Smurfs are ruining the game

smurfing is big sh.
Bann this Accounts.
Make a pool that only smurfs can fight against smurfs.
I have a normal workday and i can not spend so mutch time on a game.
1h a day at max. time and i loose 8 of 10 games. This is Sh!
Smurfs reduce the playermembers (casual) on frustrading…

I doubt it is smurfs costing you.
Plus if you only play casual, why are you worried. It is not like you are someone playing 6 hours a day trying to grind.

Which is why you will be “struggling”, you are not putting the grind in. Like most players, we don’t have all day to fix every mistake.

People still play this game? Lol move on my homies

Greetings @Giraff,no one stopping you to play your game right?Smurfs can be by your side or against you,that’s why you should play with a friends.Meybe what u saw,is just team-play (group friends,but same division as your) game is much better when u play with someone who you alredy know than solo.Best of luck in future!

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Playing in gold you learn many things.

  • comms are very rare, and when they happen they are bad.
  • everything is always someone elses fault.
  • text typing to suggest changes is 1, counter productive and 2, usually terrible advice

They are the funniest games. If someone thinks smurfs are impacting their matches to some huge extent… Then I want what ever it is they are taking.

The only ruining their games is themselves.

Learn some basic calls, some simple comps and go from there.

First time viewing these forums and BattleCattle is 100% NightWing.

The state of the forums are sad. Just a bunch of trolls stroking themselves. Guess I should have expected it considering the state of this game.

Glad I’m not the only one that can see it. :slight_smile:

Rather dead as well.

Aww you shouted your lies in to the echo chamber loud enough someone else heard. cute.

Still wrong though.

Just because someone also thinks smurfs are not that much of a problem, doesn’t mean they are the same person. You have to be pretty interesting to think that.

I’d rather say this is Wolfex making a new account to try and get some backup of his paranoid claims :slight_smile:

If you truly are new here and just glanced upon different topics then you can not know for a fact that it is the same person.

And even if it was. Just let it go. Why are you so obsessed with Nightwing?

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Yeah ok then. :man_shrugging:

Not hard to figure out really.

I’m not, I’m clearly pointing out the hypocrisy of his posts. :man_shrugging:

Please do tell me when I was hypocritical. Curious to know.

Or is it just another love struck conspiracy you’ve created in your own head.

Smurf much
Smurf lately?

Make sure to define the term “smurf” first. Players call anyone and everyone a “smurf” in quick play. To my knowledge, they only exist in comp. Seems to be a lot of confusion over what the term even means.

And rare in comp.

Everyone says bronze is “full of smurfs” or “smurfs are everywhere”. Well, I have now watched every bronze match Flats has reviewed on YouTube… not a single smurf seen.

Also, well worth watching for a laugh, and to see how far some people are up their own backsides, and in the little bubbles.

So many “I hard carried and my team threw” type things… turns out they were the one throwing lol.

did you account for the fact that a gold player looks like a smurf to a bronze one?

“looks like” but isn’t.

The big difference between bronze and gold, is that gold players have some awareness of what is going on.

If paying attention and changing what you do accordingly is enough to make you look like a “smurf” then so be it, you are a lost cause.

Smurf is relative to the skill of a player. i’m bronze and so anything golden or high is a smurf to me because i get killed instantly. if you plat you don’t fear bronze or silver players.

Best tip for you. Don’t stand still.

You’ll be much harder to kill.

really so you are to say that there’s enough skill disparity between gold and bronze that golds can pretty much stomp on bronze players?

sure golds are better than bronze on average but i wouldn’t go so far that bronze can’t beat golds at all.

let’s take a quick scenario of what i mean, if there’s a bronze widow and there’s a gold widow on opposing sides, i’d say that the bronze is at a general disadvantage but maybe really only loses to the other widow 2 times to 1, meaning that sometimes the bronze beats the gold in a shoot out. but to me at that point the “smurf” label no longer is applicable because it’s no longer really a stomp.

allthough my definition of a smurf might be a bit extreme as i figure it’s when you are unable to have any real semblance of chance of winning against them at all.

and here’s the second part of the definition of smurf, they are deliberately trying to get to play vs lesser skilled players than them, if the system pits you against a player above your skill i wouldn’t call that player a smurf off the bat unless i know without a shadow of a doubt that they did try to play you deliberately for that unfair advantage.

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Ever since the change to 2-2-2 play style, the rating has dropped for 80% of the people, meaning, the people who were platinum before, are now gold. The gold players are now silver(even bronze, like me) and the silver and bronze are now the lowest 500). The skill between gold players nowadays and bronze for example is as the guy above said, they are smurfs to us in bronze. It’s a huge leap between rating 1000 and rating 2000. I am at 1000’ish atm, every 100 i go up, its a huge leap in skill also, because there are so many players now that used to be in gold and silver, they are all down here. I have met support players who play gold/plat/diamond, they kick my butt every time as dps, and i feel like they are smurfs, they dont think like it themselves, but theres such a gap now starting from bronze 1000, in skill. Its crazy how its changed. I was 2400’ish, before change to 2-2-2. Now i cant get out of 1000. And you above gold, cannot comprehend this ofcourse.

Heres a replay if you can watch it, the guy is playing Dva and destroying us(1200 rating), u decide what rank he is and if its 1200 or not: B1TBYQ, never done this before, dont even know if it works to check it like this?

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