You refuse to acknowledge that I didn’t do anything wrong at all. A tank is at fault and who do you blame? Of course me. It’s quite pathetic re-posting hours after because I choose not to engage with a troll.
Feeder tank in this case yeah. And I’ve healed 1000s more than the other healer. I think some people fail to acknowledge that there are 5 people in a team. As a tank I had a 9 win streak as I didn’t charge in and feed randomly, I play aggressive sure, but if playing too aggressively, it could cause big problems for the team. Some people fail to realise that.
I’ve already provided reasons for the loss in my above response. Please read it again.
That is just your opinion, which as I’ve said before, I care little for given your observed dogmatism.
It’s a bit weird how you do not ask Blizzard to produce evidence of their changes and evidence of their bug fixes made along with their root causes as what they’re saying are just “anecdotes”?
Because that’s impossible and exceptionally arrogant. No one, be it bronze, diamond or t500 plays perfectly. And youve said you’re gold. You’ll be making a long list of mistakes every game.
But this is my point, the people complaining never look at themselves. They convince themselves it has to be someone or something else.
If your performance was so perfect. Show us. You should be proud to play perfectly and ego flex.
Have you any evidence that people “Never look at themselves”? You might do exactly that, but that doesn’t mean everyone else behaves the same.
On the losses I encountered, I can’t heal a feeding tank, I couldn’t boost my dps to do more damage as they were just clearly genuinely bad at landing shots even with pocket, and I can’t assist my healer to get beyond 1,700 despite me prompting the player to switch heals/focus on healing more - all I can do is what I can do.
Let’s also drop into this again to reiterate, the matches are massively misbalanced which likely explains why my DPS on those occasions were actual DS:
Just so it’s not lost on my reply, have you any evidence that people “Never look at themselves”?
Even OW developer admitted (finally) the MMR is broken and they can do nothing with it
http s://www
That’s article isnt really relevant. It’s about how they don’t like smurfs, not MMR.
Doesn’t help that the writer clearly doesn’t know what smurfing is and the Dev mentions things that aren’t smurfing either (unranked to GM isn’t smurfing)
Exactly! They’re struggling more since making the game F2P with the amount of smurfs. I mean what did they expect exactly. MMR is worse in OW2 due to this problem.
It looks to me that the writer does understand what smurfing is, he categorises his point between:
Unranked to GM
Dunk on new players (probably means lower rank tbf)
“To be clear: please don’t do that,” lead meta designer Scott Mercer said of players who make fresh accounts to see how fast they can climb the competitive ladder (opens in new tab) or to dunk on new players, otherwise known as smurfing."
Smurfing come from manipulation. Simply starting a fresh account and climbing isn’t that. Otherwise everyone is smurfing, as that’s what we’re all trying to do
Bronze to GM, which some have done, is though as they have to get people to derank the account for them, or buy deranked accounts for the challenge. This should get people quickly banned (account sharing, trading).
But, it doesn’t surprise me when certain people don’t understand. They need scapegoats, and this would be an easy one to pin your blame on.
Dunking on someone isn’t smurfing. That just perpetuates the terrible attitude some people have. Get rolled, must be smurfs, match maker blah blah blah.
Unranked to GM isn’t smurfing either. That’s just a new account ranking up, as we’ve all done.
I would suspect they’ve been misquoted. It’s clear the articles author doesn’t know what they are writing about and have taking quotes out of context in order to back an incorrect point.
Yes, actually it is. That’s exactly what smurfing is. Destroying new players to the point where it’s humiliating. Not sure if you know the meaning of the word.