The problem with Mercy

Who was stopping you from playing other supports?

The fact that Mercy preformed better then them.
A lot of player’s said “why do i play X if i can play Y and do better with less skill” and quited the game.
That was when Zen, Mercy, Brigitte, Rine, Zarya Hanzo/Widow (give or take a hero) were the meta.

In my opinion they have nerfed Mercy way too much. She deserved some nerfes and tweaks but this is making her so unfun to play. Right now she does about as much healing as ‘Amp it up’.

No one was actually stopping you from playing other supports. Right now if you play Mercy people will get mad because her healing is so bad (and after looking at your profile: you don’t even play support)

Her healing is ok.

Mercy is the only supprot that can heal true barriers.
When someone jumps a mercy she doesnt stop healing unlike most of the supports that needs to stop and start runing. Thats ok but she can evade and not mis a single drop of healing is the unfair part in to it.

You jump a lucio he will have to start wallriding or hopping(the aoe healing area will leave some teammate out)
Moira has to fade and then go back to close range to do aoe healing.
Zen can run and still heal but not to much thanks to the line of site and orbs low healing.
Ana will straight us start tunneling on producers trying to sleep to kill them.
Brigitte doesnt have consistant healing unless shes brawing with someone.

And now you have a look at mercy, when she has a 1click escape and a nearly unbreakable healing beam that will heal behind barriers and with her ult it will heal 3 heroes who dove behind the barriests unlike every other support in this game but Zen. Even zen will just have one healing orb doing the healing behind barrior his ult can still be blocked by shields.

Imho Mercy atm is = to Zen and thanks to dmg boost they are still R1 supports. Its just that they made Anas healing good atm that lets her see some play.

Lucio and Moira are still worse then Mercy in meta play just cause she’s still more consistent than them…
Brigitte feels ok but not as oppressive as she was on release.

You can heal through barriers you’re so OP!!! :persevere:
Yes she is the only support that can do that.
Ana is also the only support that can anti-heal does that make her OP?

You have clearly never played support, Mercy’s movement is predictable (she literally flies in a straight line) which makes it easy to predict her movements (and if she’s dead she cant heal :woman_shrugging:)

How many times do I have to say that the other supports do damage, Mercy doesn’t (without having to stop healing). Mercy heals more because that’s the only thing she does, she can damage boost but healing is her main focus. That’s why she can heal through barriers, that’s why she doesn’t miss a single drop of healing.

Stop making assumptions and do research before you comment.

Heals through barriers you say. Well, if she’s healing through a barrier then your tank must be doing something wrong because that means the tank is literally in between Mercy and her ally. Just kill her! If she tries to fly towards them, she’ll get stuck because she can’t fly THROUGH enemies. Also if by that logic, Zen can heal through barriers too ^ Your posts are just unkempt thoughts that you’re repeating and throwing out without prior filtering or resourcefulness.

Blizzard should do a forced poll on opening the game which YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT for a month. ONE question. Is Mercy in a good state, yes or no. Then you could actually know if only Mercy mains think shes bad, because you could look at the statistics of the voters.

Mercy mains want her to be balanced and right now she’s still over powered because of rez.
Getting a rez handed to you every 30 seconds is stupid. If it was her ult she had to work for it. In the posts that I (and literally every other person that want’s her reverted) stated ways to make her ult more fair and engaging.
We want Mercy back BEFORE invulnerability when she wasn’t overpowered and not everyone wanted a Mercy on their team.

People seriously think we want her to be overpowered. We don’t, now she’s overpowered because an ultimate ability is on a 30 second cooldown. Just imagine if Mccree had deadeye as an E ability on 30 seconds, but it could only kill one person at a time. That would be overpowered.
There are other people (not mercy mains, can you believe it) that want Mercy reverted and now with the 10hps nerf more and more people think this is too far.

This is a video games, video games are supposed to be fun. Being a healbot and having the ability to become a rock for 1.75 seconds isn’t.

Mercy is in a bad state to the point where Mercy mains don’t even want to play her anymore. If you THINK she’s balanced go ahead, but without an argument I still stand by my point.

I have a Support main account.
Before they nerfd Mercy and Buffed Ana every damn time i picked Ana at high rank i had someone asking me to swap to Mercy for the Rez and consistent healing.

ATM im glad that that’s in the past, Mercy is still the most picked support in pro play as well meaning she doesn’t need anything atm since if pros can make her work then you can to since shes easy and takes only coordination.

As many time as we had said that Mercy was to good for what it takes to get her full value out in a team. She’s ok now and pro’s are still using her. Shes in a much better spot then most of the support in the game. Yes i agree after the buffs to Ana, ana is a big better then Mercy in the right hand but that’s the thing at lest ana takes some skill and can be ingaged. If i jump an Ana she will stop healing her team. If i jump a Mercy she will still be healing her team just the same and using her mobility to kite me. Mercy has 0 interactions other then (ohh i guess ill save my dash for when the other guy uses his or guess i won’t rez now cause i might die) Like lol what a play style to want to keep in the game.

Oh i just love bangers like this one. Ill use one myself.

Stop making Mercy sound weak since shes not.
They are other heroes who are in the garbage bin at least Mercy see’s a lot of pro play.

You can see how good Mercy is since shes in 90% of the Esport’s team comps.
Whats this one button bring the teams MVP to life? That must be bad.

Too many people have too simplistic an opinion on this. “Mercy was too OP!” or “Mercy is too weak now!” It’s more complex than that, more fundamental. You must look at the core issues with the design of the kit and solve those issues and I’ll tell you now, they can’t simply be fixed by tweaking a few numbers. Try coming up with practical solutions to fix these flaws.

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Yeah Mercy can fly but she can’t kite. Mercy is the only support that’s completely dependent on her team to stay alive. Mercy can’t fly through enemies, and she has no form of self defense. She can easily be one shot by almost any hero, and without LOS she’s as good as dead. Then again even with line of sight, the reduced speed of her GA still makes her an easy shot for other players.

Now regarding your playstyle comment, every hero has a playstyle (generally);
Tanks: Defend their teammates,
Damage: Deal damage and flank
Support: Heal and peel for the team

Since Mercy can’t peel to save her life, she manages the team with her healing and DB’ing. While everyone is playing their FPS playstyle, Mercy pertains to a resource management kind of playstyle.

Now, it’s true that I was upset when they nerfed her 6 or however many times after the rework but the only thing Mercy had going for her was her consistent healing and nerfing that was just a bit too much.


Even if Mercy relies on a team to survive, it’s somewhat the same with other Support heroes. Zenyatta has no defense abilities at all, except his ult, (which you really shouldn’t be using unless your team is nearby and benefits) so it’s very easy to flank him down with the likes of Tracer, Genji etc as all Zen can do is hope to out damage them. We have Ana who can has no movement/defence abilities and would have to use a Nanoade to prolong her life if being attacked, (which again is another thing better suited to assist the team) or hope she doesn’t miss any shots.

Mercy can be very difficult to kill in the right environment, that guardian angel plus health regeneration (outside of combat and during ult) can make her a pain but any Mercy is only as good as the player controlling her.

Ah yes, the pros the only people in this game, the only people that matter.
You’re saying that she’s in a much better spot that the other supports which is incorrect. Moira (and Ana but she has to aim more) can easily out heal her and out damage her. Her only thing still going for is rez which is still overpowered because it’s an ultimate on a 30 second cooldown.

Can you give me your username?

You know they’re called pros for a reason right? It’s because they have more skill and are better at the game than regular players.
As for the easy to play and only taking coordination. You’re wrong.
I don’t know what rank your support account is in (if you even have one) but you make it sound like you’ve never even seen a good support before, much less played as one. Mercy is a high priority target, if you had to choose between killing a Reaper or a Mercy, you’d chose the Mercy. So you have to be ready all the time for a flanker. And with Mercy 2.0 you become free ult charge every 30 seconds for 1.75 seconds and that’s the thing that doesn’t take skill. With her old ult she had to think either to tempo rez, go for a big rez or save it for the next fight.

Oh yeah, how could I forget? Yeah Mercy doesn’t take any skill. Avoiding flankers, juggling beams so everyone stays alive, rezzing at the right time… that doesn’t take any skill. No only aiming takes skill.

You can’t lie, you didn’t do any research. I’m surprised you even managed to spell Mercy’s name right. I was just stating facts like how her healing and damage output is worse than the other main healers. So if you think that facts make her sound weak maybe she actually is.

While I may agree with your very last statement about the character being as good as their handler. Ana and Zen don’t have to be in the vicinity of the fight to provide impact as Ana can snipe and Zen can orb from a distance but if a Genji or Tracer come up to a Zen a discord and one headshot is enough to kill them, while Ana can sleep dart the enemy and heal herself while simultaneously damaging the enemy with her grenade.

But Zenyatta and Ana both rely on accuracy so unless you are a pro player or something, you cannot guarantee they can protect themselves, and who knows how good the enemy Tracer or Genji is.

She had the strongest healing in the game she needed the nerf, look at Ana avg on overbuff now look at Mercy ? see the difference ? now look at Moira, Mercy used to be 12k avg right now down to 11k.

Try tell me again with straight face that Mercy did not need a healing nerf, she was miles ahead of Ana in avg healing having a better kit to.

I do also think it might been bit to much of a nerf but honestly tho stats so far show it was justified and that its not to much time will tell it always will, at least i think she does’t need any further nerfs.

As true as that is, (their reliance on accuracy) it’s still a form of defense in which they have a CHANCE to hold their own. The blaster that Mercy holds shoots a bolt that deals 20 damage. It’s only fair that they buff her damage if they’re gonna reduce her healing, or maybe give her a fighting chance so that she’s a bit more independent of her team as she’s the only solely supportive hero in Overwatch.

Well when it comes to heroes like Mercy, pros need to be lisend to.

Like Mercy is 10 HRS away from being annoying and unfair to everyone since she was unfair to pros. (Most esport supports say “Why play X if i can play Y and do better with less mechanical skill”) Ill let you figer out what X and Y stands for.

Im all for Mercy doing less HPS then Winston can do DPS with his gun. She just made him useless and Winston needs to risk alot to go in and do his stuff.

Its cool and all but Mercy is OK. Ill be most heroes are good for a seaon or two. Heroes like mercy go from “oh Rez is meta again so im meta” to “Ops they buffed me to much so now im just Meta now and every other support are garbadge”.

Mercy is not a main healer anymore just get use to that Lol.
Main healer Mercy and Flex support Zen is just the best support set up.
Blizzard wanted to break that duo. So they made Mercy heal less just to make that due worse. And i fully aprove of that. But i guess if you just cared for Mercy like you do i can see why this might look bad to you but oh well.
Hard to tell a Mercy one trick why its bad to have something thats still used in most games not to say that its overused at the pro seen.

Well Ana has to do all that and she cant dash nor fly every so often. On top of stopping to heal and giving her full attention to get pressure. And now we take a look at Mercy and she just moves rapidly abusing the fact that she doesnt need to aim or look at her targets from time to time she might dash or just straith up fly away making her self low key immun to Tracers and Genjis or any flanker in the game…

Mercy will live with 10 less HPS since the new things pros run is Zen Mercy and Brigitte. All in all that’s just a disgusting since Brigitte trades for a DPS pick quite nicely.

I dont think “facts”(funny how you dont even know what a fact means) make her sound weak i think that Mercy one tricks make her sound weak since for the love of god they cant flex on other supports and do more then Ok on them. Unlike on Mercy when everyone is using her full value non stop.

I don’t think Mercy needs more nerfs But i don’t think that she needs buffs. IMHO this is her perfect spot. Rez will be as good as your teammates are. On top of all the other benefits that comes with having a Mercy. Like wining every braw or eveiding close to 80% of the games heroes once she has ulty.

Healing behind barriers is no joke thats really good since the moment they took it from moira she got destroyed.

Winston jumps you’r teammate and uses a bubble. He wasted 2 cds and his at mele range inside your team. At what point is it ok for Mercy to just Click M1 and make all of that useless. IDK i just see to much benefits for the game with this Mercy since its jsut fair. You get to not worry about missing out on healing but not to the point that it will fully shut down other heroes on top of breaking the Mercy Zen duo that was T1 since they buffed Zens HP from 150…

Ill be only Ana’s 1.0 Nano boost that got nerfd after 1 season made Ana a better support with more winrate then Mercy. The moment they nerfs her all you saw again was Zen and Mercy at the top of the supports by win and pick rates. But i guess that’s not doing resurch. And what is your resurch? “Oh look Mercy is healing a bit less then she use to be duuu” " i think they need to buff her since its a fact that it is ineed lower then it use to be LOL". Pls the last support patch was one of the Best batches to every hit for the support class and still after buffing nearly all of the other supports and nerfing Mercy she still gets 90% picked at the pro seen. Yet every before they nerfed her Mercy one trickes wanted her to be buffed LOL, even when she was #1 top 1 at win and pick rate. I just dont trust mercy one tricks since they clearly are biased to the max when it comes down to Mercy(The top support from the fast of the game up untill 2 months agol)…
Now you look at DPS and how they go from gods to troll picks just from one patch every damn season. I think its fair if Mercy took a break from beeing used but even this Nerf didnt made that happen since SHE WILL AWAYS BE GOOD (and pro’s just keep showing just that). Like can you imagen if Mercy was a troll pick like Torb/Sym/Bastion for a season ? You can’t even Lol. Since they have less then 1% pick rate from pros on top of a low winrate. But i guess that you don’t care for that since its not Mercy.

So what, you do “facts” and “research” but you dont wan’t the game to be balanced for pro’s? What is this logic. Ill be most facts are given to us by pro players.

If you are a good Winston and you see the enemy team has a Mercy you will attack someone with a teammate, Mercy can’t out heal Winston’s and someone else’s damage at the same time.

She’s supposed to be a main healer. because guess what? She only does healing, she doesn’t do damage and she doesn’t have cc. She only heals (except damage boost but you have to stop healing to use it) that’s why her healing was fair because that’s all she did.

Have you looked at my profile? I’m a flex, but most players just instalock DPS so i fill as support and the support I’m the best at is Mercy. You don’t even know what a one-trick is. Besides I don’t even play Mercy anymore because she’s useless.

And about the pros if it’s so overpowered then why don’t both teams use it? Because if it’s so overpowered you’d want to use it every game.

Most pro Ana either stay with their team so they can’t flank her and her team can protect her or she stays far away with an open view so she can see flankers coming.

Then why didn’t they nerf Brigitte? Since she’s only had 2 nerfs, who weren’t even that bad.

I do actually know what a fact is. If you actually pay attention in games or look it up. Mercy does less healing than Moira and also less damage. As a matter of fact there are also people (not Mercy one trick can you believe it?) like me who think the healing nerf was too far. She has a lot more trouble solo healing now. She could solo heal because you’d swap out the extra damage that you would get from another support for raw heals.

At what point is it ok for Winston to just M1 and kill everyone. Every hero has counters Winston’s just happened to be Mercy.

See it’s toxic people like you that only listen to their own opinion and theory and everyone else is wrong because you can’t be wrong ever can you? It’s her rez that’s overpowered not her healing. You think Mercy mains want her to be OP when in reality we want her to be balanced and fun again. I even stated ways they could nerf her old ult to make it more fair.

But nooo Mercy mains want her to have 600 hp, a hitbox of 1 pixel, unlimited rezzes, 3000 hps, why not make her fly while we’re at it?

When? and do you have proof?

Yes, I can because She was and now still is (atleast in the games I’ve played) a troll pick.

I can, because I actually played as Sym and Bastion (maybe not Torb but he deserves a rework IMO) I have such a low playrate on them because they’re considered troll picks. So stop making assumptions (like every other toxic DPS main) over Mercy.

When did I say that I wanted Mercy to be OP? Do you seriously think rez is balanced? No it isn’t it’s still overpowered because it’s an ultimate on a 30 second cooldown. Mercy mains want to give feedback to make her balanced.

“But of course that’s impossible because Mercy mains only want her to be OP” says the toxic DPS main that has never even played Mercy or listened to a Mercy main before.

BTW I’ve never gotten the username of your support account.

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