The MMR is really broken

I beat people in my ranks, with similar MMR. How’s that smurfing.

I just played better than they did in those matches. Number of accounts means nothing.

Did you not state the other day you were currently playing on a bronze account on tank, when your main was diamond? Irregardless of whose fault it is or isn’t the point still stands that by you existing in that space you are ruining those games.


It is bronze. But the visible rank isn’t what lobby you’re in, it’s the MMR

It played 2 games in silver, then play/diamond since whist jumping from bronze to gold in 2 updates.

So no, not smurfing or ruining games. Although I did just give up and troll one game as they were all hard flaming each other, so I just went and spawn camped anyone who died.

Did get flamed in a couple for “being bronze”, because I picked Ball lol.

Irregardless you still existed in a space where you shouldn’t have been. Now I will hold my hand up and say that I don’t really run into smurfs anymore and if I do they are either learning a new role and just have experience of playing much higher though I’m not sure people make new accounts to learn a new role anymore or they are where they belong.

I’d say maybe 2 games where I shouldn’t of been. But that’s nothing I’ve done, I’ve just not played on the account since I was bronze and used to hard throw by not having a clue.

I was actually surprised how quickly my lobbies changed tbf. I’d heard from some it was hard to actually smurf now, but didn’t believe.

He says a lot of things, then changes it and contradicts himself.

Yes, yes you were.

You don’t know what smurfing is, so it makes sense you think this.

I’m not willing to test that, I refuse to make a new account unless I think it’s necessary. So I’ll take your word on it unless proven otherwise, I wouldn’t feel right starting low on my tank and obliterating lower elo players.

Actually, you have proven in this whole thread that you don’t know. But, you do you.

You claim anyone who stomps you is a smurf. I’m not sure you can really comment.

To those who want to cry about match maker when you get stomped.

Watch to the end

No thanks, I’ll pass. Also, try editing your post instead of posting another, because that’s called spam.

I’m not sure you’re in a position to comment on others “spam”.

But you should watch the video, most one sided game you’ll see, and at the end he goes looking to see why.

Pretty much the definition of steamrolling. I’m still standing by my opinion that MM is no where near what OW1 is for matchmaking teams.

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Exactly and not a match making issue in sight.

As much as a match maker doing weird things could be the cause of a steamroll… That’s probably a exceptionally rare occurrence. Almost all steamrolls will be like Seagulls game. Mistakes made, things not clicking, and team on top using their abilities to snowball fights.

You dust yourself off, fix a few things and go again.

Did you actually read what Bubbleshoot said? Because it’s clear he mentioned about MM being a lot worse in OW2 than OW1. So yes, there’s an MM issue…

If I had £1 for every time I’ve heard this from you.

I read, and discarded as it wasn’t relevant at the time.

What OW1 did or didn’t do is totally irrelevant now. It’s gone.

Is the match maker in OW2 perfect. No, hence they make changes. Is it responsible for stomps, no.

Will you blame it for stomps. Damn right you will. You’ll take any chance to blame something else. Easier than actually stoping and figuring out what happened.

Best advice you could get. Accept the loss, review what you did, learn, improve.

It was relevant.

Ahhh yes! Like the legendary Nightwing once said;

What a guy, full of knowledge and wisdom!

It is solid advice. A lot of people think the same thing, especially if they’ve had some form of coaching, be it OW or an irl sport. Although him blaming himself is probably going too far, but he will only be able to fix what he’s done so…

Take the loss with grace, and review after.

Lol. Hypocrite much. You blamed me for my loss when a tank was continuously feeding. It’s so funny how you keep changing your words.