There no defense against report system abuse

But “Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports” + a mic is not an expensive product comon mics are from 1926 its about time you spend 3 euro for one…

Noone said I wasn’t using voice chat.

So he can report me for “abusive chat” while the only thing I have asked for is to form a team instead of running around with 5 dpses essentially playing ffa.

Swapping is the difference between losing and winning a game when talking about being countered, or just having a bad team in general. Who likes to lose with such a team that has 5 dpses? If it doesn’t work, can’t it be that some of the dpses should indeed switch to something else?

That’s insanely over exaggerated. Who said I was spamming swap when someone didn’t get a solo team kill? Where are you pulling out those words from? You don’t have to solo carry, just be able to achieve something on the hero you are playing instead of spending the whole game walking back from spawn with 0 kills and 10 deaths.

Telling someone to switch because he brings down the team is not insulting.

It could be, however plat is nowhere near high.

For asking others to form a team instead of going on those so called “single man missions” like it was ffa? Since that’s the point of the whole game nope I don’t expect to get punished for that.

I repeat, noone said I wasn’t using voice com. However do you really want to start mocking around what setup you have? That’s completely irrelevant to the topic.

What a shame! So when a lot of people feels bad after trolling dozens of games or simply playing a hero they are not good with and then being told to stop it, they can virtually perma ban anyone for actually trying?

i find it unacceptable to be forced to communicate on the grounds that when i communicate people find it toxic does that give me a right to ban every other player who communicates? no

this is not a democracy, it is a businesses service people do not have the capacity to understand anything other than their own feelings at the moment and hence should not be allowed the power of mob mentality to prevent others playing because “uhh im a stupid neckbeard and you not talking to me and all my other neckbeard friends makes my feelings sad and makes me eat another shipping container of twinkys… imma get me and my “friends” to stop you playing huek huek heuk <— bad impression of obese nasily laugh”

its like giving someone with mental issues access to military grade weapons… and we all know how that plays out in america…

your point is moot, and your argument invalid… next please

This is the problem , The ToS allows u as a player to decide who should be banned, u decide where the line is.

This is wrong , Blizz should draw the line , not the player.

Right now as today You are not sure if you should talk ingame or just be silent since both is gonna get u a ban just because the system is automated and people spam that button like there is no tomorrow.


Tbh it would be much better if more people used the voice coms but as you have just said you can’t force them. I guess we just have to deal with it and it’s not that bad as people might claim.

If I want to play in a team where everyone uses VC then I’d go LFG. Simple as that, problem solved.

i have no problem using VC… but if im going to get silenced for any little thing, including but not limited to having an outburst of frustration not at my team but just in general… im not taking the risk of being at the mercy of snowflakes… and if im going to get banned anyway… whats the point of putting in the effort…

path of least resistance my friend… i wish the world was normal… but until Ragnarok its not… its clucking insane and the nutters are running the asylum…

until the new world my friend… where normality will resume

i don’t want to set the world… on… fire… i just want to start… a flame in your heart…

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Some of the stuff you quted was directed at Badafarusima208 but ohh well xD

People are free to their opinion. If people can go in LFG as 4 friends set themself all 4 of themselfs as 4 DPS role picks only and then if they can que in to rank that means its OK to do so. And if thats ok then playing what you want is as well.
No one can force you to be a meta slave.

I got so much crap and report for not playing hanzo but widow when he was broken only cause i refused to convert to a hanzo main for season 10-11… but i still one-trick widow. You can ask for people to play how you like you just have to do it in a way that doesn’t instantly get you reported.

I’m sorry but “constructive criticism” isn’t the 1st this that comes to my mind when i read this on the forums let lone when im reading it in the game chat. Like i said as a widow one trick i have enough pressure on me when i start to wiff shots i dont need anyone bossing or distracting me nor will i honestly care for his opinion when it’s worded like that.

Idk i use a lot of controversial words and i don’t get reported for it since it’s not directly targeted at someone from my or the other team. The moment you know that you can tilt someone or yourself or anyone els said that to you then you need to stop and think about it.
If you think that your actions will get you reported, reconsider them.

again your point is moot, and your argument invalid… next please

What do you want me you say? Im trying to help you not get reported. If you play like you want and dont learn from anything then you cant expect not to get reported again. You see whats “ok” to the people you play with by their reports.
This is prity much the end of it any other opinion on this is useless since it won’t make people use the report option less or for its reglamented use.
I fully agree and support this report system as well since its made for the players.
I like that the players decide what’s ok or not since at the end of the day the same players are the once playing this game.

But it doesn’t entitle you to start bossing around them instead and report them for pointing out such a simple thing that for eg. our dps is not working.

You care about playing the hero you wanted and nothing else. That’s why people become so frustrated around you and puts pressure on you to switch. I get that certain heroes looks cool or are fun to play, but there are other point of views like … winning, or at least showing willingness to cooperate instead of feeding, trickling in 1v6, playing it like you were alone.

And players are the one getting suspended for nuisances. Players who want to get the one tricks to at least try to work with the team …

and im trying to tell you that you get reported no matter what you do, but you are so stubborn in your argument that you cant see that

you argue “be nicer, ignore trash talkers, etc” you wont get reported…

then you say, “it is the peoples decision on what is acceptable that makes the rules in whats reportable”

this is an oxymoron… as people can think that anything you do, communicate… don’t communicate… ignore… retaliate… switch… one trick… meta… don’t meta

its all up to “the people”… so… we are damned if we do, or damned if we don’t… because the law of averages dictates that everything you do, some group of people will find offensive and report you… even if you do nothing

so… with that evidence concluded… the best choice… is the path of least resistance… because either way you are going to be banned at some point as is everyone else

so play the game until you’re banned… then blizzard has a choice… reset everyone’s account and take control of the system… or cry into their reproductive organ shaped pillow about how their brand new sparkly IP is a ghost town wondering what happened? we lowered toxicity and no one wants to play anymore? DURRR!!!..

now that is clear as crystal i hope you have a nice day until you cant play anymore because some snowflake false reported you into a ban.

By no means is your deductive logic and strategy for a game set with 6 random players “the best option” just like its not worded in the best way. It will do nothing but rally people on your side of the other dudes side if you guys start conflicting like that in a game. So i will report for it. If its worded in a way that wont make anyone on that team look and feel like a loser then i wont report for it. But still other players can and by seeing how this game works they will report for that.

Yes i do and you dont reply to 50% of the stuff i say just the once that might make me look bad…
Im sorry but if you tell other players what to do in that way then you are toxic and this ban is well deserved since its nothing what constructive criticism is it’s just you being tilted and bossing people cause they are not performing in the way you’d like.

You are free to report them but thats about it.

Blizzard wont ban you if you are a nice player…
Like they say some Torb main accounts have over 1000 report on them and they are not punished since blizzard knows how the masses reacts to things. And they know what accounts give out legit reports and what accounts dont.
But when they see that you are partly guilty for something then they will take actions.

good luck trying to explain that to the customer lack of support agents, they say

“we let the players decide blaa blaa blaa etc bullskyet defense of snowflakes we’re upholding the ban middle fingers up we hold all the power and are too brainless to use it ner ner na nerr nerr!”

and your ban is still there…

I was banned 2 times for one-tricking when i had 60%+ win rate. And im ok with it since i did one trick yet not swaping from a hero isn’t a ban worthy offence.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”

If you have the knowage that something can get you punished and you do it can you really expect it not to happen again?

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Okey i was gonna pass on this posting on this thread , i dont wanna be rude but your missing the whole point, The system is automated , no blizz employee will ever see the evidence and be like ya this guy should get banned , its all by number of reports.

at this point there are no clear lines because they allowed for every one to have there own line, Blizz should adjust the ToS and make the line super clear.

Cuz at this point people are afraid to do anything in game , even playing just good can get u suspended.

You can ask them to review it that’s not true.
But you cant expect them to unban you once you have like 50 reports on you… If 50 people go to cort and give a witness testimony that you did something that you most likly did it to some degree.

the definition of insanity, is giving children access to nuclear weapons and expecting happyness roses and delight…

doing things that blizzard say are not bannable should not get you banned… blizzards failure to instigate and maintain a proper report feature and saving money by automating it and giving the power to the mental defectives is like letting 3 year olds play with mini nukes… and is going to end in a nuclear wasteland previously known as overwatch where only cockroaches and mutated neckbeards roam

True, but they dont do that before your banned.
most reports are just because the reporty was salty and how can u get back at someone ? indeed report him.

This system is the definition of anarchy , the people decide, this game has many issues that cant be addressed anymore because when you speak your mind you get banned.