Roadhogs are far too tanky

You have close to 4h on this season woah your such a tank player…
I have more time on tank then you this last seasons…

I only MAINLY do competitive when playing with my friend as he plays a healer and we often do well together than going solo. in QP I practice other heroes, that’s not a crime is it? Doesn’t mean I’m not a tank main.

I don’t think Road is such a major problem, as peoples said before he bring no utility to his team except extra dps.
And with Reaper current state he is actually in trouble against him, as a support player i just nanogrenade him or discord him and i let my Reaper roast the bacon for me.

That sounds delicious :smiley:

You must be gold… Roadhog is the worst tank by far

yeah tanks should not tank 4head

Oh so thinking Roadhog is too strong defensewise makes me gold, okie dokie.

Agree lets get rid of that tankyness and make Roadhog as lethal again as he used to be in the past :thinking: i think it would be very fair trade that any roadhog main would be happy with.

with eggs and toast
Tasty :fried_egg::bacon::bread:

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Reaper is complained a lot about wonder who is stronger right now Reaper or Roadhog im not playing game cos i uninstalled it so i don’t know :thinking::smirk::+1:

Have you ever heard of these following abilities that can stop his “godmode”

  • Flashbang
  • Hack
  • Sleep Dart
  • Anti-Grenade
  • Another Hog’s Hook
  • Charge
  • literally any other stun ability

Also, “godmode?!”
Orisa can have 50% damage resistance for twice as long and has armor, but you wouldn’t call that op, would you?
That’s because it isn’t. Roadhog is NOT that tanky in the long run, especially if his E gets denied.