today every friggin match i played had at LEAST 1 smurf…
it’s realy messing up the game, so blizzard what are you (going) to do or doing about it?
or is it a “we get paid so let them” issue?
today every friggin match i played had at LEAST 1 smurf…
it’s realy messing up the game, so blizzard what are you (going) to do or doing about it?
or is it a “we get paid so let them” issue?
Yes, as long as it makes money for blizzard, they will oversee the issue.
Guys comon we might have a discount on the 10th time we buy this game don’t take that away!
…what are you even trying to accomplish with this post ?
Do you want blizzard to punish people for buying a second copy of the game or do you want blizzard to punish people for not trying hard enough even if they are skilled enough ?
Ignoring all the problems that this would cause why would they even, smurfs aren’t much of an issue as pretty much every other competitive game in history can tell you, the people who are skilled will eventually rank up and the ones who aren’t won’t.
people complained about multi-boxing in wow since like 2 days after the software was created
nothing happened nothing will and I’m ok with the logic of it, they can do it because they have more money than me.
just as I am ok with the logic that some people play with 150 fps and I play on 23-29, I’m not gonna ask blizzard to hardcode their game engine to play better on my old hardware, life ain’t fair
Wanna know whats more funny it cost’s $5,711 USD per year to run 36 Wow accounts for a one man raid. Ain’t no company that are gonna say no to that.
for blizzard to see the problem smurfs bring to this game…
if you do not see what problems they are… well…
Can you at least bother to read the rest ?
What can they do about it though? Any Suggestions?
Blizzard is taking their money and smiling.
the best answer, you wont get it here, tried it before…too much forums and too much the same dead topics
so if u cant beat smurfs - join them =)
Verifying accounts via Phone Numbers, 1 IP per console/computer, thats all i can think of
I have a mom and dad that own phones.
Every time i shutdown my router i get a new ip.
And they are more ways to change your ip.
Why must they invest into something that they don’t consider problematic?
Yeah, I also wonder what all this would mean to brothers/sisters sharing the same machine…
Even if they add ID card info into it, i can still take one from my family.
Ultimately Blizzard won’t make their game less accessible for this and as I say the danger is it could stop genuine multiple accounts in a household.
I like to play against smutfs, they remind me that i am so misserable at my low-mid plat, that i don’t deserve to climb. Or maybe show me some skills that becomes my future experience. I wish i will learn this game to become GM then gonna buy my second account and have fun smurfing against lower rank players. So smurfs in not a problem, problem is that everyone wanna be smurf for free and have fun without any pain. No pain - no gain.
increase level cap for playing in ranked , make sr bound to ip (The way they ban cheaters ,but instead it will just put your smurf to the rank where your main is)
Yes making something share the same ip wont make problems for someone having a brother or sister and chaging an ip is the easy, all it takes is a youtube video…