I started playing healer again just to get my 7 wins, and the past 3 games, the games have been completely mis-matched. The enemy team were far more superior to my team. My tank kept running in so far to their spawn, DPS weren’t killing anything even though they were being kept up by my heals.
They all had nearly triple my team in stats, my team all had below 10 kills (Except tank), enemy team had close to 30.
What exactly is going on with the MMR? It’s not only that but the WoW MMR is really messed up as well.
Those games do happen. I’ve noticed that the time of day affects match quality, possibly because the more players are playing the more the matchmaker struggles.
I myself experience more onesided games in the early evening when i expect most people to be playing. My most balanced games have been happening before 5 pm.
I can’t know for sure why but as i stated i think the amount of players online affect it.
And some days one just gets really unlucky with the matchmaker.
Whenever i get two stomps in a row on me in comp, i go to play a few matches in qp before trying comp again. Depending how serious you are about climbing ranks, swapping the mode in between can help you avoid getting tilted at the match quality.
Gold, so you’re saying “Gold players are suicidal for being low rank”. Ok then.
Considering someone said they were in Diamond rank during the game on the enemy team, and a plat. I’d say that’s pretty awful match-making. But of course you’d disagree.
So you believe them when they say that… Also, diamond on what role, what role were they actually playing.
If they were D5 they probably stacked with a gold player. So you’d probably of had one too.
Again, nothing in this game seems off based on your description. Show the game, let people see if it was weird. I understand getting tilted because you get stomped, it happens. But it is almost always something simple at fault. And this game screams of your team just not being on the same page.
What was the tank playing… Map… other support. Actual stats…
I think there was a theory at one point that the mmr might shift too rapidly sometimes and then place you into a higher skilled game. Not a problem on it’s own unless you end up with others who’s mmr has just shifted up as well and none of you were properly prepared.
Not sure if this theory was ever proven or disproven but it’s a thought if nothing else.
if the tank knows what they’re doing then abandoning the dps to the other support/healthpacks is a viable idea. Try it for a few respawns and if it doesn’t end up working then at least you’ve tried.
Always prefer and aggressive tank, but it does depend on what your support comp is. If it’s Moira Mercy for example… You’re better off playing Ball and playing round health packs to keep you up.
As a Rein main tank, yes I agree. But there’s a limit, which the tank crossed. The whole group were complaining he kept running in (Because he was), which resulted in dying and healers getting picked off (He played Sigma). I mean why run right outside the enemy spawn miles away from his team.
I think that theory may be right tbh. I’ve seen it happen quite a few times.
If you aren’t going with your tank, you are partially to blame as well.
If your tank goes, you’ve got 2 options.
Go with and help
Sit back and cry about it.
If you’re going to lose anyways, might as well lose trying
(Also, supports not healers)
Flaming/complaining isn’t going to get the job done either. Your job as a support is to support them. They are dictating the tempo, making space. If you leave them to die, then you’re not doing your job. Hence why you’re now gold. The influx of new players has push you up the ranks.
Actually what’s happened is peoples MMR adjusted, but the visible rank was slow to catch up in season 1 and 2. Now they’ve sorted it, so people have moved to their correct ranks much faster this season.
Looool cool. You know nothing about the situation. Blaming me for a Tank going rambo isn’t my problem. Following a tank and getting picked off because of no protection.
You don’t even know this, these are yet again, your assumptions.
The match making is poor, last night queued with a friend who is low masters while I’m mid diamond, the games were going well until we got into a game with an enemy tank who was playing poorly.
His team absolutely rinsed him, insult after insult. The poor guy was plat 4. The rest of us were diamond and masters, yet this poor guy happened to be here.
They ended up winning, their dps outplayed ours and I was continuously pressured by their tank and dps. Despite the fact that they won they were still drilling the poor guy, he played really well considering he was out of his skill level.
100% his MMR has him higher than plat 4, he just hasn’t played enough to climb.
They just picked on the easy target when things weren’t going to plan.
My other account was bronze 2 DPS last night, but I’m already playing in gold/plat lobbies as my MMR is pushing me higher. People would probably hard flame me if I had a bad game, because they aren’t smart enough to understand the games aren’t matched on your ranks.
Yeah that’s what happened last night. The tank played poorly but it’s always the Supports fault for other peoples actions / gameplay according to it. ^
There was a significance in DPS as well. We had a Torb that only got 4 kills throughout the whole game. If the DPS die, while the healer chases the tank, who’s going to get the blame here.
Yep, as you’ve probably seen I’ve called this out for a while now. Even post Blizzard stating that they’ve fixed the mismatch in the players per role, I found a number of matches to have visibly better players than one team, and if you review their profiles, you’ll see actual evidence of it - more than likely they haven’t actually fixed the issue, or they haven’t even tested it thoroughly before introducing it to production.
I had a entire day on the weekend of continual losses, either DPS lacking in damage or a feeder tank, one of the matches I had a Kuriko with literally 1,700 heals. I even provided damage boost to some of the DPS at the time of the lacking of damage, and they STILL struggled to even match the enemy DPS. Even when I exceeded the combined enemy heals, my team failed to cause a dent.
Matches are no where near the quality of OW1.
There is no need to for code, I’ve seen exactly what you’ve seen. These games were no where near the “Equal Match”/“50%” likelyhood of winning ratio that we should expect from fair matchmaking.
Again, another person lossing repeatedly and not once mentioning what they did wrong. Always someone else to blame.
You exceed the combined heals… Well done. But what damage did you do, how many assists did you get, did you have high heals because you were heal botting the tank, when you could of done some damage to assist the DPS getting picks, which would have meant you’d need to heal the tank less… Unless you provide the scoreboard and the game footage, your anecdote doesn’t mean anything.