I agree with them lowering the 1000sr group rule. But that won’t stop anything like boosting.
Most boosting happens when someone just logs in on someone elses account to play. So this wont make any difference.
Smurfs are actually just a non issue. Mostly because most of them are just playing the game properly and if they are placed too low will be long gone from you games pretty quickly.
I agree 1000% the game is almost unplayable. Everytime I play against someone that is pulverizing our team effortlessly I check out their level and they’re level 13 or something. I was winning games a lot at first but now at level 105 I’m losing 95% of my matches and I’m almost exclusively matched with multiple people level 500 + or smurfs. I just kinda hate this game at this point.
Hiding match history in a competitive game does not help to detect smurfs and eloboosters. Preventing players to be aware about the quality and fairness of their game and address any report
Hiding match history in a competitive game does not help to detect smurfs and eloboosters. Preventing players to be aware about the quality and fairness of their game and address any report
Setting in a patch after the launch the game the private profile in a competitive game does not help to detect smurfs and eloboosters. Preventing players to be aware about the quality and fairness of their game and address any report
Removing in a patch after the launch the chance to see parties in a competitive game does not help to detect smurfs and eloboosters. Preventing players to be aware about the quality and fairness of their game and address any report
Blizzard actively tries to lower awareness of players about a non fair environment and prevent any sort of report.
Blizzard won’t remove smurs cause bring money and new customers. When a friend invites you to come to play in a game he’s expert, he always play with you with a lower character.
Smurfs = new boxes
Blizz = stake company
What they are doing is not correct cause they offering a service with ELO. They are just scamming us, cause rules about these games are not efficiente and still not developed.
Is the same story we saw with telephone companies and first mobile offers, no rules, a lot of scams etc.
Smurfs are not that much of an issue. The only ones upset by them are the ones not interested in putting the effort into learning from people and becoming better players.
I just hit “19.5%” win rate on ranked. and nearly all matches have one or two way too well playing DPS on the other team. sometimes the profiles are open and i see numbers like 2900, 3100 and 3700 SR in the history of players who are currently 600.
while you get people like him saying that practice makes you win.
then you have people like me who really don’t care and will just play and will stop playing if the act of playing isn’t fun.
sure learning is a part of that but what’s more fun is the interactions in the game.
to me overwatch is too chaotic to think you can win by simply being better, while yeah you can give yourself better odds at winning by being better, it’s no guarantee.
so why worry? just do you and have as much fun you can get out of it.
You are right. Fun is the key part. But people like this guy just seem to want free SR.
I will put money on it. You put them in a game of the rank they feel like they should be in and they will be the one that throws the game.
I had the same view when I was in bronze. Thought I could be better, so my friend set up a game of diamond players with me in… I got utterly destroyed.
So I learnt, practiced, and worked on me. Climbed and now I am playing with these people on the regular.
I found the process of practicing and learning fun, so that helps.
As Tom Brady said on Sunday… How do you get good at something? first find something you enjoy, then practice practice practice.
i’m just tired of people thinking SR means anything.
it’s just a way to categorize people into the bracket they would have more fun in with more equal match-ups.
what bothers me is that people do think it’s a way to estimate their worth in the game, like they are above others just because they have a higher SR count.
that they will become more entitled to be a tyrant.
when in fact every player matters just as much as anybody else.
it’s like the same thinking that rich people are just better people, it’s that same mentality.
Yeah. SR is nonsense. It isn’t an indicator of skill. MMR is.
But I saw my friends playing where they were and I was, obviously, unable to play with them.
So I saw that as my challenge. And I enjoy a challenge.
I plan to challenge myself and try hit masters before OW2. But atm, just enjoying chilling and having a laugh with my friends.
This is a small reason I think going free to play will be good. Barrier to entry is gone. More players in, means more at all ranks. Will make match making a lot smoother.
(yes you will still get more bad eggs, but for every tool coming messing about, there will be hundreds of “normal” players joining, so it will dilute it quite a bit).
i don’t really like F2P because it means they can start locking things behind paywalls that can reach a ludacris high price.
for example let’s say they start locking characters behind paywalls and each character cost 5€ and there’s like 30 characters now so if you like maybe 10 characters that’s 50€ allready.
I suspect you will just have to buy the cosmetics and “loot” items.
You couldn’t lock heroes or maps or whatever because then we wouldn’t be playing the same game and match maker would die.
But F2P, will force them to release better and more frequent content. And will make them a lot more money, which will then drive future content. If it is making money, they will stay interested in development.
it’s usually cosmetics, but the thing with F2P is that you will never know until they do release it like that.
i’m sure you could probably grind it up but it will take a lot of time.
look at heroes of the storm or hearthstone for example.
i really dislike both of these as you are incentivized to pay money to have a good time now instead of grinding and having very little fun for a long time until you get what you want.
i really like dota2’s f2p model since it’s only cosmetic, and i hate LoL’s f2p model because you have to grind like a mf to get a basic set of characters that you will like.
i have friends that payed more than 100€ in LoL which is insane to me.
Not going to comment on other models. But they hinted it will follow something more on the lines of CoD.
So I suspect it’ll be:
PvP - F2P, with the same loot box grind, but with cosmetic content drops you can buy from time to time (akin to Apex battle passes), maybe even with variable prices depending on the number of skins and such in the pack.
PvE - This you will have to buy and will cost a similar amount to a new game (I have heard $50 price point for OW2, so we shall see on that).
This will keep in line with Warzone and CoDs “main” games.
You then get the people watching OWL and thinking they’d like a go can just jump in and play. There is no barrier to entry, everyone can just play.
And if you get hooked into the characters and want to play a more story driven game, you can.
Yeah, there are always going to be a few negative points. But I think the pro’s massively outweigh the cons. And I suspect all online multiplayer games will be F2P (most already are).
Just think, if they only get a quarter of the players Warzone got… they will have more than doubled their player base.
if it’s cosmetics and pve, that’s fine.
but we don’t know because it’s not out.
as for f2p i think it’s ok, but i think it should be something more like a demo version of a game and then the actual game you could buy if you liked the demo.
i really dislike having incomplete games that if you want everything you will have to pay through your nose for it.