Smurfs are ruining this game!


From the game you showed me earlier, your aim is inconsistent. Hence why I offered for run around in the custom mode so you can practice Cree aim.

This. They are obvious engaging in gameplay sabotage. Blizzard doing and saying absolutely nothing about this for literal years is proof that its just time to move on from Overwatch if the smurfs are going to be tolerated. The Overwatch ranking and MMR system was a total waste of development time apparently if these players are un-contested at terrorizing lower ranks with such consistency. Poor, poor design Blizzard.

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Exactly, smurfs are everywhere and they make it so obvious.

Are they just better or a smurf…

Ahh Nightwing, you sad little boy. x

Oh. So you troll rather than clarify like I was asking. Nice.

See I used to think smurfs were a terrible evil in the game. Happy to admit I was wrong. They sre just a mild nuisance on rare occasions.

Blizzard endorses cheating. If you want something somewhat fair and competitive just play Valorant

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More cheaters in Valorant.

But please provide proof that blizzard endorses them.

just lol, jeff kaplan said a statement two years ago, about how smurfing is not an issue lmao. Just get better? shouldn’t have to go tryhard in say plat, and sweat just to beat someone who is a grandmaster, or even masters. If what you are saying is true, then you truly don’t see the issue, i quit playing this game all the time, because i shouldn’t have to go hard that much in a low elo, just to gain 25 sr lmao. If i wanted to go against masters or grandmasters, i’d be there, doesn’t justify making me have to go against them in a low elo. You learn as you get into higher elos, that is how learning occurs, just because you watch a replay, doesn’t mean mechanically you are gonna do the same thing as them, because you are getting destroyed by them, even spawn camped. If you want to go tryhard all the time for low sr gains, be my guest. But this company, has gone to crap. Used to seeing silver borders and even gold borders, now every game, and yes i mean it every game, new accounts. Rarely do i get in a game with them anymore.

They’ve never made any comment about smurfing not being an issue.

They have how ever said it isn’t an issue if someone wants to buy multiple accounts. Which is isn’t.

But owning a 2nd (or however many) account doesn’t make that a smurf. You can own 1 account and smurf.

And of course you have to try a little to win games. That is half the fun of matches.

“If i wanted to go against masters or grandmasters, i’d be there” - this makes zero sense. If you just played in the ranks we wanted the match maker would be screwed lol.

well the fact is that there are account sellers which do screw up the system a good bit and it’s a constant thing.

and really i wouldn’t worry about ranked at all, it’s nowhere near competitive enough to be taken seriously, not because of all the factors that the community does by its own admission but because of how the system isn’t rigged to allow for the highest of highs in competition on it, it’s actively working against it.
not allowed to 6 stack at the highest of highs, if you are the best of the best you won’t be facing the best with the best teammates available.

at the highest of highs you’ll have to carry to keep your rank, it’s not an even distribution.
and even if it was, there’s still the fact that characters are asymetrical so you can’t say for certain even then.

so does it matter? well it does in terms of competition but not in the overall enjoyment of the game, so really the only ones who should be concerned are those who try to become the best of the best and for those there are allways other avenues that does a better job at nurturing competition for those who want it.

Yeah, but people have traded accounts ever since online gaming was a thing.

It shouldn’t happen, abs when found out people get banned.

My friend moved from the UK to Iceland… as soon as he logged in at his new home they banned him. Took him a month to convince them it was him and that he’d not sold the account. So they have systems in place.

But it is, like actual smurfing, surprisingly rare.

well people have traded accounts basically when it started being benificial to do so.
there have been points where it haven’t been like that and many games still made to this day where it isn’t.

but make a ladder and a matchmaker and i bet people would start doing it so yeah.

and we’ve been down this road before, we have different definitions of what smurfing means.

but yeah the one you’re thinking of, it might not be as bad as people make it out to be, but still an issue that will never get solved while automatic matchmaking is the way we match players together.

it is what it is.

The correct one. In terms of gaming. I.E. manipulation of the system. (Deranking and the likes)

Buying a second account and playing an off role or heroes you’ve never played and naturally being a bit lower is perfectly fine.

i’m not discussing that again with you.
clearly you cannot be an adult about it.

I am merely going on the historical definition.

Rather than most forum users of low level account that’s better than me.

" Smurfing is when a highly-skilled player creates a secondary account as a disguise to play against less proficient opponents."

So buying 7 accounts and playing different heroes and roles, having different MMR, but playing properly is perfectly fine.

you are not going by the historical definition, i am.
you’re going by the common term how it’s perceived right now in the context of overwatch.

original definition had no matchmaker, all they did was change their nicknames on their existing accounts to hide their identity so they wouldn’t be found out instantly before they crushed their opponent who by the way could leave whenever they wanted without punishment, they didn’t manipulate MMR because there was none.

what they did in comparison to what people do today to “smurf” is miles away in severity because they didn’t really do anything wrong as it didn’t really hurt anybody, a smurf nowadays mess the automatic ladder up and beat opponents who cannot leave without punishment and actually has something riding on the games they play.

don’t really care how many accounts they buy as it has nothing to do with smurfing really, it’s something people have to do in overwatch but not everywhere else.

Yeah, don’t waste your time.

Paul here, not realising the irony of his statements.

Hoping to see you in my games soon. I want the duel. May the best Rein win.

We need a 1000sr swing though :frowning:

Yeah… grow up Nightwing.