The good players


As you’ve proven for weeks now. You aren’t good enough to climb, not smart enough to realise why, and too gullible to have your own ideas.

It didn’t, but that narrative doesn’t suit you.

But I don’t have to prove it. Seeing as you two never answer my question when you need to prove something. Don’t expect me to.

Seems like you are the only one mad here :man_shrugging:
Keep trash talking, and making inflammatory personal attacks, and even Roku gets his own ban, lol

I don’t need to trash talk. Your profile does that for me.

Keep living in denial champ.

I’m not the one making stories up in order to gang up and bully someone. But I guess you are ok with your behaviour, the leaf didn’t turn for long…

Oh I just find it hysterical how you deny getting silenced for being toxic. So yes, I’m having a moment here, don’t ruin it for me, this is amazing lol

Laughing at something that hasn’t happened. Interesting.

At least we now know where your mind goes.

The fact that you are repeatably choosing to attack me instead just proving me wrong is a clear evidence that you can’t post from your alt account because it got suspended :man_shrugging:

Word of advice:
Keep this toxic argumentative, and inflammatory behavior up, and even Roku account gets eventually suspended.

Now, be smart, and move on.

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My dear friend. I could happily prove it, but you weren’t smart enough to answer my questions. You just “attacked me” instead of answering.

So, instead of taking so long to reply (it is quicker if you use both hands to type btw, get better at the game, you’ll have less to be sad about.

Now, be smart, go win some games and get that Reaper skin,

Then do it instead of rambling on over n over. Oh wait, I forgot, you can’t. :man_facepalming:

Lol. Why. It is funnier watching you two circle.

Exactly, proven my point. :joy: Most probably lied about Covid as well, oh my when will you grow up.

I wouldn’t even wish the symptoms I have on someone like you my sweet prince.

(You are one to talk about lying…)

Awww so bad you’re able to troll on the forums still. Must be hell champ…

Covid doesn’t impact the ability to type… Come on now. You are smarter than that. Just.