What is it with people throwing games!? I’m stuck, i can’t go up higher because a high majority of teams just don’t care about winning.
Its just a fun game. Winnings nice, but it isn’t the be all and end all.
Your rank is your rank. Someone throwing a game isn’t really going to make any difference to that over a season.
It’s competitive, it’s not fun when people throw losing dozens of points…
Its just SR.
Your hidden MMR is your actual skill rating. Dont worry about SR. Just do your job and enjoy playing.
If the fun stops. Stop.
The whole point of competitive is to try climb the rating, I want to get to plat but that’s not even going to happen because of this. This is the whole point of competitive, this isn’t Quickplay, I actually want to win as well as have fun, but obviously people enjoy throwing.
OP, we’re halfway into the season and you haven’t even placed.
You don’t sound that competitive to be honest.
What on earth are you talking about? I’m currently gold!
Hm, true, maybe your profile is glitched. This is what I see https://imgur.com/v38aBmQ
Anyway, yeah, people have stopped trying long ago, especially on our servers.
Also game is pretty much dead, there even are long queues for support in plat nowadays.
I play in open queue. I enjoy this game when people actually want to try to win which is the point of competitive. If you wanna have fun and not care then Quickplay is the mode for you. People are ruining competitive for others treating it like Quickplay.
No. The whole point of competitive is to have competitive matches.
“Climbing” is a side quest that happens without worrying about it if you keep improving at the game.
If you sit there worrying about your SR or rank, you’re doing it wrong.
And, open queue is not really a good place to take a sample of the game. Its just random nonsense.
Lol dead game meme.
Its about as far from dead as it can be, for a 5 year old game.
I don’t think you understand the difference.
I’d recommend grouping up, would make your chances alot lower of encountering a thrower.
Games can be competitive without worrying about the result.
A good competitive game is fun win or loss.
SR just lives in your mind rent free stopping you from just playing games with people.
The whole point of competitive is to win and climb the ladders, not to say “Oh it’s just a game, who cares”
You don’t need to worry about that. You worry about improving and having fun, competitive games.
If the improving bit is happening you’ll win more than you lose. And you’ll be responsible for winning more fights.
This in turn will increase your MMR and thus mean you gain more SR when you win.
The result is not that relevant. Wins and losses happen. If all your worried about is climbing, then your main concern should be improving and doing more im a match (increasing your APM).
But if all your worried about is SR and “I must win”. You won’t be having fun and you’ll lose more games.
You literally have no idea what you’re talking about if that’s what you think I’m afraid. And you’re talking about “You will improve”, which has nothing to do with people throwing on purpose.
In theory no.
But what can you do if someone decides to throw, or leave, or use a bot… Report, avoid and move on. They are a pain, but getting annoyed about them doesn’t do you any favours.
You can’t stop them, you can’t control them. So why worry about them.
Focus on your improvements.
No. It’s to get kinda balanced matches where most people try to play seriously. The “real” OW experience happens in tournaments and scrims, not in solo queue.
Don’t focus too much on your SR, focus on becoming a better player: https://youtu.be/VqW7d-QAk-4
It is amazing this this is exactly what I keep telling people. But apparently I am just a “shill” or a Blizzard employee in diguise.
Truth is, I just don’t tilt in game. I don’t worry about things I can’t control.
If we lose and I played badly, I will just blame myself for the loss and look how I can improve.
And the only people I actively avoid are those that are solely playing for SR. They are the ones that tilt so hard it just isn’t fun to play with or against them.