The good players

Every now and then I come across players in competitive who are so nice and sweet, better people than me for sure, and it reminds me why I play this game and restores my faith in people.

Sure there’s toxic ones, smurfs and throwers, etc, but why focus on the few negative experiences?

I guess it’s human nature as they say, to hold on to bad memories rather than good ones, even if it’s 7-3 in favor of good memories. I feel like we do the same with gaming.

Here’s to all the good players out there



100% this!

Certain people come here to moan about their negative experiences without any really justification.

The game is solid. The matches are usually pretty fun, occasionally ultra competitive.

The bad experiences are rare. People should be brushing them off and embracing the good ones and laugh at the funny ones (which is why I shared my recent Open Que games where I inexplicably got matched with and against T500 players, watching me get rolled by them was funny).


petition to make The18thFret mvp on overwatch EU forums .


I agree. I admit I used to get frustrated a lot when playing, but now I don’t, I just play a hero I enjoy and do my best, a lot more calming.

Another bit of advice, comments like that cause a reaction (Which you probably know) leading to an on-going arguement.

Please refrain from saying that stuff.

Passive-aggressive inflammatory subjective opinion :man_shrugging:

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I didn’t mention anyone, yet your guilty conscience makes you get all defensive and toxic. Thank you for proving my point.

I clearly meant a type of person, not a specific person.

So your overexerted defensive post is not defensive.

I am not the one that read something and made their own story up.

Now. Don’t derail 18th’s post. This is about positive experiences. Share some or enjoy reading what is shared.

You said “Certain people”, could have just said “Some people come here”, you know what you’re doing.

Exactly what I said above, set off a chain. Please grow up and stop doing this. We’re tired of seeing your petty arguments on every topic.

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I am not arguing. I typed something perfectly acceptable.

Someone else decides to make it something it isn’t, I can’t control that. They could simply read it, not like it and move on. This is a positive thread that has now been derailed by someone who has no self control when he doesn’t like someone.

You intentionally posted not needed passive-aggressive inflammatory comments in (literally) a second response to this thread, and now you are trying to blame someone else for what you are doing, lol

Dude, you never learn XD

Inflammatory comments are not acceptable.

I didn’t, but you have twisted my words to find offence.

I agree inflammatory comments are not acceptable. But so is deliberately twisting what I have said to fit your negative narrative.

Now, time to move on. Share a positive in game tale

You’re too sweet :heartpulse: :blush:


This… Would be you. Sigh. Maybe one day you’ll learn.

I am not sure why you are trying to create an environment where people gang up on others. This isn’t cool.

Positive stories please.

playing with strangers is always a cesspool.
if you can’t field the whole squad it’s always gonna be better to play something else.
sure you might encounter 1 friendly person out of a thousand every now and then but to me that doesn’t justify putting my time and attention towards a game like that.

Woah. I find most people in game to either be friendly or completely silent.

If you go into a game with your defensive walls up, of course you’re more likely to be met with a negative reaction.

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you shouldn’t really speak on this since you just mute/squelch everybody by your own admission.
this is not an overwatch only thing, this is all team games that can be played with strangers.

you’re just better off not to unless you can field the entire squad with people you know.
otherwise you’re just better off playing 1v1 or single player games.

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