Unfun/ No skill heros/abilities in competitive deathmatch

I honestly hate the new competitive deathmatch mode. and the only reason is no skill and RNG based heros geting to much rewards for doing nothing.

Heros or abilities in this category goes as following
The entire kit of Junkrat
Brigite stun
Mccree stun-fan
Entire Kit of Mei
Moira no aim and RNG ball
Sombra hack litterly makes you useless to everything and she can hack every healthpack on the map.

But most annoying and unfun heros is really Junkrat and moira. by only using junkrat and moira a bronze player could probably make it in to T500.

i would like to get everyones else opinion of all this.


Easy , dont play skill reliant heroes yourself

@KolorRed wow what a good idea such fun basically only playing heros like road mccree or moira for cc or selfhealing and no aim
its bad enough that killstealing is viable in this mode so much without being actually too good but cc everywhere is too much

to beat cancer you must become cancer
or just uninstall, that’s what i do as soon as i get the orisa skin


There’s no such thing as a “no-skill hero”. Every hero needs their own amount of skill, in their own ways.


Ok you are right but there is heros that of a scale of 1-100 they would get a 5 in the skill scale

I already answered a similar post about competitive FFA, skill, and why Competitive FFA doesn’t work so I’m just going to past it here:



Decided to try out competitive ffa, despite hating the regular
-joins game
-mercy’s skin charity couldn’t cover that amount of cancer, most people playing brigitte/moira/cornercamping mccree and other annoying and op stuff
-“i might get lucky next game”
-actually doing well with hanzo (2nd place without scatter 2.OP)
-gets disconnected
-joins within a minute, all stats unsaved
-match ends
-gets suspended for 30 minutes

sounds like a problem only u can solve


Yet another competitive mode I won’t touch with a barge pole. Can’t bring myself to take games seriously.

Anyway, despite knowing the roster of characters… did you expect people NOT to play characters that would give them an advantage in a competitive mode?

> not using le meme arrows

I was so freaking hyped about the mode when I saw it in the update, was really looking forward to play the new map because it looks amazing and I was also happy I will be able to play alone against people of the same skill and get some competitive points from the mode…
Well what I experienced so far is literally pain. It is a FFA DM for god’s sake, mode where it’s only about individual’s skill and you can show what you are capable of doing but instead of people tryharding with dps and actually playing the mode like it should be played they mostly pick heroes like Symmetra, Moira and Brigitte… So people who actually try to play the mode and get high SR in it get overplayer by people who can’t aim at all. Having self-heal heroes in a FFA mode is just dumb and it shouldn’t be a thing, it totally ruins the main point of the game.
Second thing that’s just pure bs is that you only get points for final blows… I finished a game with McCree with 27 damn assists! Majority of them were 80-90% damage to the enemy but someone just tickles them with a Moira beam or a lucky hit that’s not even aimed for them and gets the point for it. That’s just wrong, every assist above ~75% should count as a kill because at this point people who steals the most final blows wins the match.
This mode has such a great potential and I would enjoy playing it because I don’t have to rely on my team and can just play for myself but this just totally ruins it for me and from what people say in chat during the matches I am not the only one.
Remove self-heal from the mode, make assists above 75% count as kills and it will be much better

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This game mode has actually a really low potential as a competitive game. I do not hate the game mode but I only explain why it doesn’t work as a competitive mode:

  1. Point System
    As in any other death Match, you get points by dealing the final blow at an opponent. Just like you explained, the amount of damage dealt doesn’t matter. Heros with high hits per second like Moira or Symmetra are thus in great advantage.
  2. Overwatch - the asymmetrical hero shooter
    This game is no ordinary shooter: Each hero has their unique gameplay mechanics with their advantages and disadvantages. Naturally, some heroes can outplay or counter others and a “Rock-Paper-Scissor” system occurs where your chances of winning differ against each hero. This makes a “fair” deathmatch impossible and leads to “meta-picks” where everyone chooses the hero with the highest average advantage against other heroes.
  3. "Skill" in deathmatch
    Since the only way to get points is to deal the final blow, it only shows what your skills in kill stealing and survival are. Overall performance doesn’t matter at all and might not affect the rankings. Due to the asymmetrical hero roster, each hero has a counter. This makes measuring performance impossible because you will win against one hero and lose against another, even if you perform equally well in both fights.

Due to the Points system and asymmetrical hero roster, deathmatch cannot show your performance and skill in fighting, which is why competitive FFA is apparently failing.

The only way to create a truly competitive FFA ist to, first, change the points system (Example elimination = 1p; final blow = 3p; win at 60p) and, second, to force every player to play the same hero, so no one has an advantage or disadvantage.

However, I highly doubt that anyone in Overwatch would like to play an FFA game where you have to play a specific hero that might not be your favorite one.


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“looks at title” … you don’t say …

Have you tried playing all the heroes on your skill level?

I find it funny how people always find a way to blame their losses on their team.
Now its FFA and the team is you, you manage to find a way how to blame others for your loss. There is just 0 chance that you might actually suck. No no no nononono. The game is just stupid bad and everyone else is stupid, Im the best and I really really hate this game because Im the best but I cant show it because others.

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Is not about the heroes , is about the way FFA mode is designed. This isn’t actually a competitive mode, and it doesn’t show your skill no matter what hero you pick. What is unbalanced is the mode itself , when people can just run around and ks since only the final blows count for a win.

The fact that you put McCree under “no skill”-heroes makes it quite obvious that your analysis is lacking :slight_smile:

If you are skilled at McCree you will take out any or the characters you mention quite easily, possibly except for junkrat.

So many people CRYING about this game mode, JUST DON’T PLAY IT THEN.
No one is making you play and if you do not find it “fun” then just don’t f*cking play it :triumph:

what the actual fukk, Blizzard?!

You made the deathmatch mode competetive?
Are you serious?
Is your company run by interns only?

Due to the nature of Overwatch’s hero roaster, competetive mode was NEVER ballanced.
Certain heroes where just unfair picks.

  • Roadhog for instance. He’s just unable to kill. You ignored all our pleas to adjust Roadhog to competetive.

  • Then you introduced Moira, who’s bouncing balls of death just give her more accidental kills than junkrat.

  • And when we thought, it couldn’t become worse, you introduced Brigitte - a support tank, that can kill most DPS-heroes in a 1on1 by flailing away, stunning and knocking them around so badly, that we all wish to rather die by Reinhardts hammer.

I still played Deathmatch, because it wasn’t ranked. Ranked became so annoyingly obnoxious (toxicity, selfish players, you all know it) that I hated playing it. I am a casual player and I do not want to spend time looking for a group that I can trust - just so I can play ranked properly.

Hence I went to deathmatch, where I had to rely on myself and could only blame myself for mistakes and stuff.
However, since above mentioned heroes are unfair to play against, I occasionally left games with too many of them and rejoined another DM game.

But now?! You totally ruined this mode for me - and I bet - for many others.
“Don’t play it, then”, I can hear the little kids scream.
Yes, you brainless followers and fanboys, this is probably what will happen. You would’ve been great supporters of the national socialists in WW II.

Screw you, Blizzard!

P.S. Your DM score board is total s#it. In all that time you didn’t manage to fix it. When 2 players have the same number of kills, the score board ignores numbers of assists (more = better) and/ or numbers of deaths (less = better). Those 2 players are randomly ordered. But go on, let the interns do more “improvements”.