There no defense against report system abuse

The system of reports is done through an automated system, which cares mostly – if not only – about the quantity of the reports and not the quality.
I know that this is bad, nonetheless, it would be hard to keep track of every report and check if it’s valid.
Next time you play, try to get some evidence of the reports being inappropriate, if it’s text that’s the trouble, then screenshots shouldn’t be a problem, whereas vocal abuse could be recorded through programs like Action! or OBS.

Problem is they don’t care about screenshots, because they have THE evidence, which is most likely not true and just being said so they don’t have to bother anymore and can close the ticket

If somebody tells you that you’re funking dogchocolate and you tell the same back to them you’re no better than them. Just because somebody does something that’s against the rules will never mean that you’re allowed to break those rules too. You violated the ToS, got reported, warned and that’s that. Next time I’d recommend just reporting, avoiding and muting these flaming players.


If somebody tells me to swap from a certain hero because he thinks I’m trash and I reply with no dude I’m popping off or dude I’m doing better than u what does that mean for u? and then I mute them most of the times so idk

That’s irrelevant because both are acceptable scenarios. If you got warned you’re being insincere because you didn’t use these sentences when you spoke out. If you decide to use the same word “trash” back to them you’re eligible to be reported and that’s that. The actions of the flamers don’t matter at all at that point.

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By the sounds of things, they would find you flamming them back and the report would stand regardless.


the problem is , The ToS allows u as a player to decide who should be banned, u decide where the line is.

This is wrong , Blizz should draw the line , not the player.

Blizzard forgot that there are people with competitive attitudes playing competitive.

Ive said this in other post blizzard is bullying the competitive player away from this game.


the report would see me getting sad in the chat :frowning: feelsbadman

you flamed back this is why you got a report
flaming is flaming


so 3 match in a raw, and everyone asking you to change?
and you never changed the pick, “not cooperative player”.

however you can be great but if your pick is nonsense in the team, you fail (my idea)


dps main. What did you expect?

the report system is absulute trash i told our dps mercy to heal and i got banned for a week cause of it great

You did not get banned for this alone…

Mute negativity,
Continue playing positively,

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You must think we were all born yesterday :smile:

No, taking screenshots isn’t the problem.
Posting them and getting them to Blizzard is. There’s no “send in” option for screenshots nowhere (which imho is sad, bc that would be real evidence).


  • a) screenshots of the mere name lacks the Blizzard ID# hence it’s not distinctive enough

  • b) posting screenshots of the violator in the forums is against Blizzards code of conduct and against their “no naming and shaming” policy (believe me, this got my forum account already suspended for a day - even though I just wanted to achieve justice…) [and even though the screens lacked the Blizzard ID#, duh]

  • c) Blizzard wouldn’t have the personnel to view all the sent in screenshots. Thus action against a violator is solely based on the quantity of the reports.

Wow, you’re quick to judge. Why do you think this is the way it went down?
Have you ever heard of the practice of “scapegoating”:
If a team loses a fight - maybe even for no apparent reason - and certain players of that team feel the need to blame someone for the lose, things can become very ugly.
Imagine this:
A 5-stack (5 premade players) meet the OP. OP plays DPS. Unfortunately he performs badly. Maybe he wasn’t even willing to switch (which isn’t nice but still no reason to be reported).

His team loses. The premades are angry (noone enjoys losing btw) and go “Hey, let’s get this guy reported! We’ve lost because of him!”
That’s 5 coordinated reports. 5 reports that are totally unjust.

This is not clear from what the OP wrote!

Justice served by the mob, or by vigilantes is not always fair. Nonetheless, I do not always support the authority, one reason being from what I’ve read, it’s literally within my first name not to follow authorities blindly.

Er… what?
Who’s the “mob” and/ or the “vigilantes” and “authority” in this example?

Yeah well I agree. Following authorities blindly isn’t the smartest thing to do.

I was more talking in general sense. I meant that justice served by people who do not have authority is not always justice and is a revenge. While in Overwatch, the authority is Blizzard, since they own the game.

This irritates me. If someone starts flaming I feel I have the right to flame them right back and I don’t feel like this somehow makes me as bad as they are. Bad, sure, but definitely not as bad as the instigator who started being nasty out of nowhere.

And this is why automated system is at its core a failure. Its all about quantity and it never takes into account who is really to blame for all that mess.