Smurfs = Gameplay Sabotage

In conclusion and like it’s been said 1000000x times, alt accounts are fine, throwers are not wether it’s your main account or not.

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So you’re saying throwers are fine? I see, maybe it’s you who should be reported.

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you misunderstand, which is not surprising, im not objecting to what you say in that Instance, im just objecting to you personally because you are a jac+ka**




Maybe just not good enough?

It’s not game play sabotage… You need to read the meaning of sabotage.

Just because people are better, doesn’t mean they’re smurfs.

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learn to take a joke, humour is derived from the over exaggeration of real life events

you’re right, not good enough to be a master or GM… that’s why smurfs are a problem

Funny you say that when you can’t recognize sarcasm.

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Yeah I’m sorry but I flagged your posts, if all you’re going to do is spam one answer, refuse any kind of conversation and sometimes even attac-k people’s character it’s basically trolling.

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Overwatch matchmaking has a pretty good way of dealing with smurfs they are effective only for a few games after that it’s either hide MMR and lose or win and get harder games.
It’s so good that it I wonder why most games feel so terrible. Perhaps so we buy more accounts.

Yeah well here is the difference between alt accounts and smurfs

Alt account users use their alts to practice new heros and rapidly climb the ranks… no problem there

Smurfs one way or the other try to game the matchmaker and mmr system by purposefully throwing or performing badly so they can land and maintain any rank they like… so then they can play with friends or just generally stomp on the enemy to inflate their own egos and what they will do is they will absolutely roflstomp in one match then soft throw the next two thus maintaining their low rank