Stop with auto-aim heroes

Do tell what is a shooter game then. From Doom to today’s shooters what is so different? Left clicking and swinging your mouse around is a shooter game now?

A shooter game is a FPS game where you shoot stuff. You didnt have to aim the same way with the BFG, did you?

Where you aim and shoot stuff. If the characters who require no aim start to grossly outperform and outnumber the ones who do the game becomes an action game not a shooter.

Depends on your definition of aiming. Aiming = doing an action within a set of parameters to cause a resultant effect.

In the loosest of terms, you aim Torb’s turret

Also, the clue is in the name “shooter”

Its not rocket science, aiming is controlling where your shots land, as simple as that.

But the thing is finding the right balance. Do you have enough aim characters to compensate for the no aim ones? As of currently the game is in a dangerous state with Reinhardt/Brigitte/Mercy/Moira being too powerful. The only 2 heroes who match them and require some aim are Hanzo and Zarya. You can also maybe put Pharah and Zenyatta but they are situational, not great allrounders like the other 4.

Put one more strong no-aim character, do the wrong buffs/nerfs and you come into a situation where aim isn’t even necessary for a team to win and the game becomes a budged For Honor where you spam left click and annihilate everything.

And if you aim a nuclear bomb at the guy standing 3 feet away? Its aiming right, just really easy?

Right? Now this would be an amazing addition to a competitive game which aspires to be an e-sports. When is the nuclear gun character coming out?

Technically this game does not have auto-aim, not as far as I understand. Auto-aim to me is the ability to point anywhere on the screen and the attack locks on the nearest enemy.

Every hero from Winston to Moira has a weapon hitbox that has to cross paths with the enemy player model hitbox in order to hit and deal damage.

Ok Im testing the advice given above

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I think you’re massively over-estimating the importance of aim over game-sense and team work here. Just because YOU think aiming is what you want to be good at, doesnt mean everyone else does.

Have you seen any of the videos of top players VS aimbots? Or have you played in any 5dps games and got your ass handed to you by a well constructed team?


Sorry pal but they’re buffing syms damage and making it a beam weapon like zarya

No, I am not the one talking in absolutes, you are. I am not saying aim is everything, I am saying in an FPS it should be significantly important or else the game becomes a left click fest(the way it is played right now). It was fine when the only no-aim meta heroes were Winston and Mercy. Add more to them, make them capable of destroying the characters who need aim and you will find yourself in a very low skill ceiling game which wont be pleasant to play or watch.

Many see it as an anathema for a game that has mostly hitscan DPS characters.

Raw Aim in many peoples minds should ultimately win over everything else as its considered the most true form of skill in FPS games as the best aim requires a ton of hand eye coordination and reflexs as well as muscle memory.

So for someone who has that opinion and then gets killed in a 1v1 by moira its rage inducing because of the RNG ball bounces and the “lazy aim” primary fire, in other words the game does half the work for them but with the hitscan character they were playing is all that person and not half the game.


If every auto aim hero gers hit with what zarya has at her m1 fire the game will be much better.

Ppl hate auto aim cause it will never be balanced it will away be retardedly strong in lower ranks and dumb useless higher.
On top of not taking any skill to used.

I hate how autoaim heros work in a rock paper sisors game that overwatch claims to be sometimes cauntering heros that take skill to use with autoaiming like winston moira is to dumb.

Ontop of that the game has heros with wide atracks like rine brigitte just holding m1 and attackinh anyone on screen or huge unfair projectails like hanzos arrows that combined with larg hitboxes = bearly any skill needed to shoot and hit.

They are fair autoaiming mechanics in this game but very lil like zen’s orbs and ana’s nano boost and toxic once like zaryas and brigitte healing and bubbeling adding supper valus out there ass for no skill what so ever just looking in the general derection. Not missing abilitys is opOP aswell its not just primeryfire that matter.

Auto aim is added to only tank and supports so that ppl will use em and not feel bad but at this point is to toxic, i love looking at titi streamers and damn if moira mercy briggite arnt their most playd heros. But its fine blizzard love boobystreamers going tp masters with nothing but mercy moira blizzard still get advertised on twich even if theirs a fake games in masters who cares free adds of the game…

Blizzard at this point give two fucks about what the game is foe the magorety of players atm they just want ppl to download the game and hit masters…

Because this is not your average CS:GO or CoD ? You knew what game you bought ( atleast i hope so…) so why complain about “no aim” heroes ? It is not like there are hundreds of games all about aim “skills”. So what would be the point to make another one?


She doesn’t have auto aim tho her shot is a lock on almost like Zaryas weapon but with a small difference her beam “locks” on to the center of the character while Zaryas weapon is just a straight beam you still need to track the enemy


No aim meta heroes like winston or mercy? You do know mercy’s gun wrecks the hell out of anyone if you can aim, right? She eats tracers and widows if you can pick the headshots before they do.

As for Winston, yeah, he’s far less aim, but still needs to a little, but his skill is all about positioning, staying alive, staying at the right range, using your bubble at the right time and landing on people like Mario does Goombas. Personally, i’d say that’s much more skill and pressure than sitting up on a ledge left clicking from 3 miles away.


Can I just point out that all these arguments are completely irrelevant? Who cares what the genre says? Overwatch is it’s own unique game. I honestly wanna just play to have fun, so I could care less about no-aim heroes. They can stay or go, I don’t care, really. What ruins the game for me are the salty rage monsters that seem to like being VERY vocal in their hate-mongering and disdain for what is honestly a really great game.

Watch Ready Player One guys, it’ll teach you what gaming is really about.


“mostly hitscan dps” characters? Well you are not talking about overwatch then are you. Overwatch has 27 heroes out of which TWO are true hitscans (McCree, Widow). Three if you count Anas scoped shot (her normal shot is a projectile).

A Hitscan in computer games, most commonly in first person shooters, is a calculation performed by a game to find the point at which a given line intersects a game object, and is commonly used to determine whether a bullet or projectile hits a target after being fired from a weapon.

A projectile weapon which uses unmodified hitscan information to dictate whether or not it has hit its target is often called a hitscan weapon. Deploying the weapon calls the hitscan function, and if an object is detected in the path of the projectile, a hit is registered. Since the effect is immediate, the projectiles effectively travel at infinite speed and have a linear or otherwise simple trajectory — a practical approximation of a bullet’s speed and accuracy over short distances.