Haha. Still with that myth. Everyone lives in your head rent free lol.
You’re probably one of these weirdos mad about cross-play too haha.
Haha. Still with that myth. Everyone lives in your head rent free lol.
You’re probably one of these weirdos mad about cross-play too haha.
I mean Ive been playing the game for like 3 years but I recently got it on pc, so am I a smurf then…? I mean I know ab the crossplay but I prefer keyboard
so sry if Im playing like way too good for my level atm… but what can I do ab it… u know
Big difference on PC than console. But I guess smurfs see no problem
And trolls like you always see a problem lol.
Hows Minecraft?
(20 Char)
Oh… What has triggered you now?
Ahh man you’ve dropped a lot on Tank
Lol. Oh well. I’ve been having a lot of fun in games recently, that’s more important. Especially getting to play some NA games with the new globalised servers.
(love that you are so obsessed with me you have to keep checking in on my profile. sadly I don’t feel the same about you)
Na, he smurfs all the time. He has multiple smurf accounts
I Smurf
We all Smurf
We all Win
Oh he does But he’s in denial.
Lol. Still spreading this lie. Like the obsessed stalker that you’ve become.
I will just keep playing on this single account and laugh at your ridiculous crush that you seem to have.
I do wonder what happened to you to cause this breakdown.
Again, not talking to you, replied to someone else but you seem triggered.
Nah. Just calling you out for the being the love struck, obsessed, lying troll that you are.
Funny thing is, people agree with me and know exactly who you are. Keep fooling others though, but it’s really not that hard to see it. Whatever floats your boat mate, I’m done.
Why don’t people get this?
There is 2 issues.
Blizzard is not going to turn down money from more accounts so smurfing will never stop.
Overwatch is supposed to be for everyone. From the people with great aim and the people like me who can’t hit anyone even when im ulting with 76. So when you let people smurf you are hurting the balance badly. You are bringing people with godlike aim into a game when others cant even aim properly. There is no other shooter like this and the balance is ruined.
Exactly. I feel so sorry for beginners when people buy new accounts and start from scratch. Surely wouldn’t be a fun experience getting slaughtered by high experienced players.
Funny thing is… you live in an echo chamber and you don’t realise it lol
New accounts don’t make them any money though. Unless they buy loads of extras… and thats not really likely.
Buying new accounts doesn’t = smurfing. You get a new account, you’ll only be with other new accounts for a small handful of games. Then you will be far away from being able to “ruin” the experience of legit new players. So it isn’t really an issue at all. The system works fairly well at filtering that out pretty quickly.
Having lots of accounts and smurfing are 2 separate worlds. Smurfs need to be banned, when found. But they can be banned for many things. People just don’t report the right people for the right things.
Yeah, I fk hate players that are better me. The world just isn’t fair, dammit!