Replace leaver with bot?

Didn’t think it through enough to see pros and cons but generally I think it’d be better than having a 6v5 and a waste of 10 mins.


There is already an article created discussing this idea here.

The problem would lie in the bot level. Making a bot that would have the exact same level as the leaver is near impossible, unless you have loads of gameplay data from said leaver.
So what would happen ? Either the bot as same potatoe aim as the leaver, and would just be free ult charge (no calls, no communications, bad ult management), either you get a bot that aims super well, and might have more impact than the leaver (is it fair for ennemy team ? what if said bot actually starts carrying ?).

I think the main problem is that it’s too hard to implement a bot that would have a skill-level equivalent of that of the leaver. It would necessite a lot of computations for 1 bot, and then you’d have to do this for every leaver.
RIP servers.


Yes and besides that the enemy team will start farming the bots for Ult advantage :smiley: Stupid little bot !

What if… competitive had backfill…
You’d get a player of suitable rank, that player can’t gain/lose any rank from the game but will gain some CP.
Maybe it could be opt-in if you get backfilled or not.

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or just cancel the match >.>
stop making it stupid. even if it happens you can win 5v6 , we have to be real there , it s 100% unfair . so match should just be canceled and leaver still gets his loss or SR + temp ban.

Cancellation of a game sounds a bit more fair I guess. Except when the winning team is winning by far and a leaver leaves late game.

What about a temporary timeout to find a new player and SR given/taken can be formulated to give/take a fair amount of SR from everyone.

Great idea, cant wait for bots to help the opposing team farm ults