There no defense against report system abuse

Yes im not the one getting reported :thinking:

By working against your team. Yes, you should get reported.

And when i do i won’t complane since i made A LOT of people mad.
So why is it ok for you to flame other ?

It’s constructive. Learn the difference or stop playing.

Nothing constructing about insulting others :man_facepalming: Its not the part of asking someone to swap that for you punished its the insolt you add it it but if you can’t get that then theirs no helping you.
Oh well you do you and ill do me.

Everything is an insult to you. Even “switch from widowmaker”.
You are laughable and a disgrace.


If you say switch from widow i wont report you lol
I might say no i wont. or i might see that im really useless and swap but thats about it.
But if you say “widow swap you are useless” then ill report. Like it or not.

This you dont get , in your world everything is insulting.

I could have a bad day and u saying hi could insult me. should me being insulted allow u to be banned ? NO!

Like i said before you choose to be insulted.

You said before you would.

And I highly doubt a main will switch to a different hero.

Either way blizz has the records of everything that I have ever said and everything that I have ever discussed with GMs. I’m sure they can prove me right if they wanted to. But it’s just simpler to punish me for pointing out facts and force me to buy a new account.

So if your DPS aren’t killing anything, it’s toxic to tell them that they are not killing anything? The world is not full of rainbows and pink clouds. If I’m am not doing my job I’d rather face it and switch accordingly.

How come that I am noone to expect team work in a game that’s advertised to be team based shooter?

Okay, then how did I end up perma banned for saying “widow switch”? I doubt it could ever warrant a perma ban.

Why? Btw it has happened a lot of times to me when an LFG stack got into solo q with some ridiciolus roles like 5 dps or 4 supports. Really frustrating when the only reason you are not winning is because some folks thought it’s a good idea to run 4 supports.

Okay so I tell dva with no elims and keeps feeding, going in 1v6. How could I be wrong? Is it fine to play like that then?

Then how did I end up losing my account. I would understand if I have had threatened someone with death or something ridiculous, but that’s still not the case.

So basically, playing Ana a lot of the times is more than enough to get you reported. You can tell it yourself as you have got banned for the damn same thing.

Who are YOU to play a competitive game mode and not try your best?
When someone obviously just keeps feeding, who’s wrong then?

You may find it insulting when someone tells you to switch but you might be just feeding or not getting those shots. Any sane person could tell the difference between actually playing the game or just running around mindlessly.

Sad but true.

Now that’s what I would call not acceptable. Even if you think it’s true just … don’t say it? ¯\(ツ)/¯ But when people tell you to switch are not calling you names … they are just trying to win.

You are free to douth everything, When blizzard made a way for 4 people to lock the DPS role for LFG they in a way say that its ok to do what you want at your own risk.
I can play what i want knowing it will get me reported.
And you can say what you want knowing that it will get you reported.

What are you even talking about.

islam isnt a race its an ideology,

i dont hate people based on their skin colour, where they are from, what sex and or gender they are or what they choose to believe… i hate idiocy because idiocy is a choice no matter how you slice it

Muslims are going to take over, because of one simple fact… they out breed us… and those offspring are indoctrinated before they can speak… so… we die out, they take over… nothing racist about facts… sorry…

I am gonna buy u a mirror , a nice big one.

If i swap or not doesn’t really matter.
You are free to reprot me for anything you want if you think that im a troll pick and such.
Just like im free to report you for anything i want especually when you insolt someone on my team.

I don’t even know what to say.

You are beyond help.

But you know that comedy can backfire on you seen from real life comidiance…

How it’s relevant to the topic? No political slurs, please.

Like right now you are just making people mad with your stupidity, and yes we will get banned from forum for pointing it out to you.

Wicked i hope the best for u but your future doesnt look bright.

With that being said I have no further questions.