There no defense against report system abuse

Like on some parts your right about number of reports get u banned in this game , and thats all because of this line in the ToS (You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others).

But the way you try to explain it is really childish and hard so make sense of, and tbh its kindoff pissing people off you take this as reality,

What you should have said:

(This is how the system at this time is and this is what you can do to not get banned for the time being , but i for one do not agree with the system )

like we can follow the system but we are also allowed to speak out on the system and it needs a change and the change is simple.

You may not use language that COULD be offensive or vulgar to others.

And it should be

You may not use language that IS be offensive or vulgar to others.

This way we allow papa jeff to be the father of the house and decide the rules and not his children.

Please refrain to post such comments. They’re insulting and thus against the code of conduct.

Let’s keep the discussion civil ^^

tried that, its like talking to a mentally defective brick wall with down syndrome

wickedlife is making it really difficult to stay nice.

A crime is still a crime, no matter what the motives are.

Just don’t start to get insulting.

im not im helping by translating the poor things poorly constructed arguments into what he’s really thinking

No, you’re not.

Now let’s stop such childish behaviour and continue the discussion, shall we? :smiley:

i really think that you got mixed up in the replys.
Excuse me if i try to explane it on the most basic level so that everyone can get it…
It’s not about language but the context it can be represented as.
Like this other dude says that he got banned for chat abuse when he didn’t use it.
Some find that toxic and abusive and its a fact. From there on what you guys do with this is your own problem.

Im down with the idea to of changes to the report system but lets be real that wont happen since it costs money and man power to fix something that doing its job just fine atm.

Like looking how you guys reply ill tell you now that its toxic. Toxicity doesnt mean saying words that are filled it being aggressive to other players.

i find you calling me childish toxic and offensive… im going to get you banned because you hurt my fee fees… jk lol #sorrynosorry #caitlen"bruce"jennerisbraveandhasagirlypenis #currentyear #reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee #racisthomophobicislamaphobicpagonaphobicyounameit

Here is my problem with you,

you think the system is fine , since its clearly not working as intended,

We are not talking about a indie company , we are talking about blizz (Overwatch, the multiplayer first-person shooter from Blizzard Entertainment, has now made more than $1 billion)

They have plenty.

Its not my intend to harm your feelings but you should stop replying.

I just love that you call everyone a kid and then you act like the biggest kid :joy:
You scream too much edgy teen melodrama every time you post.
Imho i think that you are close to 16 years old and you are insolting everyone thats 15 calling them kids.
This is what you look to me
Imho if you hate kids so much then don’t play a game rated PG12.

im 28 and im employing something you dont understand… its called humour… but jokes dont exist in current year… so i guess im a grandpa for still remembering when people understood it… sigh good times

Im free to my opinions.
I think that it works fine, that doesnt mean that you have to think like me nor do i have to think like you.

No he is just fed up like me with the PC what is going on and is slowly getting into everything ranging from schools to games ,

Since this pc nonsence started it became near impossible to tackle real issues with todays life and even games .

People know the problem but not allowed to say the solution to it cuz it will hurt someones feelings somewhere.

Hes just really frustrated and i can understand him.

untill the muslims take over

Whats a problem to you, doesnt make it a problem to everyone els.

I give up on you, i dont know what world views you have or schooling , but it just seems you are really disconnected from reality and you can throw passive aggressive ,but i actually feel bad for you.

I was last three seasons banned because I main Torb.
It does not matter if you have 69-70% winrate, people still consider you as troll or saboteur and report you.
And because this report is stupid and automatic, it only counts nr. of reports and if it reach some line, you get automatically banned.
And if you write ticket how this ban was unfair: You get automatic report from GM how they cannot do nothing and everything is fine only you are the wrong one.

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anywho gotta go defecate and do other things real world people do… back later boys unless some snowflake bans me from the forum for my “humour”… thats jokes to laymen

Political correctness has nothing to do with this discussion.

I might have missed it in one of previous posts but why do you think it works fine?

From other players statements, the system is flawed and allows to report players for ridiculous reasons like “we need another healer”