussion was about me quitting OW and i wanted to share my experience with competitive theese days with other people who want to quit OW… You are smurf so you dont want to quit because you are good at this game and noone can ruin your matches because you are in masters…

Few minutes ago i finished my last competitive today and everything was awful… our comp was Mercy, Ana, Brigitte, Doomfist, Hanzo and me as D.Va… i was waiting until last second cuz one of us havent picked second tank so i picked D.Va and that last dood picked Brigitte… well everything was fine until i realized 4 elims after first fight on point A are gold but since then we lost point B and we started attacking… 10 minutes of game and 4 elims still gold… but on attack i played rein cuz our Ana picked Zarya and we died and died and died and then our Hanzo started telling me how to play rein so i switched and told him to play rein because he obviously know how to play rein… i killed few players with widow before match ended and guess what… i had still gold elims… Garbagefist was always dying because of enemy junkrat and hanzo missed every shot and i saw only 1 dragonstrike for the whole match…

The match before this was fine, i played Orisa on defense becasue we needed tank, then i swithed to Rein and everything was okay until we started attacking again… we had Winston and D.Va but my team knew then have good Reaper player but still they picked dive tanks, i played lucio and when we went trough first gate on Junkertown our DPS started saying “Lucio switch you are useless” i got 4 ultimates and we had 3 minutes on timer, half way to second gate and they were still flaming me because reaper was wrecking our winston and we were unable to dive anyone. i said i have my ulti so we can push with beat but he said again “Lucio switch FFS” so i wasted beat on spawn and switched to brig to stun that reaper but our winston kept dying on that reaper cuz he was avoiding me all the time… Then we pushed with rally and we got almost to second gate on Overtime but then reaper D-Meched our D.Va and used Death Blossom, he killed 4 of us, then rest of his team finished me and our 99999 IQ junkrat and we lost…

Its simple, when enemy team have reaper or widow lvl >100 and popping off then he is a smurf, how to beat single smurf? counter him but if you are in gold with people who does not unterstand OW at higher level then they keep doing that same mistakes and smurf see thoose mistakes and taking advantage against our team because of thoose mistakes… but if you have knowledge and trying to lead gold team to victory, telling then what to do and what cooldowns or ultimates to use they start being hateful, toxic and agressive because they dont like when someone telling them what to do… Many times i told our sombra or rein to combo with my D.Va bomb but they never listened… i said “iam bombing in 3…2…1… NOW” i used bomb, enemy rein turned his shield back so our rein had free shatter, bomb exploaded, noone from enemy team died, our rein put down his shield, enemy rein shattered and they rolled us… this happens 8/10 games in gold… you can possibly rank up with friends but its more like when you have 5 friends in comp then enemy team is 6 stack too… and almost every 6 stack have a atleast 1 smurf… mostly 2 smurfs and both DPS… in duo stack you get against you another duo stack but that is mostly like guy (smurf from masters) and his gold mercy main girlfriend and he is boosting her to higher ranks so he can play with her on his level…

try to play in gold for more than 6 months around 30 games a day and you will see… but you are too scared to do that cuz you know iam saying truth so you keep defending them… This game is the best competitive game i have ever played but smurfs, toxic people, throwers and onetricks are ruining game experience for everyone except themselfs…

Alright, if you’re quitting the game then why are you still here posting? Clearly it’s not your fault at all if you’re in gold and no one realizes how hard it is to be in your shoes.

I was in plat for over a year with a few times dipping in gold but I’m too scared, you’re right.

In fact we should report every person on the forum that’s above gold, they are probably smurfs trying to defend other smurfs and report every person doing well in game, must be smurfs too.



I think you didn’t watch or understand the video.

I don’t know about Reaper. Did you check his stats? Smurfs are extremely insecure, most of them have their profiles open so others can bask at their skill. Still though, Reaper smurfs are rare because he is such an easy character to play. A random can dominate with him with very little previous experience.

You may have a point about widow, I cant see many gold players having the aim to dominate with her.

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You’re quitting because of smurfs and throwers?

That’s interesting because I played the game almost every day as my main go to game, for 2 years, and ultimately quit because of bad balancing from Blizzard.

I could put up with the occasional thrower, and the occasional smurf. It’s not like it happens every day or every game.

But bad balancing seems to linger for months on end until the community cry enough and then Blizzard might make a change, or break something else in the process. It just got old after a while, and as much as I loved Overwatch, I realized that bad balancing alone can really destroy a game, even as addictive as this.

am i still playing? well yeah i do 3-5 matches a day not 30-50 like i was playing before…

nope i dont want to watch a video, i rather go and look at videos from my subscribed channels

that reaper stuff was example…

Overwatch is one of the best games i have ever played in competitive mode, yeah sometimes some heroes or comps are OP but that means you need to play that kind of comp to win… i wanted to play goats, bunker or dive but if you have throwers or just people who playing only junkrat because they are really bad, they instantly leave voicechat because they want to do theyre own stuff (any kind of teamwork is for them big nope) then yeah… i want to quit because of people and one day i will stop playing OW completly like i stopped playing other competitive games i played… Overwatch is ballanced and i never had problems with any heroes or comps, i have problems only with people who are playing genji in goats instead of lucio or rein… Its strange iam in gold with someone who is really bad, example: i have accuracy on zarya 55% and average energy 45% but we have in team zarya main with 100 hours on her so he pick zarya but his accuracy is 27% and average energy also below 30%… he miss every grav and for the whole match he get just 2 gravs (1 on attack and 1 on defense) but i can get grav in 30 seconds-ish… when iam fully charged ofcourse…

Ranking system needs a huge rework and people who are bad gotta go back to bronze and iam fine if i will be in gold or plat for the rest of my life on my main account but iam not fine with people there… Every single time its about people, if they dont want to play meta heroes/comps then its lost if enemy team playing meta comp… example: enemy team on junkertown running pirate ship, they cap all 3 points with remaining time 3 minutes, my team is on attack with genji and sym… main heal mercy and second is zen… tanks are rein zarya… we step out of our spawn, sym TP somewhere and everyone who goes trough TP dies… we lost because they had again bastion and i had teammates who never adjusted our comp… but if i tell them to switch then iam bad, trash, i need to shut up, iam reported, iam throwing and everyone start flaming me (especially our garbage DPS)…

for me this game is kinda balanced but Brigitte or D.Va (my mains BTW) are really underpowered… Brig needs small rework but main issue with brig is when iam running brig as main tank heal iam instantly dead… Brig needs also more dmg not less dmg like everyone saying but lets see what roleQ and role SR will do… Maybe i will start playing 30-50 games when roleQ finaly comes…

And dear Nuu… I never said everyone above plat is smurf… people who are switching accounts are smurfs like you… you loose some games and then switch accounts because you want to play but you dont want to ruin your SR… What i want from competitive is a match against players with same skill like me not 6 golds against 5 golds and 1 master… its definetly not challenging and people start throwing when they see a smurf… that match is not winnable if your mercy just give up to enemy widow or if your rein charges 1v6 and dies or if we have winston against that master widow player and he dies in air 3 times in a row while he is trying to dive that widow and that master dood just double click head on jumping winston then ist most likely lost… winston is gonna switch for widow, he dies every time on widow cuz he is faster and match lost…

so please Nuu stop posting here. Iam not interested in your “smurfs are okay, throwers does not exist”…

400€ Geez… why throw all that money at it?! O.o
I just grind for loot boxes… at most I buy copies of the game for friends I wanna play with.

lol I spent less then that getting a 40kg cast steel anvil! :stuck_out_tongue:
(anvils are expensive)

I am the complete opposite. I can live with poor balance, I was there when Brigitte was released after all. Thing is I hate unfairness and smurfs are the very epitome of it. Consider this - a smurf with multiple accounts can accumulate a bunch of reports on one then switch to another without any fear in the world and wait it out. If you accumulate a bunch of them on a single account and get warned for it the best solution is to stop playing altogether and wait for the warning to drop. Small thing but combine it with the other small perks they get and suddenly by paying around 40 dollars for 3 accounts they can do so much more and enjoy the game in a way a proper player could never hope for. Its like paying for a privilege and I cant stand it. Once their number increases so much I start seeing them every other game I give up.

I never said smurfs are okay and throwers don’t exist either, just pointing out the fact that you’re using smurfs and throwers to explain why you’re playing less.

My lowest accounts are both in mid diamond simply because it’s where I belong as a dps player, I don’t roll people there, like at all; if anything I’m the one getting spanked more than I’d like because I’m not mechanically gifted.
Who said I was switching account when I lose? I mean, sure it must have happened a few times but I don’t do that everytime I play on an alt.

Sorry but I’m having a hard time understanding your logic, you’re picking just random examples to basically say : “some people don’t wanna win or try”.

Please, stop, focusing, on, your, teammates. Not once you said “Maybe I’m not as good as I think, maybe I could do better”, go figure.


It doesn’t matter what you do. You could be lying anyway. What we experience on average matters.

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My experience with mid to high masters - everyone have “alt” smurf account…

I understand people who want to play like DPS so they just switch accounts because they are maining supports… but switching account to play in lower rank is bad and you can say nothing…

Yes iam using smurfs and throwers and toxic players for playing less and then completly uninstall OW because of them cuz its annoying… hour ago i got really lucky and i grouped up with 5 people… they were actually good, nice comms, decent game sense… 3 games winstreak but guess who stomped us… solo Widow lvl 36 got 3 kills at our spawn… next fight it was just 2 and this was happening until we lost… mercy was pocketing her every time, we had no heals… winston never helped cuz they had gold reaper and he was decent, my D.Va was basically useless cuz mercy boosted widow shooting discorded D.Va is really hard to heal so before i got to her i was D-Mechd… totally unplayable match…

Just admit smurfing is bad for people with lower skill level…
Throwing is bad for your teammates who are actually trying to win…
And iam not the only one who wants different ranking system and matchmaker…
Iam watching streams on Twitch and T-500 players want to change that too…

Also you said its not possible to have over 1000 SR more on new account after placements… well i was looking at one Streamer (4400 Widow main) and he was placed in plat on new tracer only account… He lost 9/10 but he had really good stats…
Ranking system does not care if you are diamond or plat… iam 6 seasons in gold, i also was in plat when i was playing with friends but then we dropped back to gold… Its fun to SoloQ or group up with friends or other people without throwers or smurfs in any team… when i was at my prime i was able to came home from work, launch PC and play OW until i got tired, had 5 hours of sleep and then back to work again… 8-10 hours every day and i enjoyed playing every match… but then Overwatch dropped from 30€ to 9,99€ and now its overflown with smurfs…

I really wonder how that new community patch gonna work.

I can imagine how that can get frustrating, but again, you’re comparing something which happens some of the time (encountering smurfs) to something which affects the game all of the time (bad balance decisions, which Blizzard seems to love doing over and over).

In the end nothing ruins the experience more than other people.


From my point of view everyone who is complaining about ballance then you need to know this is not CS:GO so we need OP Heroes and unballanced gameplay because if the enemy team running bastion for example and you are playing tank and your DPS teammates flaming you for not tanking bastion or feeding bastion but they just keep flaming others but never switch to sombra or something usefull and OP against enemy composition then yes People are the main issue…
I can live with unballanced gameplay and that is why i love Overwatch the most but i cant play with people who play only a few heroes and forcing my team to loose because they cant switch…

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I don’t think it’s a lie. You de-rank really fast when playing in games where people leave or start trolling with the enemie team. Nowadays climbing is even more frustrating than before. I don’t think it is a lie. Trolls are becoming one of the main issues.

You don’t lose 1500sr really fast, it would take 60 loses (more or less) and again, basically any 4k player could carry at 2400.

Feel free to believe that it’s true but from my experience it’s just not possible, no gold is secretly a GM screwed over by the system.

To each their own I guess. I’d rather flex around a good smurf every now and then than accept bad balance as a solution. And by bad balance I’m talking about glaring issues, that actually caused a lot of headaches for the community, not just little bugs here and there.