I can’t be bothered to go find it. I am not your puppet. If you wanna take my word for it or not is your decision. It doesn’t matter to me how many people “side” or agree with me or not. This is not a popularity contest. This is not a democracy. Like, who are you even talking to? You need cheer leaders? rofl… If 50 people came into this thread and told me I was wrong, it wouldn’t necessarily make me wrong. I accept that you don’t believe me about the interview, but it happened. I’m not going to rush off and find it for you because I’m not your puppet. Get me?
Again, read my post.
every single argument returns to the same old thing.
you aren’t getting any changes, you aren’t getting any reworks, reverts, revamps, you aren’t getting mass res back.
Valk is fine. Mass res was not.
blizzard are happy with Mercy right now, so your opinion on the matter, doesn’t matter
I’ve seen where it was leading so I gave up, but here, let me indulge you.
So we agree that mercys rework was a standard procedure based on player feedback and blizzards investigation of the issue.
It could, but was proven as a problem. Let’s, for the sake of argument, not do any more comparisons. Zaryas bubble is much closer to a shield than a rez.
In such cases, do not expect a decent discussion. It doesn’t work, prime example: this thread.
I’m afraid I cannot, as you already dismissed and tagged one person as a “hater” due to oversight. Let’s not do comparisons as we’re not on equal grounds.
And the designers reworked it and stated that now she is fine, so idle play and reward for failure was an unintentional byproduct, which was solved.
I could predict that this would turn into a flame war, just by reading your first post. It doesn’t take a psychic to determine that name calling opposing opinions will result in a flame war, especially if the person predicting it was the cause as well.
I would call it a mistake rectifier, which brings us to
Which revive discourages
EDIT: To be honest I’m more interested in the scarp mechanic than beating a dead horse that is a mass rezz. You yourself stated that it’s a non issue for you, so let’s move past it.
No i dont get you, cause no one believes you, you say jeff goodmann, already there i am suspecious. His name is geoff goodman…
Next Stylosa aint done an interview with Geoff goodman as far as i am aware, second to this you were the absolute tool, who belittled me again with
But now getting called out to show this quote, you back off and say, “take my word for it, go look for it yourself”. What a joke.
I know of an interview before, where someone stated, that Mercy is not easy to play at the pro level, which isn´t saying anything about her being hard to play. It is indicative of how hard it is to play anything at the level of the pros.
No you´re not, you are just a very, very special individual, you really should get your own medal. “Endoftheline the extra special”
How a person can be so arrogant, rude and wrong is beyond me.
I just wanna point out that mass ress wasn’t “unhealthy, discouraging, evil, wrong, a sacrilege, etc” until season whatever, after Ana and Lucio got severely nerfed while Mercy’s ult got some unnecessary buffs (invulnerability, allowed to move while ress’ing, ressurected allies able to maneuver faster) that could have been just reverted. In fact, Mercy was considered a troll pick in high rating until then lol.
That’s just your opinion but it doesn’t make it true. Blizzard isn’t happy with it either, destroying Mercy’s playstyle and nerfing her to the ground has cost an important part of their player base who quit the game.
Please, we’ve been through this 50 posts ago… See posts 24/26 …
This is exactly why she has been OP for one year.
Ironically, you are right
Please don’t play the victim card…
Listen, my first reply to you already was criticism on you using ad hominems by calling people whiny.
You badmouth other people and force false dilemmas. Things like calling Weaver and Bustar “resident Mercy bashers” or stupid by pointing out that they have “soft squishy brains”. Yes, the others did it too but you were the one who started it so you need to be the punching bag for now. However, what I say counts for everyone else, too. If you get personal, you make things worse.
It’s no use to attack the other ones personally. Stop calling people stupid, whiny, etc. and don’t judge people’s opinions by their mains, rank, lvl, personality, etc.
In general to everyone, please just attack the argument, not the person behind that argument.
Blizzard is happy with it, and it’s not my opinion, it’s blizzards. They changed it, so it obviously wasn’t fine.
their player base, a drop in the ocean. If your playstyle was to hide and res, games better off without you
Just because Blizzard changed something, it doesn’t automatically mean said thing was wrong. I could made a list of things Blizzard changed that were fine or got even worse after the change, for example Junkrat’s formula 1 riptire, Doomfist, Symmetra’s rework, Dva’s health/armor ratio and more.
Mercy’s playstyle wasn’t simply hide and seek. I could go deeper into this but i have the feeling that no matter what i say, you won’t understand it (because you don’t want to) so i’ll pass. My point is that she had impact on the game.
You call it hide and seek. I call it game management, reading the game. I hear a rip-tire, i know Zarya’s ult is ready so i’m not letting her catch me into her graviton. With the current Mercy you don’t even need a brain, you are just a healing bot.
Just for your information mr. nice random, i quit long ago so the game is already better
Seems like you’re the only one who can’t understand, it’s also laughable seeing how hard you try to justify it. It was hide and seek. People knew it, Devs knew it, Devs removed it.
Get over it, and move on.
Mercy has ONLY ever been a heal bot, there’s nothing remotely difficult to her kit whatsoever. Out of all of the healers, she’s the easiest, babys first healer.
You quit when you couldn’t have easy mode anymore, it’s fine, we all get that.
Ya’ll would be the part of Mercy mains that are sharing their buffs/rework/revert ideas online.
Why would we rework a balanced hero? I don’t get it.
So Mercy mains that want buffs on Mercy but want her to stay the same are dumb? that’s sorta rude? you should learn to respect your colleagues opinion on Mercy as their opinions matter too.
She’s currently balanced, and she’s not fun to play? umm you know fun is subjective? right? what’s fun for you might not be fun for me… and vise versa using fun as an argument to rework hero completely shatters your argument… you don’t rework a hero based on one person or a group of players that don’t find X hero fun… there is a Y group that find Mercy fun. why should we ruin the hero for them?
The counter argument would be “I like Mercy and find her fun, hence there’s no reason to rework her.” you can’t argue against that as it’s you can’t force people to change there perspective on fun it’s subjective.
Irrelevant to the topic and I don’t care.
Hence why I didn’t say “you” are whining when you said this
Which I responded with my comment, and it’s true if you’ve actually been on the internet for the last year there has been so many I can’t give exact number but I’ll go ahead and assume “thousands” of posts on Mercy topic just on US forums… you might wanna check it out.
you’ve had 4 mega threads, that hold 20k+ of comments on them.
youtube videos.
reddit posts.
Discord servers.
You must be really blind to not actually see the whining here.
or… you don’t define that as whining but if a non Mercy player spoke about Mercy that automatically makes it whining? hopefully you’re not that biased.
The irony here is that you’re using strawman as I never pointed at you directly for whining you just took assumption that it’s you I’m pointing while my comment was completely generalization of people that keep bringing Mercy up for changes, I even said the words “some of ya’ll”. You assumed you’re apart of the some? weird.
Again you’re using strawman against me… kinda sad?
And now you went ahead and used ad hominem… which kinda proves you lack any method of talking with someone in a respectful way my initial comment had no insult towards you.
You’re saying I’m a baby Mercy hater? for all you know I might be a Mercy main, also you’ve managed to break forum rules.
Thank u for your help
that doesn’t really solve anything. If we delete her that will create another toxic storm where we will just delete all the other heroes like doomfist or briggete.