The problem with Mercy

That’s Wickedlike.

He typed out a totally flawed post on another thread that I almost bothered deconstructing, but then I remembered who I was about to engage with and, what’s the point? :joy: I know this guy quite well and it’s a waste of time debating with him. It’s like trying to explain to a very stubborn toddler that the grass is green, but they don’t want to hear it.

You’ll get bored of it eventually and stop responding to him. :hugs:

Thanks, I’m just tired of constantly getting harassed by toxic players who think Mercy mains want her to be overpowered. :unamused:

That was actually a pretty good description of them :joy:

i just wanna point out that dps character hide or go behind the enemy to use their ults (reaper, McRee for instance)
yet mercy inst allowed to hide and ult because of shes a support character, isn’t that kinda hypocritical.

also, a lot of people say that when mercy goes around a corner to avoid an ult like phara they call it hiding,
that’s not hiding that’s taking cover there is no reason for mercy to stand in the line of the fire, positioning with support character is crucial, yet people constantly complain that it’s hiding.

i completely agree, the new ult is useless at saving your teammates, it cant even out heal a Winston. and if all your teammates are dead then the only thing mercy can do is fly around. it also makes mercy extremely boring to play.

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yea that 90% pick rate is because pros use her for strategies, they also try to use Brigitte as a dps and fail on many occasions.
and in reality, mercy has the lowest win rate of all the support heroes currently adn reverting her back would make the game better in whole.

They nerfed her because Blizzard THINKS Mercy players hid to rez (so she stopped healing) which isn’t the case at all. Right now she has to hide to rez because she literally becomes a rock for 1.75 seconds and guess what, she has to stop healing to rez. A nerf was necessary to the old Mercy I know but, this is too far in my opinion.

The only time where I did hide as Mercy was because my team wanted me to or when my team was starting to lose the fight (a fight which I participated in)

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yhea i know,
the devs of blizzard just to do whatever they want and don’t care about the community at all, ignoring the outcries of all mercy mains and constantly making the game worst.
but what pisses me off the most, is that they endorsed toxicity towards mercy mains.
- YouTube (just watch this and you will know)
so yhea a bunch of hypocrites


Yeah, I already watched all of Aria Rose’s videos about Mercy and Overwatch in general. She brings up a lot of important information in them.
She’s right though Blizzard doesn’t care about Mercy mains and the devs are starting to piss me off. :woman_shrugging:

They literally said that if the rework wasn’t received well they would revert her. Yeah right, that certainly happened.

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not just mercy, road hog and bastions too (changed and forgotten).
and the way it’s looking semetra and bunch of others might follow up.

Yeah they keep saying that they read the feedback on the forums. But lets be honest, they probably don’t.
A lot of hero’s are just being ignored especially Roadhog and Bastion.
Just ask any Roadhog or Bastion player (or someone with common sense)
and they’ll say that they deserve some buffs.
Roadhog has the lowest winrate of all the tanks and then they “fixed a bug” that made him even worse. Bastion deserves some buffs to recon mode because that mode is basically useless.

i play roadhog a lot and i tell ya, it sticks,

half the time my hooks are blocked by shields or the other half I get interrupted by sleep dart, stuns or pushed around by Lucio and doomfist.
and even if i get a hook of it cant take the target out in one shot and run away before you can do anything.
roadhog right now just feels terrible and is nothing more than an ult battery for the enemy

so yhea not great

for bastion, i don’t play him that much, but what i hear is that a lot of bastion players want headshot back on sentry mode. which never made sense to me why they remove it.

I don’t really play Roadhog, but I can see that he is just broken and not in an overpowered way. You can’t even imagine the amount of times I’ve escaped his hook by literally doing nothing.

I used to play Bastion when I first started playing, but eventually quit because of his recon mode being absolutely useless.

Ill just reply to this since i really don’t want to waste time dealing with Mercy only players. Got to enjoy my time of Ana meta since unlike Mercy one tricks i know that heroes will get strong and weak as times goes on to shift the meta but oh well you guys will get it some day.

A) What Mercy can’t out heal 2 players? You must be joking.
Now try getting blocked by Winston’s or any other barrier as every other support and being useless.
B) Winston reloads and has to waste CDs. Mercy doesn’t

Never have i disregard your opinion of Mercy but this are mine and they go like that. I’m sorry if you don’t like them but i consider myself an old hardcore gamer so i know a thing or two about game. I’m not forcing you to change your opinion of Mercy but you seem to want to do just that to me, and ill tell you that won’t happen. I’ve probably played Mercy more than you have since im close to 200-300h on that hero from all my account with close to 1k h on Ana, i can safely say that after Ana Mercy is my go to support followed by lucio on 3ed. So why can i think that she’s ok, Why can all of the Esport players thing that shes ok? Are we dumb for playing Mercy atm when you don’t like her?

I didn’t reply to you i just hosted my opinion on Mercy. The opinion i wanted to share on the blizzard forums. You know the thing forums are made for. I can see that Mercy means the world to you but that doesn’t work as an excuse to change my opinion nor make Mercy the best hero again. I think that everything must be = and they are heroes that just sit in the dumpsters and get ignored only cause they are drowned in Mercy topics that break the Coc for spamming existing topics and the Coc for misleading title.

PS: At this point i said all i had to say about Mercy. Setting this topic on ignored since 99% of Mercy mains arguments go as:
“Oh hey your logic is “flawed” what evidence do i have? Well let me tell you things that aren’t even facts.” Funny thing is that i’m not even calling Mercy strong/OP or weak, all i said was that she’s ok and feels balanced and i hosted the reasons why i think that even a little can make her good or bad since she has a low mechanical skill cap. Hence why i think a Reword is needed, With a rework that can add more things in her kit like a cleanse ability with small does burst healing to it. But if they add something to her current kit they will have to take something away since as you see even 10 HPS for mercy makes a difference since she went from the #1 most used support with the best win rate to the 2n-3d spot (Lol not even the worst support XD) and she’s still the best support for pro play… The moment they give her back the healing it will be Zen Mercy again and please don’t tell me that wasn’t a thing since it was the moment they buffed zen’s hp from 150… at lest now people run Zen, Mercy and Brigitte if they want to abuse the dmg boosts and all the other good stuff.

Can Blizzard at least fix her GA. When you fly to a teammate that standing pretty close to you, you end up flying backwards and slow down your speed (yes I have prefer beam target off). I’ve been killed because of this so many times because I tried to fly to someone else, then my GA lock on thingie switches and suddenly I’m met with the enemy team.

Does anyone know if I can fix this myself?

before the changes made to her ult, she was countered by ana and outplayed by lucio,
they were top picks back then.

this frustration of mercy only became a thing when blizzard decided for a rework that no ask for, (most mercy mains only asked for an ability on her E and not an ult rework )

even the mercy mains call the rework overpowered and broken, but blizzard decided to ignore it, causing a split in the community and the by-product of toxicity among players.

it made mercy too strong and unkillable, after a bunch of nerfs and the alienation of the mercy players, she is now considered balanced even though her kit is diminished just for an ability with a 30-second cooldown.

i know that Blizzard owns the right to change the game however they want, but the way they handled this is idiotic.


That’s totally true, they’ve gutted the hero to desperately try and fit everything around res. Well, res doesn’t define Mercy for me. What defines Mercy for me is GA. The REAL iconic ability of Mercy is her mobility. I know how to make res work, but if the devs are this bad at design then I would much rather they get rid of res if it means she retains her position as a proper, main healer.


I play a lot of Overwatch. mercy is still the best healer in almost all situations. If anything she still needs a very slight nerf, or some of the others need a slight buff.

She needs to be like every other character:
which map am i playing? what are the other team fielding?
These two questions should decide which healer is picked, instead of Mercy still being pretty much an autopick.
ad no, her old ult was toxic af, we dont need that back.

This is the wildest take I think I have yet seen on these forums

The problem with Mercy is that people keep crying ‘revert Mercy’. You’re drowning out the genuinely good, fun ideas for her, all in the name of your entitlement. For the sake of other Mercy mains, zip it, and let those you silence speak up, and save Mercy.

The problem with Overwatch is that people keep crying ‘Mercy mains’. You’re drowning out the genuinely good, fun ideas of this post, all in the name of your entitlement. For the sake of people trying to discus Mercy, zip it, and let those you silence speak up, and save Mercy.

You can join the discussion but do keep it non toxic please. :slight_smile:
and show us what you would change to her to make her more fun!

Yeah… no character is “like every other character” on Overwatch. How is Ana like Brig? How is Lucio like Zen? EVERY single hero is unique in their own way.

Also, if the other team is fielding a Winston and a Tracer, I’m pretty sure that warrants not picking a Mercy because she’d be as useful as a baby in that situation. Mercy is the only pure support hero that deals no damage like her other support counterparts and is completely dependent on her teammates.

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