And I won’t buy overwatch 2 : D
Oh no. A smurf!
Or is it an alt account.
Oh, who actually cares. Just play the game if you like. Or uninstall if you don’t.
Please stop moaning about it now, nothing is going to change this. People will always have multiple accounts.
That’s where you’re definitely wrong. Playing against better players than you is a fantastic first hand opportunity to learn the aspects that make player good.
Or at least, watch from their view after and see the mistakes they are punishing you for.
nope it just teaches you how to respawn faster
Sure does. You are a pro at it now!
Question. If I’m on a roll of 4 wins in a row… am I cheating or smurfing??
Lol fair enough. I just finished my roll losing after 7 wins.
Sad face
Here is one for AllMight
My team were adamant the enemy Widow (NotOriginal) was wall hacking… Personally I don’t, it was just a smurf popping off.
But it is always why, you don’t just give up against smurfs as we (eventually) just rolled through them.
Smurfing ruins the game. They smurf because it ruins your fun. But Blizzard does not care. They have your money and it doesn’t matter what happens after that. You can get to about 1000 SR but if you don’t have some support, that is as high as you go. Three smurf games, one without. That’s how it is. Not even worth playing.
That is as high as you go, because that’s your level.
If you improve you can push further.
Smurfs exist. But they are not the reason people can’t climb.
They might be the reason you lose a few matches, they might be the reason you win a few. But if you can’t climb, that’s on you to figure out what you’re doing wrong.
Has some one from Blizz kidnapped you and thats why you show strong signs of Stockholm syndrome? is that why you’re downplaying peoples perceived issue with smurfing?
No. I am downplaying it because it isn’t that much of an issue.
Firstly - nothing you can do about it
Secondly - if you want to climb, get better at the game.
You will play against smurfs that will stomp you. These are games you should review and learn things from about what you were doing wrong (a smurf is just someone better than you, they will punish your mistakes more often).
You will also stomp games with smurfs. But you aren’t likely to remember these as much. People tend to hold on to “negative” experiences a lot more vividly.
Then there are the games with no smurfs. This is where, if you are improving as a player, you can be the one that carries. Getting that win rate over 50% and boom you are climbing.
I would also say a lot of the time, what people think is a smurf, isn’t. Just an alt account working its way up. Traditional smurfs are the ones actively deranked. Not the ones on new accounts that have just placed Plat when their main is Masters.
Ultimately those players you will see once or twice and then they will be gone, so whats the issue. They are just playing the game as legitimately as you are.
People who think smurfs aren’t that much of an issue are not some how being pay by Blizzard… They just aren’t deluded enough to go around blaming everyone else for their poor performance.
I am in gold/plat because I am pretty bad at the game… I was bronze because I was utter garbage. But I watched my games, learnt lessons, and tried to “git gud”. If I want to go higher, I need to improve more.
not everyone plays to get better. People just want to have fun sometimes, not get destroyed every time you walk out of spawn.
where is coming from?! i mean sometimes even me so peaceful and silence man can break out and gonna smash, taunt everyone, toxic, blame even blizz for all of this. But you stood positive every time in every posts. Like somekind buddha. Jeez
I got one recently, then researched him. Found some family issues - then started mocking about them. He freaked out, next time when smurfing will remember this.
I’m tired of smurfs running around QP and Arcade. I’m constantly seeing teams of 2 or 3 now who just run the show for their entire team and there is NOTHING you can do to beat them. It’s every 3rd game it seems. After 8 months of not playing and coming back to have fun, this game is still not fun, it should be, but it’s not. Time for another year break I guess.
One of the reasons i stopped playing. In EVERY game i join… there is this low level account. I dont care anymore if its an smurf… an troll or an aLtAcCoUnT.
Its ruins the fun for me.
Find myself here for the same reason, games being ruined by smurf accounts or boosting.
Imo the Sr you are allowed to party together needs to be lowered and it will help the boosting at least.
The smurf part there isn’t much that can be done it’s just constant and pathetic.