Wave of false bans for cheating?

Me and my friends got banned for “hacking” on smurfs, even though we never used any hack and I personally mostly play on my main(which is 6yo). I also saw 5-6 streamers on twitch with similar problem. Blizzard support never discusses this type of bans and won’t give any info. But there is some problem for sure, for the past weak I saw a lot of people with similar situation

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Maybe it’s bans for smurfing? If history has shown me anything with Overwatch it’s that a lot of people use the smurf accusation when they get outplayed so if you’re admitting to smurfing, you’re basically getting reported by multiple people on the daily and eventually it adds up and might result in a ban.

As for the streamers, who knows. It’s also not outside the realms of possibility that Blizzard report system has problems and mistakes were made but since you admit to openly smurfing, that’s the first possibility that comes to mind

If they’ve deemed your alt accounts to be deliberately kept outside of your normal skill range (ie you want to play with lower ranked friends and such), chances they have flagged you for boosting.

They don’t discuss the bans no. And technically you discussing it on the forums is against the forum code of conduct, so they might shut this thread down too.

i also got banned on my 15 year old account, no cheat software at all on my pc. i am fuming. i have appealed twice, they will not disclose what evidence they have

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They don’t have to disclose anything. And they don’t have to explain. It’s in the ToS service that you agreed to that they can remove your access whenever they like.

That’s doubtful, I mean someone familiar on the forums isn’t banned yet for that reason. xD

If you think someone is smurfing. Name them and supply proof.

Because if you are accusing me, that is as laughable as your claim that Moira take more aim than Genji.


Unlike you, I have nothing to hide and my profiles are open for all to see.

Whatever you say Nightwing.

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Again. You are just trolling and calling me by someone elses name. Gary.

Now, tell me how I am smurfing. I have nothing to hide.

It’s ok, you didn’t do too well on Nightwing given the time played, so I don’t blame you for making a new account and popping up not even a day after “he” leaves.

As long as you’re having fun!

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Again Gary, I have no idea who they are. So that is your issue not mine.

You still haven’t told me how I am smurfing with either of my 2 accounts.

As I said, unlike you I have nothing to hide. My 2 profiles are open for everyone to judge.

Yeah you posted with a completely different account not so long ago but haven’t posted on it since, figures. You can say you have “2 Profiles”, but I know different. :slight_smile:

You mean Roku. Which is the second linked profile provided above.

You “know” different. How, do you have my log in details?

You’ve already been proven to be a liar by another person on these forums which posted a screenshot of your abuse, that you denied and claimed it was fake, and how easy it is to fake something like that, when even I had clear knowledge of, and evidence.

So yeah, I don’t believe a word you say because you’re just a troll.


They posted edited photos. Yes.

I even showed how easily it could be faked, with proof of how I did it.

You still haven’t told me how I am smurfing with my 2 accounts. At least I haven’t thrown games to drop 800sr.

No, they did not lmao. I even had the notification on my bnet account that you edited your post back then, on that same day.


Cool. I have one that you deleted your posts about you getting a 30 day suspension so you could lie about not getting one.

Aww check you out bringing up the same thing over n over again. Lost your argument? Cute.

And what were you doing?

Still can’t answer a simple question though. You made an accusation that I was smurfing. Still haven’t proved it.

got 2 unhonest bans this week.How to avoid future bans?No information!PAny solve?

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