Russians are hard to play with

Please god, give us an option to avoid russians from match making. They are simply a different kind of people witch are hard to communicate to…


You could say this about any nationality really, but that’s matchmaking, it can team you up with just about anyone from anywhere. One thing is to try changing region to NA (less chance of Russians if it’s such a problem) but then it could be higher ping, or queue up with friends (not necessarily a 6 stack) beforehand.

That is technically racist


Yes indeed they are, but they’re human, as well as you, meaning that they have every right to be on the same server as you. Though one could argue that “Give Russians their own server”, but that’s not my call so I don’t need to take a stance on it.

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I think you failed to understand, they said its racist to want to avoid russians. Not that russians are racist

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It’s technically true.

I don’t see how it’s racist to say that Russian people are difficult with communicate with, soft world we live in now.

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Every person who can’t speak english is hard to play with.

It’s not only russians O.O and it’s not a racist thing to say because for me it’s only the language barrier that can be annoying.

It’s not about where ppl come from or their skin O.O

Saying that it’s a language barrier doesn’t make it racist.


Please, friend, have some vodka with pryanik while i play my balalaika for you and keep calm. You can also pet my bear over there.

On a serious note it’s not russians but every individual who don’t speak english is hard to communicate with. There’s already threads complaining about French, Italian etc. players. We all part of Europe and we all want to play but not everyone can learn new language just because of that.

Have a nice day.


I’m also hard to play with. Because I main Brigitte. That is all.

I don’t mind Russians at all, but as it was said… just not fun to play team game with someone who can’t/ refuses speak common language. Could happen with other nationalities as well, but in my case it’s mostly Russian players problem.

I’m Russian. I’m all for a Russian-only server based in Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod. I’m tired of ping disadvantage.

To OP:

I don’t see how it’s racist to say that Russian people are difficult with communicate with, soft world we live in now.

There’s no way to communicate a racist idea without it being racist. When you discriminate against a group of people based solely on their ethnicity/country of origin/color of skin/other factor, involuntarily assigned at birth - you are racist/sexist/other forms of -ist, none of them positive.

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Yup. For basic communication, there are plenty of basic commands like “heal me”, “group up” or “attack the objective” which are translated into player’s language automatically. But I guess OP considers himself some sort of master tactician with a plan that needs to be communicated verbally, in which case I’ll say… get a group. Not only will they understand you, but they will listen to you, and you will soar through the ranks all the way to masters.

If non-english speakers are such a big issue for you, I advise you to either

  1. Use LFG unless you’re like master or upwards (won’t find many groups there)
  2. Play on the US region
  3. Learn Ukrainian and swear at them

Technically racism is dependent to a race, not country. If somebody is racist, he is “against” Slavs (i.e. Russians, Yugoslavs, Ukrainians, Bulgarians etc), not just Russians.

It’s peculiar how people are able to spit out emphatic accusations (combination of technically and racist) with ease, while they are still unable to distinguish racism from xenophobia.

“Russian” is a nationality too. That’s what I have written in my passport - not “Eastern Slavic”, “Russian”.

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@Night i’m sorry but that is the geekiest thing i’ve heard all week - ‘emphatic accusations’ blah blah blah the topic is about people hating Russians so I thought they were being racist or maybe i have the intellectual capibilty of a teaspoon I dont know

i’ve had at least one Russian player be a total toxic antisemitic idiot… though that may not relate as far as i know russia tend to be more antisemitic and homophobic then many other places…

remember this is the country that banned people with fetishes and people into bdsm from having a drivers license… why?.. there is no logical reason!
it was just pure discrimination motivated by religious idiocy.

if this is a common problem then possibly blizzard may need to pay more attention to reported abusive language from there and make it absolutely clear that they keep that toxic crap to themselves because outside Russia that crap just wont fly.

I’ve also had RPG Literature books turn out to be homophobic antisemetic crap too… (russian author) though there where plenty that where perfectly fine… (kind of a pain in the ass wating for the translations though lol)

@ Confusiarch
Oh please, get over yourself!
I’m not Ru myself, but reading this condescending crap…I can tell you only one thing:
You are no one and nothing to judge a whole country, which have different understandings and views than you. Also, I know it’s hip and cool, but not everyone is into degeneracy. Remember that. Also, this “crap” is not only in Russia. Don’t try to act like a little Gestapo, it’s not your place.

I never said they where not free to their personal oppinions i just said they should keep that garbage out of the team chat… it does nothing to help anyone.

Just becaues it may be less frowned on in ones home country is not a license to be a dushbag in chat.

And while i personally disaprove of abrahamic religion in general i also disaprove of anti-semitism as it’s realistically less about religion any way and more about racism which again does not belong in team chat.

That said Russian are far from being the only ones to spout racist crap… but they do seam to have more of a cultural acceptance of such deplorable behavior.

Team chat is for polite friendly discourse, encouragement and helpful shoot calling not spewing abuse obscenities and racism.

(that said i dont think it needs to be quite as profanity filtered as the forums are lol)

Also i think a lot of young people think they are being edgy when they are just being needlessly obsene rude and unplesant… which really is not an admiral trait in anyone… but well with a 12 age limit you get a lot of egocentric young brats…
(the brain takes a while to develop empathy fully which is why teenages are kind self centred as hell)

I second this so much. Almost every time they refuse to co-operate and end up dragging the team down pretty hard so I’ve opted to just never play with players who have Russian names.