Unfun/ No skill heros/abilities in competitive deathmatch

lets go in a 1v1 and hack you as you are using tracer and see how fun it is

Hard counters in a hero-based game are necessary.

Edit: My game has been running at less than 30 FPS lately tho soooo xd

let me hack you as you are using any hero and se how fun it is in a 1v1

Sounds good to me my dude

only thing im really trying to say that hack is a "unfun/no skill) ability

Unfun, sure, but not “no skill”
The new “buffs” to hack have made it harder to land than it was before the “fix”. The new LoS checks cause the hack to break over literally nothing sometimes. By far, as buggy or more buggy than Doomfist
Edit: Not to mention, unlike a lot of other CC abilities and self-healing, there is counterplay. Dip or shoot the sombra, and you’ve won the fight as long as she doesn’t dip herself

But some heroes require much less skill than others for the same (if not better) effectivity

The entire kit of Junkrat
Brigite stun

Can’t disagree with you there (But seriously, for Brig try to get behind/to the side of her shield while she’s occupied. For Junk try to get into an open area).

Mccree stun-fan

McCree isn’t that good in the current meta and he would be literal trash without it, so I think it should stay, but you’re right that the combo is unfun.

The entire kit of Mei

Sure, she’s cheesy, but it’s not hard to counter her.

Moira no aim and RNG ball

I think the ball does too much damage but it isn’t RNG and the rest of her kit is fine

Sombra hack litterly makes you useless to everything and she can hack every healthpack on the map.

Eh, it’s unfun, but if you’re consistently losing to Sombra it’s your fault.

except every hero in the game takes aim positioning and game sense. and those that take no aim except for Winston are automatically easier, then throw in Korea in moira who doesn’t take great positioning either? lol

This is(amongst other reasons) why i don’t play it, didn’t even try.
Why are you struggling with something You hate?

You can pick any of those and still enjoy competetive DM though.

Easy , dont play skill reliant heroes yourself