There no defense against report system abuse

Not swaping isn’t woth a ban, just like asking for swapping isnt.
Yet you have one-tricks getting banned for this. And you have people getting banned for asking people to swap on top of calling them useless.

liar i never have been ban for asking someone to swap niceley lol

Dude go troll somewhere else.

bye bye troll… back to your bridge its daylight outside

No you and me are no one to judge that player. The SR system is here for that…
If hes bad, calling him bad wont make him good… + you know that if his bad or has a bad game since no one has 100% win rate…

Troll? please explain to me i could go into 20 games and say swap retar* and still not get perma ban this guy knew what he was doing.

Just wait it out. You’ll get eventually punished ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No hope they just lie cause they are mad. Just leave them be they are the once who get reported not you.
Cause everyone who asked for someone to swap was banned lol no its jsut the people who use that as an excuase to flame other players.

i have been punished 4 times never perma you obv messed up big time and got reported for alot more

tra lo lo lo la lo… lo lo lo… lo la lo… troll lo lo la looooooooooool…

Yeah it’s my bad when I don’t like seeing a hammond teammate not getting kills but feeding. I should have just not tell them to switch after all right? /sarcasm

ask him to swap is ok but you dont just do that i know ur kind the lower ranks are full of them you ask to swap then get mad when he dont swap and start syaing nice 0 kills etc this = a report just accept the loss and go next game maybe keep your account that way.

Really dont bother Ryy is obviously Wickedlick’s low educated reinforcements.

You can tell him to swich, the moment you insolt him by telling him his useless is the thing that gets you punished.
You cant say that you dont insolte people when you call then useless.
Thats why the GM didn’t lift the ban of your account.
You’re not banned for asking people to swap you are banned for INSOLTING THEM.

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dont know who he is and from now on every time i enter a game i will ask entire team to swap niceley guess i will get perma next week :frowning:

So If you are doing nothing in a game I can’t tell you that you are doing nothing and you should switch. Now that’s why this thing is so flawed.

yep, you and everyone else, and this game will then die… and blizzard will be stuck with a horse’s reproductive organ in their mouth thinking… “dafuq?”

While I agree on your argument, sadly, this isn’t the case because, as i said earlier, the code of conduct allows anything to be reportable, thanks to the phrasing.

What intruiges me is how the CoC could be rephrased to be clearer and mor specific.

First of, that “could” needs to be gone and changed with “is”:

you may not use language that is rude or offensive to others.

The second paragraph already explains pretty well which kind of expressions aren’t tolerated:

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used.

That seems to explain any negative expression that common sense would consider reportable, wouldn’t it?

Or maybe something is missing :thinking:


you cant say that no because believe it or not there is braindead people in this game and if they thoaght someone was doing nothing but he actually was then he is insulting them and in need of a report why do you think the system is like this?