Smurfs... what is blizzard doing about it?

Jeff: smurfs aren’t an issue in this game.

-me in a diamond game with 5 smurfs on my team and they all insta lock dps-
Doomfist: I feel sorry for you.

Jeff? I see an issue here…

They do not see an issue because they are paid by those smurfs who destroy balance in your game.

I want the dislike button back.

first: an ip ban would prevent people living together in one household prevent from having separate accounts. like a brother or roommate or a whole university dorm could only have one account…

second: alts as in people buying new accounts and leveling them and then palying comp at 25 and then climbing to whatever their rank is, is not a problem. if you do this you get placed in high gold/plat or even diamond and then play there. sure maybe you’re better than most other players but over a longer time any player getting matched against you will also get matched with someone like you.

it evens out over a large number of games

the real problems with smurfing is people placing extra low or throwing games to get to low SR brackets. and that’s already bannable and thrower will get bans. so far every time i reported someone for throwing i got the message that action has been taken within 24hrs of reporting.

second problem is top500 players having more than one account in top500. well that’s not possible anymore since you now also need multiple phonenumbers (sms protect) to do that.

so anyone saying blizzard is ignoring smurfing is wrong. they don’t.

but having multiple accounts is not smurfing and is not a problem for the game.

There is absolutely no way to tell if a player is smurfing unless they admit to it.

New player ends up outperforming everyone else they will rank up faster and be placed faster

intentional throwers get reported and suspended

That is all you can do about smurfs

No, thats not all you can do.

The only real way to fix this problem is to rank people up faster that have insane personal performance.

In bronze/silver there are people that literally carry and entire team getting almost every KB and having ults every 30 seconds. Its nuts.

So just rank them up much faster, and if they want to risk throwing to get back down, let them get banned for that.

Ranking up faster based on individual performance will go a LONG way in getting these people out of games where people just want an even match. I don’t give a crap about my rank, i just want a fun game. Its just as annoying when there is a smurf on my own team. Its just boring.

Im a silver player, been playing since the game came out, and I just want an even game. Sometimes ill go an entire night without an even match, whether its smurfs on my team or theirs, its ridiculous.

First couple seasons of this game were so much fun because these nerds hadn’t bought multiple accounts yet. Its a shame this game has been ruined for casual players.

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it only takes 150 subscribers to WoW to pay for that

Reporter: What is the reasone you still let smurfs do their thing?
Blizzard: Hello, I like money.

I got 7 wins with reddit lucio this season and got only 60 sr from 2237 to 2297

(and then played a match and my entire team was throwing)

In qp i am getting matched with plats who are either peaks or mid plat and i am confushian!

What is my mmr???


Smurfing isn’t illegal nor is it a problem.
See it as a challenge.

This is classic case where “git gud” truly is the only thing you can and should do.

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Git gut only applies if the person in question complains because they cant reach the higher rank they deserve. If that is not the case its simply a hollow meaningless retort.

They can reach it, by trying harder.

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Not every complaint is related to climbing.

ever considered that finding smurfs isnt as easy as you think and it would be more troubles with lots of innocent people being banned than it would help anything?

In war there is a thing known as Collateral Damage and Acceptable losses, when it comes to smurfs I treat is as a war, because they “invade” our lower ranked matches, so… see above

hah, I like the way I think. With my ideas I am sure some(not many) new players will suffer, like having to level up to 100 in the extremely poor arcade/QP to taste competitive. However so many smurfs will be eliminated I feel like its a worthy trade.

indeed, and its not my fault, its blizzards, if they did something about it, we wouldn’t have too… just so happens blizzards in its laziness gave us a completely automated system to do it with…

unfortunately we have to use a sledgehammer when a scalpel would be more appropriate… but all we have is a sledgehammer

I’m actually smurf depended atm.
Since high rank is garbage goats land what else do i do to have fun?
Like a full year has passed and goats still are dominating everything…
And what is blizzard doing??? Collecting my smurf money, spiting at skilled players faces and forcing Esports dps players to play Zarya, Brigitte and LMAO.

And honestly since blizzard doesn’t care about high rank then i don’t care about the fun of low to mid rank players.

a valid opinion

You´re just a pice of S***, sadly to say, that is the worst excuse i have ever heard. Face it you suck at the current metas (calling them unfun is alright, calling them stale and much more is accurate), though using them as an excuse to “Smurf”, mind you not just have another account you play around with. Smurfing is delIbberately wanting to F with low ranked players, requiring you to force worse performances (aka soft throwing or worse).

While it is a sad reality, that is how it is right now, so we gotta live with it currently, you can whine and be mad (justifiably) at anyone but the lower ranks, they had nothing to do with that.

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