So this is a hot topic right now and obviously no one seems to agree on anything, So what I’m going to do is summarize the dps perspective, the mercy/support players perspective and then my own. I just wanted to make this post because it seems that everyone has a different idea of what is going on and hopefully seeing it all written in one place will open everyone up to new ideas and discussion.
For those of you who dont know this movement was started by Aria Rose on Youtube in response to the #deletebrig movement, which we can all agree was warranted to some degree but now she has been nerfed so lets forget about that. Aria’s main points in her Mercy videos is that Blizzard doesn’t seem to listen to its community.’ Blizzard ADMITS to the Poor State of Overwatch - YouTube ’ this is a great video explaining the lack of communication and general discussion better than i can.
On to the dps perspective, Almost all the dps players who have commented on this movement seem to think that it is simply a drive to revert mercy back to mass rez, this is false. No one wants mass rez back, it was not healthy for the game it its original state. Another point that gets thrown everywhere is that - in a team-fight one team will throw all their ults a kill the enemy team when mercy will swoop and press one button and undo all their work, This so-called hide and rez strat was the reason given for mercy’s initial rework. Unfortunatly when the rework dropped, I, like many other mercy players were confused since hide and rez would get mercy killed rather than flip the fight. Most mercy players stuck to the quality over quantity strat only rezzing a few key teammates who have thier ults available, the led to (in my experience) many dps yelling in voice chat to be solo rezzed, and after the rework this has thankfully stopped, Another point is that Ana was bad for 6 seasons so why cant mercy be bad for 1? This is a very toxic mindset as every character should be viable even if they all have situational uses. However i will say thank you to all the dps players who are having constructive discussions about Mercy and the state of overwatch. To end of this paragraph i’ll link to a video that explains all this MERCY DOESN'T NEED A REWORK?! (Angry Mercy Main Rants) - YouTube . Love u hoshi
Now onto the mercy players perspective. There are many, many, many different ideas about mercy and what to do with her but what i’ve noticed is that everything boils down to 2 main points: Mercy needs a healing buff, she cannot keep up with ana or moira in terms of healing and both ana and moira can deal alot of damage and offer utility while healing, mercy is simply not able to heal and damage at the same time, and her only utility is rez which is a good ability but the game is so fast paced now with stuns and snipes that more often than not you’re just going to be stunned or killed mid rez. Secondly mercy has no pay off/ satisfying moments in her kit, by this i mean Ana has all her utility, and landing that sleep dart feels amazing, Moira has her ult, do i need to elaborate? Mercy doesn’t have this, her it feels clunky and slow and the cast time on rez feels abrupt and halts all momentum you’ve built up by using guardian angel.
Personally i would just like to see a slight increase to her healing so she can keep up with the likes of Ana and Moira, dont get me wrong she is close but she is slagging behind. She also needs a change to her kit making her feel more fluid to play so mercy cant build up more momentum and feel more impact full to play, not in terms of rez but not as clunky as she is now. I also think there are many more problems that need to be discussed but everyone has turned to mercy because of her ‘controversial’ past
I just want the game to be in a healthier state of everyone and all the toxicity currently being trowing around like some toddler temper tantrum and not going to get us anywhere.