Tracer - The highest skill ceiling hero is the worst

Tracer is the worst hero in the game! Here are some reasons:

-Ultimate doesn`t do anything really
-Does only 120 damage per clip to armored Targets which are the strongest
-almost every hero has a possible oneshot against her
-can get stunned through blink and recall which teleports her back but also takes up cooldown
-gets out damaged by lucio and mercy against armor

… while she is the highest skill ceiling hero in the game.

Does that sound fair to you blizz? Be honest shouldn´t the heroes you have to put in the most time to be good be the strongest? Wouldn´t that make sense and be rewarding for someone like me who has put over 2000 hours on that hero on all my accounts combined on her?

Here are some reasons on how to “fix” Tracer´s situation:

-Gets armor penetrating bullets (she avoids armor damage reduction basically) which means she could be a counter to Brigitte also
-Pulsebomb damage goes back to 400hp
-fix blink and recall
-give her a passive that lets her get back to 150hp with every healthpack

You don´t have to implement all of these suggestions but as a Tracer Main who has played since beta on xbox and has reached top 500 on pc and xbox I think I know what I´m talking about.

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4th picked dps in GrandMaster after Genji & Snipers doesn’t need a buff for sure

Try to play Soldier:76 and say again Tracer is the worst hero in the game

If you’re in the top 500 as Tracer what’s the issue? Also “muh skill”.


I don’t think you should expect that much for the time it takes to charge. (though that’s just my opinion)

But she can one clip 200 hp targets without armor (which is still really useful)
Besides every hero does less damage towards armor.

Every hero can get stunned during an ability (except Zen’s ult)

Why should she get that? She isn’t a tank buster (and even Reaper does less damage toward armor). Brigitte was actually supposed to be a Tracer counter, not the other way around.

Again why does Tracer of all heroes deserve this?

this isn’t supposed to be seen as an insult, but i feel like you want Tracer to be buffed because you main her. (sorry if that sounded rude)

I mostly just want some minor fixes.

Like how blinking near walls and especially some doors will sometimes have you go nowhere.

In this example, if you look at the second blink. I’m able to walk perfectly straight without colliding with any geometry, yet my blink is still being blocked.

Also would be lovely if some of the latency based kinks could be looked at.

I wouldn’t go as far as calling her the worst hero in the game though.
She can still be very strong in the right situations. She may not be a 1trick hero like she once was though. She could possible even be falling into the more niche category, as Sombra often seem like a more favorable choice.
(EMP and superior scouting is soo strong)

Tracer’s role is not to take down Tanks but rather squishy target and nope Brigitte is a counter to Tracer even if she got nerfed to filfth don’t reverse the position

And then go back to the Zarya/Tracer combo that even Zenyatta ult can’t counter, no thanks

Explain “fix”

Why her and not the others ?

You just sound like you want Tracer to be OP

as a tracer main I still think she’s fine and doesn’t need a buff. Ok she is an easy widow 1 shot, but can avoid open spaces with high mobility. She doesn’t need any more damage for sure, and she can blink over to health packs fast enough. She deals in kills if played right, and the only way you can think her ult is bad if you are the sort of player who stands still, throws the bomb at the floor and kill yourself with it. Blink behind a pocketed orisa, chuck bomb and double/triple kill no probs - just needs to be used right

Tracer isn’t the highest skill ceiling hero.
She cant even use range. Her M1 attack has a spread making it RNG at sertan rages.

Highest skill ceilling heroes are Genji Mccree Ashe and Widowmaker and maybe after them its Tracer.

Genji has like 10 animation cancels and combos. Not to metnion the fact that a good genji can out preform the animations that happen on screen. Doing combos so fast, that they can’t be shown or seen.
Mccree Ashe and Widow need perfect aiming or they don’t do anything in high rank.

Like on Genji you can dash so fast that the game doesn’t pick up when when you are rotating 180 degree and you have to do that of pure memory/reflex.

Just look at this clip, you’ll need to watch it in slow mo and you still won’t see the animation from when his rotating to dash the other way, because pros know exactly how much they need to move the most for a 180. And they do that before the animation lock on his 1st dash ends.

And something funny to point out, in todays meta they’ll just shatter or grav or sound wave the genji, and all this skill gets wasted by tading 1 ult for 2. smh

Junkrat has the highest skill ceiling :japanese_goblin:

I used to be a Widow main, but are now playing Tracer more often.
My Tracer hours are probably around twice my Widow hours at this point (if you count time in PUGs and such which doesn’t appear on your total play time).
I find Tracer to be overall much more challenging to play, but i see just as much potential if not more than Widow.
Both can create space, and have very good pick potential, although Widows is higher.
Tracer on the other hand has the ability to get around shields and are more capable of creating opportunities rather than just take advantage of them.

Because Tracer only has 150 hp and the spread forces her to fight close range, she will have to keep track of close to every single enemies position and cooldowns on top of her own, if she wishes to stay alive and deal any meaningful damage while she blinks around in a fight & looks for opportunities.

She also have to be able to do 180’s with great precision pretty much instantly. In fact you need to be able to turn to any angle with the same precision for every single blink.
She also have combos you need to be well practiced in, like melee blinks, blink bomb blink/recall and so on.
To hit one of these you need to know the exact blink distance and how much you need to turn, and it should happen so fast it appears almost instantaneous.

Widow on the other hand stands at long range where she can see most of the fight, and only really have to worry about the few heroes who can contest her. She has close to 0 combos that needs practicing, other than maybe Jump scoping which really isn’t that difficult to time right.
She is mostly about being able to find angles and click heads. Which is one of the big reasons she is seen as a high skill ceiling hero.

But to say that heroes like Widow has a higher skill ceiling is very arguable.
Tracer simply requires a different set of skills and i would argue is well deserving of being called among the highest skill ceiling heroes.

I will happily agree to not call her the single highest skill ceiling hero, but simply group her with the others.

I main Tracer and I think she’s fine. Yes she can be weak in certain situations but that’s the purpose of this game. Play different heroes for different situations until you win. That’s why although I have loads of hours on her, I still tend to flex play. That’s the purpose of this game. I do still think her bomb needs a buff though. Yes 400 is too much especially since it can just 1 shot Orisa but maybe bring it up to 350? Or revert it to 400 maybe 450 dmg but in exchange have a longer ult charge. (Because Bastion sentry is an actual thing that’s so annoying.) It’s an ultimate, it’s supposed to be game changing and not a small bite to the dick. I don’t think having the enemy survive her ULTIMATE with abilities like Transcendence is fair when you can literally kill an enemy in Trans by headshotting as Widow which BTW is not even and ult but a secondary fire ability.

At least a higher one than Widow. He has to know where he stands at least.^^

You aren’t supposed to be fighting tanks, and brig is meant to counter you and genji. So no, no armour piercing bullets.

pulsebomb got nerfed for a reason, again, you’re not meant to be fighting tanks.

Your job is to harrass the backline and healers/squishy targets.

you’re a flanker, learn to dodge and recall works just fine, just learn to time. If you can’t time it so you get the hp correctly that’s your problem.

you claim you’re top 500 yet don’t seem to know the basics of her kit?

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Tracer and bad lmao, nice b8

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Op is a T500 Tracer player, can we try to not to come with plat level lectures and argue that OP just needs to learn to play?

A T500 Tracer main probably knows how to play Tracer.
The thing is, every opponents at that level also have much more knowledge on how to play against her.
Any strat that may seem obvious to lower ranks won’t necessarily work the same at higher ranks, and believing it does only serves to hold you back.

It can still oneshot an otherwise troublesome enemy, like Brigitte or McCree. Or a healer that you can’t easily get to. Ofc it doesn’t if the rest of their team is awake, like save them with zarya bubble etc, but then it was 1v2 already.

Personally I think Tracer is fine… in her job. Any buffs would elevate her back to the god status she used to be in.

Headshotting tracer is easy? Body shot is oneshot only with damage boost…

Genji is deffinitely tier 1 difficutlty I agree with that but widow and mcree are much easier than tracer.
Widow and mcree are pretty straight forward. Sure they require a lot top aiming but so does tracer, the difference is that they require less positioning and game sense than genji and tracer and thats why they are easier.

Aiming requerament get lower the closer you are to your target.
Trace isnt even a cannon type hero like Mccree, Ashe and Widow.
Shes spray and pray. I don’t think Tracer is harder then the other hit scans. But shes just behind them. Tracer needs only tracking. Other once use Tracking, flicking etc.
But this is my opinion its not a proven fact.
As well as when you are facing vs Tracer, you need to predict her dashes.
Tracer just plays from what she sees.

Tracking requires you to constantly keep your crosshair on the target.
Unlike Zarya/Symmtra, a Tracer wants to headshot which means you want to aim for the neck, within a slightly bigger area than a normal head hitbox rather than anywhere on the body.

Flicking only requires you to have the crosshair on the target for the split second you shoot.

Many Widows, Mccrees and Ashes won’t rely too much on tracking because it’s often much harder to be precise enough for what is required.
Instead they may use soft tracking to keep the crosshair near the target so you in turn only need to make small flicks. This increases the consistency.
But generally you almost always see them do flick shots. Unless the target is standing still or move in a very predictable pattern.

Sure when you get closer to a target they become bigger, and spread weapons are able to hit more pellets. But at closer range any movement also has a much more drastic effect, which in turn can make it harder to hit.

Most of the time Tracer want to make sure She’s within her optimal range of about 4-8m or just outside the enemies optimal range. That means to always keep the enemies movement in mind so you can compensate to stay within this range.

For Widow the effective range is anything above the closest you feel comfortable at.
Personally I feel rather comfortable aiming at anything above ~8m on Widow.
Although i will ofc try to stay outside of the enemies effective range as much as possible.

May i ask how much experience you have on Tracer?

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Op claims to be t500 yet speaks like they’re bronze? They whine about tanks and armour something that’s meant to not take much damage from tracer.

her ult that got nerfed because top tier tracers were farming and bombing tanks.

Recall not giving instant 150 because they somehow don’t know how to count to 3

apparently get stunned through blink and recall (which if true, is probably more skill on the enemies part for bait-and-timing)

almost every hero has a oneshot (tip no, they don’t)

outdamaged by mercy and lucio against armour. Already addressed this, and considering how their damage works vs tracers, a top 500 should know this.

so yeah, if they’re t500, they’re boosted hardcore.