This game is so trash

you get good? you practice? it’s pretty much a you problem. i can’t even remote see how you’re calling ashe braindead when she requires aim? i’ve played against genji’s and it doesn’t seem that much of an issue but then it might be an issue in higher ranks (but then thats what balancing is for) - thats if it’s even an issue which, based on your post alone, no.

you talk about the “true blizzard” but magically think they apply metas to a game? you also assume other people are bad players because why? because they kill you?

are you referring to yourself in the third person?


Thanks for remembering mate. Appreciated. You kinda lose track of the fact there are sane people on this forum when all your time is spent conversing with trolls.
Unfortunately, I probably look like an insane person to anyone who didn’t read the thread, since the topic got 404’d but I’m glad at least someone remembers. All I have at this point is my word against theirs which doesn’t count for much on the internet. All of GreenDragnDM’s existence was pretty much deleted with that thread. At least Marmite’s troll ventures remain intact for anyone to check just by looking at their activity history.
Oh well, tally-ho.

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no i’m referring to him, but looks like he has his own smurf account now

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not sure why you claim to be sane when you think everybody is marmite (without even the slightest shred of proof) or that everybody else is a troll, or that you can just openly spout abuse towards people.

your word doesn’t matter anyway, you’ll always be the coward who ran away from marmite, got a topic locked and 404’d because you couldn’t deal with them and me at the same time

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You’re welcome.

He keeps getting suspended and coming back. it’s profoundly sad.

Anyway, im a bit late to this sideshow but you should always just ignore him and his alt accounts, he doesn’t have a job or a school to go to and it has become abundantly clear he isn’t bettering himself on any level…this is it for him and you’re feeding the troll.

Note how he never makes his own threads, just post inflammatory nonsense on legitimate posts by real users, sometimes he will upvote himself with his other 3 accounts.

His main strategy is to drag a thread down in the dirt with him because he doesn’t agree with the substance of the post.

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Thank you. I was starting to feel like I was trapped in a parallel reality where the concept of time didn’t exist.

You’re not wrong, I just have a hard time letting trolls run free. Especially trolls with a superiority complex.

Man, you have been around this guy for a while. True, true, and true. Preach. :pray:
It’s sad that this is what some people decide to do with their free time, or rather, what they decide to do because they have no other occupation in life. Think of the dedication it takes to come back and consistently harass people and make up the rules of your own reality, what good that determination could do if it were actually put towards something useful. SMDH.

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again amazingly, i’m not somebody else. i note you have exactly nothing to add to this topic much like you didn’t jollys other topic, but then you are his alt account so i guess it makes sense. you talk about a “strategy to drag a topic down” - you mean like how you, jolly, are doing right now?

whats profoundly sad is people claiming things (sorry one person and their alt) and getting proven wrong, then continuing to troll.

i hope you learn to grow up some day but i can’t see it happening with that ego

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you have the biggest superiority complex i’ve ever seen, let alone here. you keep claiming people are suspended yet get proven wrong. guess that’s one of the reasons you ran away from marmite and are scared of him, he’s walking proof you’re a liar.

what’s sad is you following me into other topics after you had to get mods to close, hide and then 404 your topic just to avoid marmite

I really do hate when people who don’t know what they are talking about come here and act smart . It’s annoying .

I really do hate it when people come here and assume people don’t know what they are talking about and act smug…

its annoying…


When I realized that I stopped being mad at him, now I just feel sorry for him and have moved on.

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Right on man. :v:

You’re quite the Marmite stan aren’t you? Continues to forever be the oddity as instead of trolling me by saying I ran away from you, it’s always how ‘Marmite made me look like a fool’ and ‘Marmite put me in my place.’ :thinking:
The level of insecurity you must have Marmite to feel you need to create a hype-troll smurf account. :laughing:

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By taking a look at your profile, you are one of them , and aswell you’r OW profile…lol

why because I main what you would consider “easy” heros? why does my hero choice effect my knowledge of the game?..

I don’t play them because they are easy I play them because I like them…

no one in their right mind plays bastion for anything other than the fact that they like bastion… 4head…

take your elitism and stuff it up your evacuation Shute… because its not welcome here


No , i just comented that the guy isn’t talking facts and does not know what he is saying , and then you said the same , which isn’t true lol. And i don’t care what you play i just know yall have the same opinion and its getting boring.

its getting boring people defending broken stuff aswell… but it happens…

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I have an idea. Why don’t you all just uninstall Overwatch and instead just fight and argue with each other on the forums instead? We can have a quickplay sub-forum for quick arguments and disagreements and then a competitive forum for real drawn out fights that take forever to settle.

Who needs games. Waste of time.


Lots of bronze debaters here.


well the game is so good that even tea with a empty blond is being watched more then the best ow stream out there .
must be something wrong but you can scream until your lungs bleed fanboys will always be fanboys . just delete the game and play a better one there many out there

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