there’s very little point in trying to climb unless you find the process of trying to climb fun despite it being very awkward to do in a team game.
really what it really all comes down to is the main objective of why you are playing the game.
what about it is fun.
That is ridiculous. You think you’re the reason you lose when there are 5 other players in the game? Even when you did all you can, blaming yourself for something you didn’t do is silly.
In the video they compared racing to a match… Racing you’re only racing for yourself, in a match there are 5 other people, do you keep forgetting that you’re not the only person on the team?
Just because you lost a game, doesn’t mean it’s your fault, you’re the problem. I’ve been in plenty of throwing games where people don’t even care. “Let’s play all DPS” for example (Last nights game)
Point of playing competitive is to climb higher, to play with a team that want to win and work together. Not playing with a bunch of slack offs that really don’t care about winning. And you blame yourself for losing with people like that?
Lost your marbles.
But I can’t control what they do.
I can look to see if I could have done more, and being Gold/Plat, the answer is always yes, I could have done more.
You are proving my point though, and the point in the video.
Those who are focus on SR and not improving tend to tilt, get toxic and fail to learn from the mistakes made.
You cannot control your team, or the enemy. Learn from what you do, and learn to maximise the impact you have in a match and do it consistently.
What is the point in climbing if you are not going to improve as a player… as SVB says… you might as well just buy an account, or cheat if all you want is a rank to show off.
And I can play with friends higher than me. I don’t need to “climb” for that. I just play scrims with them. They are insanely hard games, but they are all Masters/GM/T500
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Again, you’re implying the people that lose matches are the problem. Improve this, improve that…
I always know when I’ve made mistakes, i’ve made plenty, I own up to them and apologise to the team, but a very high majority of teams don’t bother cooperating, don’t care about winning and just prat around without a care in the world.
I’d rather play an insanely hard close game than a game lost in 1 minute.
Create a group then.
If someone is messing about. Remove them and find someone else.
Control what you can control.
If you play solo you can’t be worrying about how others play. You have to just ride the wave and do as much as you can.
You can’t lose a game in one minute, unless it’s 2CP in quick play. There’s at least 2 rounds.
One of the big problems I notice in metal ranks is people are prone to tilting incredibly fast. Like “first teamfight is lost, my team sucks, no point in even trying” fast.
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The amount of games I’ve won where you get rolled on defence, struggle on attack. they have 4 mins, you have 1… But you still win because you adjust and deal with the issues you’ve encountered.
That and the enemy getting arrogant lol.
Yes I can, the whole point of competitive is to play with people that want to win and play as a team if not, Quickplay is for you. You shouldn’t have to find people / friends to play with just to gain a chance of winning, peoples mentality of this game in competitive is absurd.
Oh a minute is an over-exaggeration, I mean people winning the point as soon as the game starts (Rush to point, win it)
Yep, but what do you really expect? You want to have fun and you play a role to help the team, and you just can’t be bothered anymore because no-one is listening, and everything you do, all the hard work you put in, is being wasted by throwers.
Your competition is the enemy player, playing the same role as you.
If you are out playing them in every fight, you win more games. Easy rule of thumb.
I want to win when I play any mode. But I know I have to play my best, and when I don’t I need to learn from it. I also know if I don’t win it isn’t the end of the world. If I have played my best and outplayed my counterpart, then I can hold my head up high and move on.
People making mistakes in matches are not throwers. They’ve taken a risk and it hasn’t paid off. Will they learn from that mistake? That is up to them. Nothing you can do about it.
Add me, play some games with me if you want. Not sure what your SR is but I hear your complaints a lot so I can’t imagine you’d be much higher/lower than me.
Think I am
tank - 2.7
dps - 2.4
supp - 2.4
(someone who cares can check if thats right lol)
It’s funny how the throwers are always on your team and not the enemy’s, isn’t it.
Take it from somebody who used to think like you: blaming others for not climbing will just make you miserable. Expecting coordinated team play in solo queue will make you miserable.
Pick a few heroes you want to play, and focus on improving yourself, the only person that is interested in your SR is yourself.
If all you want is a high SR, I’ve made this for you, so that you can stop playing:
Please watch the video I linked, chasing SR will lead to you tilting more and will never make you happy.
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when it comes to Esport games people would have the mindset of League of legends and valorant, even paladins.
So I can understand OP´s mindset when he/she wants to play competitively. The problem is the players of OW are the same kind of people you would find in warcraft battlegrounds. they are just after the kills and rewards.
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Nope, I’ve noticed throwers on the opposite team, and they still won. And games I win i see throwers on the opposite team so no, it’s not just the teams I’m in.
I do… I play Rein / Zarya in most cases, and Roadhog. I often play well playing those heroes and yes, I also play bad and I don’t get “Tilted” at those games because I admit my mistakes, but “Focus on improving yourself” doesn’t stop other people purposely throwing.
Yep, throwing the “I’m gold kill and gold damage, L2P”. I often get that as a tank and all I do is defend my team and throw decent flame strikes. 2 POTGs last night was of my Ultimate and flamestrike kills, but still lost those games even though I was non stop defending my team but yano, shields don’t last forever unless something is done to the people hitting them.
it´s one of the reasons why I’m starting to not like team games. its like school where that bad kid does something wrong and everyone gets punished because of him.
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Just because you get medals, and POTG doesn’t mean you’ve played well.
And even if you did play well, I doubt you are doing it every game, hence why you are “stuck”.
You need to play that well every game.
The tank role has evolved (some say for the worse). Just standing about protecting your team with a shield isn’t enough. And in our ranks… When do you ever see your team actually using the shield.
Nightwing, can I remind you again and again that there are 5 other people in the team.
Nope, not every game, but a high majority of games are full of people that throw. Oh but obviously it’s my fault every time we lose so I just need to ImPrOvE
The whole role of a tank is to protect your team. What else can Reinhart do exactly, since he’s a hero that’s made to protect your team. There’s not much else you can do. It’s not the tanks fault if people choose not to use the shield.
There are. But if you worry about what they are doing more than making sure you are having the biggest impact on the match you can possibly have… Then you will fail.
Reinhart can’t do much more… Which is why he’s so poor atm. (poor guy, my whole reason for buying the game). Too much long range spam damage in the game to make him consistently viable atm sadly.
This is why the tanks in the highest ranks seems to just be Ball and Zarya. With Ball D.Va seeing a lot of pro play atm.
Yes, we are not that good. But we can learn from their reasoning. Is standing about with your shield really getting the most value from your role?
If you want to shield why not play Sigma? he can shield and spam people out, and eat damage.
Or if you are feeling braver, Orissa… she can shield and add consistent damage at a distance.
After that, Ball Zarya D.Va and even Hog just add more value to your team than Rein can.
Rein (unless the conditions fall for him) is a low impact option atm.
Remember, the key is… What value are you adding.
Yes, because it’s high silver, low gold. People throw. But not necessarily intentionally. They just play badly.
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Just lost another game because of a leaver. I guess it’s my fault though lol
No. But what can you do about it?
What do you want anyone else to do about it?
These are questions.
and a 5v6 is not an instant loss. It is harder, but not lost.
Valorant had this thing where you can´t leave at all. it was terrible as a new player cause you just want to run away when others are being toxic x.x was lucky I was with a friend, she did most of the talking.